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By: Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov (1814-1841)

Book cover Six lyrics from the Ruthenian of Taras Shevchenko, also The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov from the Russian of Mikhaíl Lermontov

Poetry by two radical poets, born in the same year, who suffered exile and punishment under the Tsarist Russian empire. Taras Shevchenko is celebrated as the founder of Ukrainian literature , while Lermontov wrote in Russian. Both died young, Lermontov in a duel and Shevchenko as a result of his sufferings in exile. This collection includes Ethel Voynich's moving biography of Taras Shevchenko and translations of six short lyrics written over the course of his life, as well as her translation of Lermontov's narrative poem, The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov. - Summary by Phil Benson

By: F. W. Harvey (1888-1957)

Book cover Love Poems

F. W. Harvey was an English poet, broadcaster and solicitor. These poems, taken from his 1921 collection Farewell, embody his love of nature, his native Gloucestershire and his beloved. - Summary by Newgatenovelist

By: Romain Rolland (1866-1944)

Book cover Handel

As Romain Rolland indicates in the preface, this book is a brief sketch of the life and technique of Handel. He provides biographical background and addresses the operas, oratorios, clavier compositions, chamber music, and orchestral compositions. Images of musical examples mentioned by Rolland can be found in the printed text. The text also includes a list of Handel's works organized by category and chronology.

By: Herbert Francis Peyser (1886-1953)

Book cover Mendelssohn And Certain Masterworks

In the compass of the present pamphlet it is impossible to give more than a cursory survey of Mendelssohn’s happy but extraordinarily crowded life. He was only slightly less prolific a composer than such masters as Bach, Mozart or Schubert, even if he did not reach the altitude of their supreme heights. But irrespective of the quality of much of his output, the sheer mass of it is astounding, the more so when we consider the extent of his travels and the unceasing continuity of his professional and social activities, which immensely exceeded anything of the kind in the career of Schubert or Bach. - Summary by Author's Foreword

By: Various

Book cover Selections from The Army and Navy Hymnal, Volume 1

This collection was a joint effort by the chaplains of the US Army and the Navy to meet the needs of divine services conducted in the Army and Navy, and for, in the compilers' words, "the upbuilding up patriotic citizenship." These 20 hymns from the book were selected by the singers. "Fairest Lord Jesus" sung by Kimberly Krause and TriciaG "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" sung by by Dulcimergirl and Kimberly Krause

By: Edward Baxter Perry (1855-1924)

Book cover Descriptive Analyses of Piano Works

A look at the poetic motivations behind certain piano works. An understanding of these pieces on purely poetic grounds, with little insight into the technical or objective side of the music. How to understand the pieces in terms of an assumed poetical meaning for performer and listener.

By: Anonymous

Book cover Lily Of The West

"Lily of the West is an Irish folk poem. Some say it is a metaphor for the Irish life after emigrating to America." .

By: Herbert Francis Peyser (1886-1953)

Book cover Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart’s earthly career was so poignantly short yet so filled with incalculable achievement that the author of this booklet finds himself confronted with an impossible task. He has, consequently, preferred to outline as best he could in the space at his disposal a few successive details of a life that was amazingly crowded with incident, early triumphs, and subsequent crushing tragedies, rather than to consider (let alone evaluate) the staggering creative abundances the master bequeathed mankind.

By: Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

Book cover J.S. Bach, Volume 1

An analysis of Johann Sebastian Bach's life and musical compositions, and of the artistic, philosophical, and religious world in which he acted. (Introduction by Kathleen Norland)

By: Various

Book cover Selections from The Army and Navy Hymnal, Volume 2

This collection was a joint effort by the chaplains of the US Army and the Navy to meet the needs of divine services conducted in the Army and Navy, and for, in the compilers' words, "the upbuilding of patriotic citizenship." These 20 hymns from the book were selected by the singers.

By: Otto Jahn (1813-1869)

Book cover Life of Mozart Volume 1

An in depth look into the life of one of the greatest ever composers and musicians. Mozart was truly a gifted individual and this is an interesting look at both his family life and his musical career.

By: Robert Burns (1759-1796)

Book cover Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary?

