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By: Asa Gray (1810-1888)

Book cover Natural Science and Religion

Asa Gray was a highly-regarded botanist at Harvard University and a friend and collaborator of Charles Darwin. As a Christian, Gray was concerned with the disconnect developing through the nineteenth century between the growing understanding of the natural world and the traditional worldview assumed by orthodox Christianity. This book presents two lectures he gave to theology students at Yale College in which he argues that a disconnect is not inevitable, but that a Christian perspective can and should incorporate current understanding of the world provided by natural science. - Summary by BarryGanong

By: Darby Bible

Book cover Bible (DBY) NT 09: Galatians

The Darby Bible consists of a translation of the New Testament by John Nelson Darby, originally published in 1867, and a translation of the Old Testament, included in later editions of the text, completed by Darby's students after his death. - Summary by Aaron Hultstrand

By: George Frederick Kunz (1856-1932)

Book cover Curious Lore of Precious Stones

Full title is "The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, being a description of their sentiments and folklore, superstitions, symbolism, mysticism, use in medicine, protection, prevention, religion, and divination, crystal gazing, birthstones, lucky stones, and talismans, astral, zodiacal, and planetary." Just about everything you ever wanted to know about precious stones, aside from their formation, acquisition, and chemical composition. - Summary by TriciaG

By: John Tulloch (1823-1886)

Book cover Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy volume 1

This work addresses the birth and development of a rationalist stream in the Christianity of England in the seventeenth century. In this volume, Tulloch focuses on five latitudinarian churchmen, examining their lives and thought. - Summary by Barry Ganong

By: Grace Livingston Hill (1865-1947)

Book cover Pansies for Thoughts

The young Grace Livingston compiled this book using quotes from her aunt's works; Isabella Macdonald Alden . It is a quote for each day of the year from one of the "Pansy Books" plus a bit of related scripture or verse. - Summary by LikeManyWaters

By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Mildred at Roselands

In order to recover her health, Mildred Keith goes to visit her mother's extended family, the Dinsmores, in the South. Mildred makes new friends while at Roselands, learns important lessons and grows in her faith in Christ.

By: Cyril of Alexandria

Book cover Commentary on the Gospel of John. Book 10

Book 10 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 14:21 - 16:13 - Summary by The Reader

By: Saint Bonaventure (1221-1274)

Book cover St. Bonaventure's Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Seeing himself as "unequal to so great a task", St. Bonaventure nevertheless endeavored to introduce his readers to the practice of "the most beneficial of all devout exercises, and that which is most capable of leading [them] to the summit of Christian perfection": the contemplation of the life of Our Lord. By "frequent and habitual meditations on that divine subject" even "very illiterate persons" have been raised to such "familiarity, confidence, and love of him" that they have become "profoundly versed in the most sublime mysteries of God"...

By: George MacDonald (1824-1905)

Book cover England's Antiphon

"In this book I have sought to trace the course of our religious poetry from an early period of our literary history. ... [I]f its poetry be the cream of a people's thought, some true indications of the history of its religious feeling must be found in its religious verse, and I hope I have not altogether failed in setting forth these indications. My chief aim, however, will show itself to have been the mediating towards an intelligent and cordial sympathy betwixt my readers and the writers from whom I have quoted. In this I have some confidence of success. Heartily do I throw this my small pebble at the head of the great Sabbath-breaker Schism." - From the Preface

By: Jessie E. Sampter (1883-1938)

Book cover Blessings for Chanukah

volunteers bring you 12 recordings of Blessings for Chanukah by Jessie E. Sampter. This was the Weekly Poetry project for December 9, 2018. ------ Jessie Sampter was a Jewish educator, poet, and Zionist pioneer. She was born in New York City and immigrated to Palestine in 1919. In her twenties, she joined the Unitarian Church and began writing poetry. Her poems and short stories emphasized her primary concerns: pacifism, Zionism, and social justice. - Summary by Wikipedia

By: Ahikar

Book cover Story of Ahikar

The Story of Ahikar is a fictional work. It is a colorful story but considered to be a work containing great wisdom. The story of Ahikar is considered one of the earliest "international books". It can be found in a variety of geographical translations and has been circulated in the middle east and near east regions. - Summary by CJ Plogue

By: Émile Zola (1840-1902)

