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By: Johann Gerhard (1582-1637)

Book cover Sacred Meditations

Meditationes Sacrae, was first published in Latin in 1606 when Gerhard was only twenty-two years old. It consists of 51 brief meditations on various aspects of the Christian life. Nearly four hundred years after its first appearance, it remains the only work published by such a young author that has stood the test of time. Frequently reprinted in Latin, it has also been translated into most European languages as well as Greek and Arabic. While not a large book, it is impactive beyond its size. - Jonathan Lange

By: Henry Charles Lea (1825-1909)

Book cover History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 3

The 3rd volume of Lea's monumental work on the Spanish Inquisition. This volume covers torture practices; the trial process; punishments; Jews, Moriscos, and Protestants; and censorship. - Summary by Sienna

By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Grandmother Elsie

Change has come to Elsie's family in the 8th book of this delightful series. Her daughter, Violet, marries a naval Captain with three children of his own and the children try to adjust to life with their new step-mother and her family. - Summary by Gabrielle C

By: George Herbert (1593-1633)

Book cover Country Parson: His Character and Rule of Life

George Herbert was an English poet, orator, and priest. In The Country Parson he describes the roles of the priest and offers practice advice to English clergymen about how to fulfill their duties. - Summary by Karen Clausen-Brown

By: Martha Finley (1828-1909)

Book cover Mildred Keith

Mildred Keith has a good life in Lansdale, Ohio - family, friends and school keep her happy and busy. But when her parents announce they're all moving to Indiana, Mildred's faith is tested beyond anything she could have imagined. Through good times and bad, follow Mildred and her family as they learn to rely on the Lord for strength in every circumstance! This project was proof-listened by Adele de Pignerolles and Linette Geisel. - Summary by Rachel

By: Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

Book cover Christ Legends

These are beautiful little stories about Christmas from the Swedish storyteller Selma Lagerlöf. As she explains in the first story, they were told her by her grandmother "I remember that grandmother told story after story from morning till night, and that we children sat beside her, quite still, and listened. It was a glorious life! No other children had such happy times as we did. It isn’t much that I recollect about my grandmother. I remember that she had very beautiful snow-white hair, and stooped when she walked, and that she always sat and knitted a stocking...

By: Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)

Book cover Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying

Written by a Church of England clergyman in the time of Cromwell, this work is praised for both its style and content. Taylor's work was much admired by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, for its devotional quality; and by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas de Quincey, and Edmund Gosse for its literary qualities.Holy Dying is meant to instruct the reader in the "means and instruments" of preparing for a blessed death, written in a time when death was a constant companion to life and not to be encountered without being ready for it. It assumes illness and a death-bed, with recommended meditations and prayers for the sick, the family, and the clergyman attending to the dying one.

By: Gregory of Nazianzus (329-389 or 390)

Book cover Funeral Orations

Gregory the Theologian, also known as Gregory Nazianzen was a 4th-century Archbishop of Constantinople. He is widely considered the most accomplished rhetorical stylist of the patristic age. Along with the brothers Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa, he is known as one of the Cappadocian Fathers. Gregory is a saint in both Eastern and Western Christianity. In the Roman Catholic Church he is numbered among the Doctors of the Church; in Eastern Orthodoxy and the Eastern Catholic Churches he is revered as one of the Three Holy Hierarchs, along with Basil the Great and John Chrysostom...

By: Richard Wilson (1887-1976)

Book cover Indian Story Book

Richard Wilson has taken tales from the two great Indian epics, the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahābhārata, as well as other early sources, and has retold them in English, in an effort to showcase to young English-speaking readers that 'oriental' stories share the same elements as tales they are used to. Love, hate, virtue, oppression, tenderness, bravery and resourcefulness and an ultimate desire to conquer evil. - Summary by Paraphrased from the Introduction

By: George Hodges (1856-1919)

Book cover Saints and Heroes Since the Middle Ages Volume 2

In this second volume, Hodges uses stories of the lives of fourteen well-known saints and heroes of the faith to continue the history of the church from the end of the Reformation through the 1700s. These stories recount their lives and sacrifices for the faith. These saints and heroes include: Luther, More, Loyola, Cranmer, Calvin, Knox, Coligny, William the Silent, Brewster, Laud, Cromwell, Bunyan, Fox, and Wesley. Appropriate and beneficial for children and adults! - Summary by Maggie Travers