A LibriVox' Weekly Poetry tribute to Robbie Burns on the upcoming Robbie Burns Day. (January 25) Robert Burns (also known as Robbie Burns, Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, Robden of Solway Firth, the Bard of Ayrshire and in Scotland as The Bard) was a Scottish poet and lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a light Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland...

By: Herbert Francis Peyser (1886-1953)

Book cover Schubert And His Works

This is a short introduction to Franz Schubert’s life and works. “…to give the casual radio listener a slight idea of Schubert’s inundating fecundity and inspiration. Like Bach, like Haydn, like Mozart, Schubert’s capacity for creative labor staggers the imagination… Volumes would not exhaust the wonder of his myriad creations. If this tiny book serves to heighten even a little the reader’s interest in such songs, symphonies, piano or chamber works of Schubert as come to his attention over the air it will have achieved the most that can be asked of it.” This book was published by The Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York.

By: Various

Book cover Favorite Hymns 01

From the earliest period of history, God's people have found joy in expressing their praise to Him in song. This is a collection of 30 favorite public domain hymns of the Christian church. Summary by bookAngel7

By: Pitts Sanborn (1879-1941)

Book cover Ludwig Van Beethoven

The late Pitts Sanborn wrote this booklet under the title Beethoven and his Nine Symphonies... I have left Mr. Sanborn’s pages on the symphonies virtually intact and have only expanded the work a little by incorporating here and there matter about other major works of Beethoven’s, especially some of the concertos, overtures, piano and vocal works, besides certain of the greater specimens of his chamber music.,,, I have followed it in order to supply a rather fuller picture of the composer’s creative achievements. - Summary by Editor's Note

By: Louis Biancolli (1907-1992)

Book cover Tschaikovsky And His Orchestral Music

Included in this little book are analyses and backgrounds of most of Tschaikowsky’s standard concert music. A short sketch of Tschaikowsky’s life precedes the section devoted to the orchestral music. Yet, the personal outlook and moods of Russia’s great composer are so inextricably bound up with his music, that actually the whole booklet is an account of his strangely tormented life. In the story of Tschaikowsky, life and art weave into one closely knit fabric. It is hoped that this simple narrative will aid music lovers to glimpse the great pathos and struggle behind the music of this sad and lonely man. - Summary by Author's Foreword

By: Herbert Francis Peyser (1886-1953)

Book cover Joseph Haydn; Servant And Master

Haydn, barring a few hardships in his youth, lived an extraordinarily fortunate life and had abundant reason for the optimism which marked every step of his progress.... Haydn was a master by the grace of Heaven and a servant only by the artificial conventions of a temporary social order... About the vast number of symphonies, the magnificent string quartets, the clavier works, the songs there can here be no question. - Summary by Author's Foreword

Book cover George Frideric Handel

Handel’s long career resembles a gigantic tapestry, so bewilderingly crowded with detail, so filled with turmoil and vicissitude, with vast achievements, extremes of good and ill fortune, and unending comings and goings that any attempt to force even a small part of it into the frame of a tiny, unpretentious booklet of the present sort is as hopeless as it is presumptuous.... Handel was time and again a composer of exquisitely delicate colorations, and sensuous style, not to say a largely unsuspected master of many subtle intricacies of rhythm...

By: Nina Ruth Davis Salaman (1877-1925)

Book cover Voices of the Rivers

Nina Salaman was a noted scholar, translator and columnist. As well as translating medieval Hebrew poetry, she was a poet in her own right. This collection, first published in 1910, shows her remarkable grace.

By: Herbert Francis Peyser (1886-1953)

Book cover Richard Strauss

There was not much truly spectacular about the course of [Strauss's] life, which was most happily free from the material troubles which bedeviled the existence of so many great masters... If “Salome” and “Elektra”, “Ein Heldenleben” and “Till Eulenspiegel” were in their day scandalously “sensational” did not the whirligig of time reveal them as incontestable products of genius, irrespective of inequalities and flaws? However Richard Strauss compares in the last analysis with this or that master he contributed to the language of music idioms, procedures and technical accomplishments typical of the confused years and conflicting ideals out of which they were born...