Book cover Lourdes

This book describes a five day national pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Lourdes, where miracle cures are hoped for. The central character is a priest, Pierre, whose faith is faltering. He is accompanying his childhood sweetheart who has been stricken with paralysis and whose faith is strong. In the background of the great irony of this relationship, there are numerous sub-plots, some tragic, some whimsical, involving a large number of characters, set in the midst of organised chaos in the pilgrimage site. Through Pierre's mental and spiritual experiences Zola explores the role of religious faith in a society coming to terms with science and reason. - Summary by Peter Tucker

By: Jesse Lyman Hurlbut (1843-1930)

Book cover Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old

Hurlbut's Life of Christ For Young and Old is a detailed, chronological presentation of the life of Christ, relying heavily on quoted portions of Scripture/ Rev. Hurlbut makes the gospel story accessible for the reader as each episode and teaching is presented as natural dialog. The Life of Christ is a worthy companion to his larger multi-volume Story of the Bible. These are true classics of Christian literature. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: George Barton (1866-1940)

Book cover Angels of the Battlefield

"Angels of the Battlefield: A History of the Labors of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the Late Civil War" chronicles the compassionate services of these dedicated women during the bitter and bloody U.S. Civil War. These accounts also offer some important historical details, giving some important insights into the people and events of the war. This is the Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. - Summary by Larry Wilson

By: Proclus (412-485)

Book cover Elements of Theology

The Elements of Theology was written by the Greek Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus and translated by Thomas Taylor who named his youngest son Thomas Proclus Taylor. This book consists of 211 propositions, each followed by a proof, beginning from the existence of the One and ending with the descent of individual souls into the material world. Saint Thomas Aquinas recognized that the Liber de Causis , which had been attributed to Aristotle, was actually a summary of the Elements of Theology, likely written by an Arabic interpreter. - Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Geoffrey Edwards

By: Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430)

Book cover On Christian Doctrine

De doctrina Christiana, On Christian Doctrine, is a famous treatise by Augustine of Hippo, consisting of four books that describe how to interpret and teach the Scriptures. The first three books, published in 397, set three tasks for Christian teachers and preachers: to discover the truth in the contents of the Scriptures, to teach the truth from the Scriptures, and to defend scriptural truth when it was attacked. It is believed that the last part of book three and the totality of book four were added much later, in 426. The fourth book is especially quoted for being the first treatment of the relation between Christianity and Ancient Rhetoric. Summary by Leni.

By: Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936)

Book cover Helps to Holiness

Samuel Logan Brengle was a commissioner in the Salvation Army. His books are known for the practicality, joyfulness and authenticity. His life was spent working with people on the streets, so his insights into the work of the Holy Spirit are relevant to everyday life. His holiness was that of the street, the kitchen, and everyday life. His stories are of men and women living their daily lives. This book is the first in his "Holiness" trilogy, explaining what Holiness is and how to get it. - Summary by Beth Thomas

By: Anonymous

Book cover Book of Jubilees

The Book of Jubilees, sometimes called Lesser Genesis , is an ancient Jewish religious work of 50 chapters, considered canonical by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church as well as Beta Israel , where it is known as the Book of Division . Jubilees is considered one of the pseudepigrapha by Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox Churches. It is also not considered canonical within Judaism outside of the Beta Israel. - Summary by Wikipedia

By: Hugh Robert Watkin (1868-1937)

Book cover Short Description of Torre Abbey

Following the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the time of Henry VIII, a significant part of the buildings of Torre Abbey, particularly the church area, lay in ruins. Then, during the 17th century and subsequently, surviving parts of the abbey were incorporated into the creation of a grand private residence, the owner of which in the early part of the 20th century was Colonel Lucius Cary. With the permission of the colonel, Hugh Watkin, who at that time was living in the Chelston district of Torquay, fairly close to the abbey, undertook certain excavations of the remaining ruins between the years of 1906 and 1911...

By: Charles Morris (1833-1922)

Book cover Chronicles of America Volume 09 - Colonial Folkways

This work according to the subtitle is "a chronicle of American life in the reign of the Georges." It describes land, locales, houses, habits, diversions, learning, religion, labor, and travel.