By: St. John Chrysostom

Book cover Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ - Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew

Homilies 65 though 90 of St John Chrysostom's commentary on the Holy Gospel according to St Matthew, which include the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. - Summary by The Reader

By: Cyril of Alexandria

Book cover Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 1

Cyril was a scholarly archbishop and a prolific writer. In the early years of his active life in the Church he wrote several exegetical documents. Among these were: Commentaries on the Old Testament, Thesaurus, Discourse Against Arians, Commentary on St. John's Gospel, and Dialogues on the Trinity. In 429 as the Christological controversies increased, the output of his writings was so extensive that his opponents could not match it. His writings and his theology have remained central to the tradition of the Fathers and to all Orthodox to this day. Book I of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 1:1-28.

By: Max Arthur Macauliffe (1841-1913)

Book cover Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors, Volume 3

This is one of the first comprehensive books about the Sikh religion in the English language. MacAuliffe had extensive access to manuscripts of the Sikh sacred writings , as well as support from Sikh scholars and leaders of the time. This volume covers the life and hymns of Guru Arjan, the fifth Guru. This is volume three of six.

By: John R. MacDuff (1818-1895)

Book cover Evening Incense

This is a small volume of Evening Prayers. Thoughts to think on in the quiet before bedtime; ideas that edify the soul, calm the mind and prepare our bodies and spirits for sleep. Each is not long, but they are edifying and thought provoking. As the author says in the prefact "May He with whom is "the residue of the Spirit," "cause His Angel to fly swiftly" and touch us in the time of our Evening Oblation; and may all that is amiss in thought and word be lost in the fragrant incense-cloud which ascends from the Golden Altar before the Throne!" "And thou shalt make an ALTAR to burn INCENSE upon: "And thou shalt put it ...

By: Samuel Gordon (1871-1927)

Book cover Sons of the Covenant: A Tale of London Jewry

Born in London's poverty-stricken and heavily Jewish East End, the Lipcott boys create their own successes in life and love. The brothers' commitment to improving the lives of working class people leads them to concoct The Scheme to help both the residents of their former neighbourhood and the Jewish people as a whole. The author stresses the responsibility of middle class Jews toward the Jewish poor. Consequently, this 1900 story has its preachy moments as well as some essentialised speculations about Jewish history and character...

By: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal (1572-1641)

Book cover Selected Letters of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal is a Roman Catholic Saint, who founded The Congregation of the Visitation after the death of her husband. St. Francis de Sales was her Spiritual Director and a close friend. After St. Francis de Sales died, St. Vincent de Paul became her spiritual director. These letters, which date from a range of 1611-1641, were written to her saintly spiritual directors, her children and relatives, other nuns and religious, as well many others.

By: Snorri Sturleson (1178-1241)

Book cover Prose Edda (Brodeur Translation)

Also known as the Younger Edda or Snorri's Edda, the Prose Edda is a three-part work composed or at least compiled by thirteenth-century Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson. Along with the Elder or Poetic Edda written by an unknown poet a half-century earlier, the Prose Edda is a major source of much older Norse mythology as it had evolved through the generations. The two Eddas have had a profound effect on European literature in both style and content, not least on J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth fantasies...

By: Ottilie Wildermuth (1817-1877)

Book cover Queen

Maggie is an orphan who depends on the charity of the farmer she lives with. She tries to be cheerful and helpful to everyone where she is. However, Maggie dreams of being a queen. But how can a poor orphan ever become anything other than what she is?

By: Mother Mary Loyola (1845-1930)

Book cover King of the Golden City

This charming allegory will bring to the heart of the child a deep love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and an understanding of the graces received in Holy Communion. We follow with delight the little Dilecta in her meetings with The King; her struggles against the evil influence of Malignus, in which she is so ably helped by the Prince Guardian; from the hut in which she lived and where The King so often and so graciously visited her -- right into His Golden City.