Book cover Robert Schumann, Tone Poet Prophet And Critic

[This is] the sketchiest outline of Robert Schumann’s short life but amazingly rich achievement. Together with Haydn and Schubert he was, perhaps, the most completely lovable of the great masters. It is hard, moreover, to think of a composer more strategically placed in his epoch or more perfectly timed in his coming. Tone poet, fantast, critic, visionary, prophet—he was all of these! And he passed through every phase, it seemed, of romantic experience. The great and even the semi-great of a fabulous period of music were his intimates—personages like Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Moscheles, Ferdinand David, Hiller, Joachim, Brahms...

By: Augusta Webster (1837-1894)

Book cover English Stornelli

In this sequence Augusta Webster experimented with eight-line verses grouped thematically by the seasons of the year. These poems also explore the cyclical stages of life from youth, courtship and parenthood through age and loss. Summary by Newgatenovelist.

By: Alexander Wheelock Thayer (1817-1897)

Book cover Life of Ludwig Van Beethoven, Vol. 1

The first of three volumes of the first scholarly biography of Ludwig van Beethoven. Covers the years 1770-1802. - Summary by Zain Solinski

By: Louis Fitzgerald Benson (1855-1930)

Book cover Best Church Hymns

This 1898 book is the result of a survey of 107 hymn-books. The thirty-two hymns are ranked in order of popularity. The texts in this recording are said only, not sung, along with a few explanatory notes for each hymn . The texts are preceded by two essays concerning hymns and their standards. Benson was an American Presbyterian minister who edited several hymnals. - Summary by David Wales

By: Gladys Davidson

Book cover Stories From The Operas

"Owing to the appreciation which has been accorded to my three series of "Stories from the Operas," it has been decided to re-issue the collection in one volume, and to include in this additional stories of new and popular operas recently produced in England.The plan of the work, as before, is to present all the incidents of each libretto in the clear, readable form of a short story; and it is hoped that the combined volume will continue to prove of interest, not only to opera-goers but to all lovers of dramatic tales. The three volumes have been entirely reset and re-collated in a manner which it is hoped will make them easier for reference." - Summary by Gladys Davidson

By: Theodore Wratislaw (1871-1933)

Book cover Some Verses

Theodore Wratislaw was a fin de siècle poet and a less famous Decadent author than some of his contemporaries. This short collection of verse was first published in 1892.

Book cover Orchids

Theodore Wratislaw was a fin de siècle poet and a less famous Decadent author than some of his contemporaries. This short collection of verse was first published in 1896.

By: Lawrence Gilman (1878-1939)

Book cover Stories of Symphonic Music

'A guide to the meaning of important symphonies, overtures and tone-poems from Beethoven to the present day'. Gilman became notorious for scathing reviews of compositions later to become classics. Here he analyzes the stories behind some famous and not so famous works. - Summary by Lynne Thompson

By: Mary Coleridge (1861-1907)

Book cover Poems

Mary Coleridge was a novelist, essayist and biographer. She was also a talented poet, and her posthumously published verses are variously meditative, joyous, gothic, wistful and devotional.

By: Henry Lawson (1867-1922)

Book cover Verses Popular And Humorous (Version 2)

Verses, Popular and Humorous was the second collection of poems by Australian poet Henry Lawson. It features some of the poet's earlier major works, including "The Lights of Cobb and Co", "Saint Peter" and "The Grog-An'-Grumble-Steeplechase". Most of the poems in the volume had been written after the publication of In the Days When the World was Wide and Other Verses in 1896. The original collection includes 66 poems by the author that are reprinted from various sources. Later publications split the collection into two separate volumes: Popular Verses and Humorous Verses, though the contents differed from the original list...

By: Elizabeth Siddal (1829-1862)

Book cover Selected Poems

Elizabeth Siddal was a British poet, artist and model. Her poems were not published in a single volume in her lifetime; this collection brings together fifteen of her verses on themes such as loss and relationships. Summary by Newgatenovelist

By: Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586)

Book cover Double Sestina - Ye Goatherd Gods

volunteers bring you recordings of Double Sestina - Ye Goatherd Gods by Phillip Sidney. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for May 5, 2019. ------ Poem is included in the book "Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia" Ye Goatherd Gods" depicts the sorrows of two shepherds who love the same woman. She has left them both, however, and the two shepherds are dejected and heartbroken. They appeal to the gods, to nature, and to the heavens in their angst, and everything they see is altered because of their sorrows...

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