By: Elizabeth W. Grierson (1869-1943)

Book cover Tales Of English Minsters: Canterbury Cathedral Kent and Saint Paul's London

These simple stories of two of England’s greatest cathedrals were originally written for youth but adults will also enjoy them. St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, and Canterbury Cathedral in Kent County are central to the story of England, especially church history though not exclusively so. Here are stories of great spiritual leaders, saints, sinners, politicians, kings, soldiers, murders, pilgrimages, common folks, peoples’ spiritualities, spiritual life, civil life. - Summary by david wales

By: James Frazer (1854-1941)

Book cover Golden Bough: The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings, Volume 1

The first volume in Frazer's seminal 12 volume set on anthropology and traditional systems of belief. Topics covered include extensive discussion on the belief in sympathetic and contagious magic, magical influence on the environment, magicians and kings, magicians as priests, the origin of incarnate living gods, and a lengthy essay on the origin on the king of the wood at the lake of Nemi.

By: Frank W. Boreham (1871-1959)

Book cover Luggage of Life

This collection contains 32 essays by the respected Baptist preacher Frank Boreham. Writing on topics that range from falling in love to eating sandwiches at a church meeting, Boreham seeks to encourage and inspire Christian believers around the world. Summary by Devorah Allen

By: Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903)

Book cover Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII

Pope Leo XIII wrote eighty-eight Encyclicals during his twenty-five year pontificate . Fifty-six of those are included in this collection. Among the topics covered are the Rosary, socialism, Christian marriage, labour, freemasonry, Church and state, human liberty, dueling, the Holy Eucharist, and more.

By: Darby Bible

Book cover Bible (DBY) NT 11: Philippians

The Darby Bible consists of a translation of the New Testament by John Nelson Darby, originally published in 1867, and a translation of the Old Testament, included in later editions of the text, completed by Darby's students after his death. The text for this recording comes from the second edition of the Darby Bible. - Summary by Aaron Hultstrand

By: Hamilton Wright Mabie (1846-1916)

Book cover Fruits of the Spirit

A collection of essays written by the renowned lecturer and author during the First World War, when he was quite depressed. The general themes of the collection are persevering in faith, guidance by the Holy Spirit and standing for the "Test of Courage". - Summary by Beth Thomas

By: Cyril of Alexandria

Book cover Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 11

Book 11 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 16:14 - 18:23. - Summary by the Reader

By: James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)

Book cover Heidenmauer; or, The Benedictines. A Legend of the Rhine

This is a story that is set in 16th century Germany. Characters representing the various classes of the remnants of feudalism and the rising bourgeois class struggle against each other. Placed in the light of the very recent and polarizing Protestant Reformation, the characters' tensions increase. - Summary by Joel Kindrick

By: Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936)

Book cover Love Slaves

Samuel Logan Brengle was a commissioner in the Salvation Army. His books are known for the practicality, joyfulness and authenticity. His life was spent working with people on the streets, so his insights into the work of the Holy Spirit are relevant to everyday life. His holiness was that of the street, the kitchen, and everyday life. His stories are of men and women living their daily lives. In this book, Brengle explores how to live the Christian life so that we are walking in the centre of God's Will and daily showing His Love to the world around us. From the Preface by General Bramwell Booth: Here are words to clear the thought, as well as to guide the Will and strengthen the Heart.

By: Proclus (412-485)

Book cover Six Books of Proclus, the Platonic Successor, on the Theology of Plato

The Six books of Proclus, the Platonic successor, on The Theology of Plato to which a Seventh book is added by the translator, Thomas Taylor, in order to supply the deficiency of another book on this subject, which was written by Proclus, but since lost. According to the 1995 Prometheus Trust edition Book 3 Chapter 1 of this translation contains Chapters 1-4 from the original Greek, Chapter 2 contains the Greek chapters 5-6 and Chapter 3 contains the Greek Chapters 7-8. Thereafter, the translated and Greek chapters match beginning at Chapter 9...

By: Charles H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

Book cover Talks To Farmers

This is a collection of nineteen sermons given by the Baptist preacher, Charles Spurgeon, using illustrations from rural settings.

By: Minot Judson Savage (1841-1918)

Book cover Unitarian Catechism

This is a brief catechism of common Unitarian beliefs. As with most catechisms, the material is presented in a question and answer form. - Summary by KevinS

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