By: J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Book cover Expository Thoughts on the Gospels - St. John Vol. 2

The fourteen years which have "passed over" me since I first began writing on the Gospels, I humbly hope have not been thrown away. They have been to me years of many trials, and I may add of much work, much reading, much reflection, and not a little prayer. At the end of these fourteen years, I feel more than ever convinced that what are called "Evangelical" views of Christian truth are thoroughly Scriptural views, and will bear the test of any fair investigation. The longer I live the more firmly I am persuaded that no system of divinity is so entirely in harmony with the Bible, as the system which rightly or wrongly is called "Evangelical...

By: Charlotte Maria Tucker (A. L. O. E.) (1821-1893)

Book cover Children's Tabernacle; Or, Hand Work and Heart Work

Bored with whittling, embroidery and other amusements, five children and their mother set out to build a model of the tabernacle. As the pillars are fashioned and the curtains sewn, the children learn the importance of types in the Old Testament. The showbread on the table in the Holy Place is a type of Christ being the bread of life; the offerings for leprosy were a type of cleansing from sin; the Holy of Holies was a type of God's presence, etc. One day, though, twelve-year-old Dora finds herself in trouble. Will the way be opened for her--from a mere tabernacle model to a new knowledge of forgiveness? - Summary by Bethesda Lily

By: English Revised Version

Book cover Bible (ERV) NT 01: Matthew

The Gospel According to Matthew is one of the four canonical gospels, one of the three synoptic gospels, and the first book of the New Testament. The narrative tells how the Messiah, Jesus, rejected by Israel, finally sends the disciples to preach his Gospel to the whole world. - Summary by Glenn O'Brien

By: Katharine Berry Judson (1866-1929)

Book cover Myths and Legends of Alaska (version 2)

The myths in this 1911 volume are authentic. The original collections were made by government ethnologists. Only the quaintest and purest of the myths have been selected. The leading myth of the North the Raven Myth, is given with a fair degree of completeness. . These tribes are included: Eskimo , Tlingit , Tsetsaut, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Athapascan , Eskimo , Eskimo , Koyukun, and Koryak . - Summary by Author's Preface and david wales

By: Thomas Boston (1676-1732)

Book cover Crook in the Lot; or, The Sovereignty and Wisdom of God, in the Afflictions of Men, Displayed

A meditation on Ecclesiastes 7:3, "Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight which he hath made crooked?," The Crook in the Lot considers the purposes of God for suffering and affliction in the life of the Christian. -Summary by Chris Bunn

By: Andrew Murray (1828-1917)

Book cover With Christ in the School of Prayer (version 2)

“We have become so accustomed to limit the wonderful love and the large promises of our God, that we cannot read the simplest and clearest statements of our Lord without the qualifying clauses by which we guard and expound them”. This is what Andrew Murray writes in the preface to this practical and scriptural volume on the practice of prayer. This book has been of tremendous help to generations of believers as they have sought a more effective prayer life. It opens with the words of the disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray”. And so opens the school of prayer to which believers are invited. - Summary by Christopher Smith

By: Venerable María de Jesús de Ágreda (1602-1665)

Book cover Mystical City of God, Volume 3

The Mystical City of God is a book written in the 17th-century by the Franciscan nun, Venerable Mary of Jesus of Ágreda. According to María de Ágreda, the book was to a considerable extent dictated to her by the Blessed Virgin Mary and regarded the life of the Virgin Mary and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls. The work alternates between descriptions of the Trinity, the Virgin Mary's life, and the spiritual guidance she provides to the author, by whom her words were reproduced for the spiritual benefit and growth of the reader...

By: English Revised Version

Book cover Bible (ERV) 01: Genesis

The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.Tradition credits Moses as the author of Genesis, as well as Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and most of Deuteronomy, but modern scholars increasingly see them as a product of the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. - Summary by Glenn O'Brien

By: Anonymous

Book cover Juvenile Bible

A collection of short poems describing every book of the Bible for young children to read in order to help them learn about the Bible.

By: Jewish Publication Society of America

Book cover Torah (JPSA) 03: Leviticus

The third book of the Pentateuch - Leviticus. Presented according to weekly parshah. Praised are You, Adonai, Our G-d, ruler of the Universe, who has made us holy with commandments and commanded us to engage in the study of Torah. . - Summary by Linette Geisel. Parshat descriptions provided by Wikipedia

By: James Hinton (1822-1875)

Book cover Mystery of Pain

This book is addressed to the sorrowful, ... to whom their own or others' pain is a daily burden, upon whose hearts it weighs with an intolerable anguish. I seek to speak to these ; not as a teacher, but as a fellow. Sharing their feeling, and knowing well how vain is the attempt to throw off misery, or to persuade ourselves that life is better than it is, I would fain share with them also some thoughts that have seemed to me capable of casting a bright gleam of light athwart the darkness, and, if they are true, of bringing an immense, an incredible joy out of the very bosom of distress. - Summary by James Hinton

By: Douay-Rheims Version (DRV)

Book cover Bible Passages Collection 001

Bible Passages Collection 001: a collection of passages, verses, and chapters from multiple public domain editions of the Holy Bible. - Summary by Kangaroo692

By: Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)

Book cover Soul or Rational Psychology

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772, was born in Stockholm, Sweden and died in London, England. He was a voluminous writer of scientific treatises as well as prophetic works such as Archana Caelestia and The Divine Providence. He said he had encountered supranational agencies and communicated with angels. This is a recording of the 1849 translation of his 1743 book The Soul or Rational Psychology Latin. He took his cue from Aristotle's De Anima. A few quotes It has been shown above that the harmonies...

By: Henry Charles Lea (1825-1909)

Book cover History of the Inquisition of Spain, Vol. 4

The fourth and final volume of Lea's monumental work on the Spanish Inquisition. This volume discusses how the Inquisition dealt with mysticism, solicitation of illicit relationships, bigamy, theological propositions, witchcraft and sorcery, political activity, and almost every other facet of daily life. It concludes with an overarching history of the Inquisition and retrospective.

By: John Brown (1830-1922)

Book cover History of the English Bible

The celebration of the Tercentenary of the Authorized Version of the English Bible of 1611 has called into existence the little book here presented to the reader's notice. It is the brief repetition of a story beginning in 670 A.D. and reaching on for twelve hundred years to 1879. It takes us back to the Monastery of Whitby where Caedmon the monk paraphrased Scripture story in Saxon song, and brings us through the centuries to the Abbey of Westminster where a distinguished body of English scholars met in 1870 and commenced that Revision of the Scriptures which first saw the light in 1881.

By: Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)

Book cover God's Way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious

Both a work of theology and psychology, Calvinist revivalist Horatius Bonar guides readers from the universal human need for repentance and faith to the "peace that passes all understanding" that comes from communion with Christ. - Summary by Loren Eaton

By: Jewish Publication Society of America

Book cover Torah (JPSA) 04: Numbers

According to Jewish tradition the 5 books of Moses are read and studied each year. In order to complete the study, the 5 books are separated into sections . The fourth book of the Pentateuch - Numbers. Presented according to weekly parshah. Praised are You, Adonai, Our G_d, ruler of the Universe, who has made us holy with commandments and commanded us to engage in the study of Torah.

By: Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)

Book cover Confession (Version 2)

Leo Tolstoy's "A Confession," written in 1882 shortly after a life-altering spiritual crisis, is a brutally sincere reflection on life, morality, and the nature of faith. Tolstoy describes in great detail the process by which he lost his faith in established Christian churches, the meaninglessness of wealth and fame, the agony of acute depression, and how he overcame misery and dread through personal study of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Along the way, he contrasts the artificial faith and arrogance of educated people with the genuine faith and humility of the Russian peasant...

By: Jewish Publication Society of America

Book cover Torah (JPSA) 05: Deuteronomy

According to Jewish tradition the 5 books of Moses are read and studied each year. In order to complete the study, the 5 books are separated into sections . The last book of the Pentateuch - Deuteronomy is presented according to weekly parshah. Praised are You, Adonai, Our G_d, ruler of the Universe, who has made us holy with commandments and commanded us to engage in the study of Torah. Parshat descriptions provided by Wikipedia.

By: James Allen (1864-1912)

Book cover Morning and Evening Thoughts

James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry and as a pioneer of the self-help movement. Allen wrote about complex subjects such as faith, destiny, love, patience, and religion but had the unique ability of explaining these subjects clearly and in a way that is easy to understand.His best known work, As a Man Thinketh, has been mass-produced since its publication in 1903. Morning and Evening Thoughts was published in 1909 and it provides a thought for each morning and evening of the day for a month. This book, compiled by his wife, Lily Allen, draws on quotes and sayings from Allen’s other works.

By: Oliver Optic (1822-1897)

Book cover Rich and Humble; The Mission of Bertha Grant

This is the first story in the Woodville collection of tales about the interesting people in Woodville. As the characters grow, they learn many lessons. This is the story of Bertha Grant and her brother, Richard Grant. One of these siblings is good and wise living their life for a higher purpose. The other has to overcome many trials to learn what is truly important in life. The second story in the series is entitled In School and Out; The Conquest of Richard Grant. Summary by Scarlett Martin Woodville...

By: Grace Livingston Hill (1865-1947)

Book cover Chautauqua Idyl

The trees, flowers, and animals of a peaceful pasture meet together to discuss and learn of theology. Summary by Scarlett Martin.

By: American Standard Version

Book cover Bible Passages Collection 002

recording of Bible Passages Collection 002 with selections from the American Standard Version; King James Version ; World English Bible; Open English Bible; and Updated King James Version .

Book cover Bible Passages Collection 003

recording of Bible Passages Collection 003 with selections from the American Standard Version, King James Version, World English Bible, Emphasized, Bible, Catholic Public Domain Bible, Morgan New Testament, and Updated King James Version.

By: G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)

Book cover Practice of Prayer

God has made prayer possible to us through Jesus. We can pray prevailingly only as we respond to the truths which create the possibility. The sphere of prayer includes the coming of the Kingdom of God and the provision of all the need of the saints. Thus all these constitute an integral part of the subject of the practice of prayer. Prayer is only possible to the revealed Father through the mediating Son by the inspiring Spirit. Prayer is only a prevailing power as, in the life, the child of God is loyal to His Kingship, satisfied with His provision, conformed to His likeness. Moreover, it can only be operative within the sphere revealed in the pattern of prayer.

By: Max Arthur Macauliffe (1841-1913)

Book cover Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors, Volume 4

This is one of the first comprehensive books about the Sikh religion in the English language. MacAuliffe had extensive access to manuscripts of the Sikh sacred writings , as well as support from Sikh scholars and leaders of the time. This volume covers the life and hymns of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Gurus being Guru Har Gorind, Guru Har Rai, Guru Har Krishan, Guru Teg Bahadur respectively. This is volume 4 of 6.

By: Hugh Black (1868-1953)

Book cover Friendship

The idea, so common in the ancient writers, is not all a poetic conceit, that the soul of a man is only a fragment of a larger whole, and goes out in search of other souls in which it will find its true completion. We walk among worlds unrealized, until we have learned the secret of love. We know this, and in our sincerest moments admit this, even though we are seeking to fill up our lives with other ambitions and other hopes. In spite of the vulgar materialism of our day, we do feel that the spiritual side of life is the most important, and brings the only true joy...

By: Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné (1794-1872)

Book cover History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, Volume 1

The History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, by Jean-Henri Merle d’Aubigné, is a classic work on the great events that re-opened the Christian gospel to a needy world. It tells of how the twenty-year-old Martin Luther, browsing through books in the library at the University of Erfurt, takes down from the shelf a particular volume that has caught his interest. He has never seen anything like it. It is a Bible! He is astonished to find in this volume so much more than the fragments of gospels and epistles that were selected for public reading in churches...

By: J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Book cover Practical Religion

The present volume contains a series of papers about "practical religion," and treats of the daily duties, dangers, experience, and privileges of all who profess and call themselves true Christians.

By: Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622)

Book cover Introduction to the Devout Life

First published in the early 17th century, it has proven its value as a daily spiritual guide and helpful reference for living an authentic Christian life. Written specifically for laymen, it began as letters from Saint Francis to a married woman who was seeking holiness amidst the distractions of her life of wealth and status. It contains treasures of wisdom for every reader, from eager beginner to lifelong Christian. Summary by Wikipedia and Phil Chenevert.

By: Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

Book cover Obscure Night of The Soul

The Obscure Night of the Soul, better know today as The Dark Night of the Soul, is the distilled teaching of St John of the Cross, who reintroduced and revolutionized Christian Contemplation in the 16th Century. The text remains in print until this day, and has been an inspiration to seekers for centuries. St John's method is known as the Via Negativa, defined in Wikipedia as "a type of theological thinking that attempts to describe God, the Divine Good, by negation, to speak only in terms of what may not be said about the perfect goodness that is God...

By: Darby Bible

Book cover Bible (DBY) NT 08: 2 Corinthians

The Darby Bible consists of a translation of the New Testament by John Nelson Darby, originally published in 1867, and a translation of the Old Testament, included in later editions of the text, completed by Darby's students after his death. - Summary by Aaron Hultstrand

By: Ferrar Fenton Bible

Book cover Bible (Fenton) NT06-NT27: Romans to Revelation

Work on the translation began in 1853 by a London businessman named Ferrar Fenton . The complete Bible was first published in 1903, though parts were published as separate volumes during the preceding 11 years. The translation is noted for a rearranging of the books of the Bible into what the author believed was the correct chronological order. In the Old Testament, this order follows that of the Hebrew Bible. The name of God was translated throughout the Old Testament as "The Ever-Living". The Bible is described as "translated into English direct from the original Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek languages...

By: Oliver Optic (1822-1897)

Book cover Watch and Wait; The Young Fugitives

One soft summer evening, when Woodville was crowned with the glory and beauty of the joyous season, three strangers presented themselves before the Grant family, and asked for counsel and assistance. The party consisted of two boys and a girl, and they belonged to that people which the traditions of the past have made the "despised race;" but the girl was whiter and fairer than many a proud belle who would have scorned her in any other capacity than that of a servant; and one of the boys was very nearly white, while the other was as black as ebony undefiled...

By: World English Bible

Book cover World English Bible

The Holy Bible derived from the American Standard Bible of 1901. - Summary by Winfred Wardell Henson

By: Cyril of Alexandria

Book cover Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 2

Book 2 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 1:29 - 5:34.

By: Anonymous

Book cover Theologia Germanica

This short, anonymous work is thought to have been written in the 1300s by a member of the lay-religious group called ‘The Friends of God.’ Its central teaching is that humans can become one with God by living a holy, selfless life in which our will is subsumed into God’s, of which Christ is the ultimate example. Martin Luther discovered, named, and published Theologia Germanica in 1516, declaring that, "Next to the Bible and St. Augustine, no book has ever come into my hands from which I have learnt more of God and Christ, and man and all things that are."

By: Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Book cover Jefferson Bible - The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the New Testament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus. Jefferson's condensed composition is especially notable for its exclusion of all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels that contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages that portray Jesus as divine. - Summary by Wikipedia

By: Young's Literal Translation

Book cover Bible (YLT) 09: 1 Samuel

The First Book of Samuel ushers in the era of kings, notably Saul and David, who represent the battle between the kingdoms of law and grace, between flesh and spirit, between disingenuous apology for sins and Godly repentence. The imperfect, but Godly, King David is seen in stark contrast to the bragging, self-exalting, and carnal rule of King Saul. This book is a drama fit for the theater, a story of love and devotion, of courage and cowardice, war and peace. But, most of all, this book and its companion second book are metaphors for the Kingdom of God and the coming of Him who is to sit on David's throne...

By: Friedrich von Hügel (1852-1925)

Book cover Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion

Baron Friedrich von Hugel was a lay Catholic theologian whose work was influential during the rise of modernist thought. His Essays and Addresses on the Philosophy of Religion became a favorite work of later Christian writers C.S. Lewis and Flannery O'Connor. The book compiled previously written material into a single collection, divided into three parts: the first, on religion and theism in general; the second, on Christ's teachings and Christianity in general; the third, on the Catholic Church. - Summary by Dylan P. Straub

By: Cyril of Alexandria

Book cover Commentary on the Gospel of John, Book 3

Book 3 of Commentary on St John's Gospel covers John 5:35- 6:37, as well as a look at the prophecy contained in Deut. 18:15-19.

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