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By: Joseph Milner (1744-1797) | |
History of the Church of Christ: Century III
It is certain, that from our Saviour's time to the present, there have ever been persons whose dispositions and lives have been formed by the rules of the New Testament; men who have been real, not merely nominal Christians, who believed the doctrines of the gospel, loved them because of their divine excellency, and suffered gladly the loss of all things, that they might win Christ, and be found in him. It is the history of these men which I propose to write. It is of no consequence with respect to my plan, nor of much importance I believe in its own nature, to what external church they belonged... |
By: Henry Salt (1851-1939) | |
Life of Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau was a fascinating man, contributing vast amounts of information on nature history, leading the way for environmentalism. He also was a philosopher, abolitionist, anarchist, writer, poet, and a bit of a mystery. He is best known for his book 'Walden', and his essay on 'Civil Disobedience'. This early biography by Henry Salt is highly regarded by Thoreau scholars. - Summary by Phyllis Vincelli |
By: Walter Geer (1857-1937) | |
Napoleon and Josephine 'The Rise of the Empire'
FOREWORD: "In the popular estimation the Empress Josephine is crowned with a halo of goodness which makes the task of her biographer one of peculiar difficulty. The aversion which many feel towards Napoleon is not a little due to what they conceive to be the cruelty with which he treated the woman who for fourteen years was the companion of his glory. The writer of this book holds no brief either for the prosecution or the defence. He wants to draw a portrait - not to pronounce a judgment: his object is to depict Josephine as she was, and he leaves the reader to decide as to her goodness." Walter Geer | |
By: Pope Gregory I (540-604) | |
Life of St. Benedict
St. Benedict of Nursia was a sixth century monk and founder of monastic communities. His main achievement, the "Rule of St. Benedict," became one of the most influential monastic rules in the West. St. Benedict is sometimes called the founder of Western monasticism. One of the only ancient accounts of St. Benedict is found in the second volume of Pope Gregory I's four-book Dialogues, thought to have been written in 593. Gregory's account of Benedict's life provides a spiritual portrait of the gentle, disciplined abbot... |
By: John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) | |
Letters of John Quincy Adams to His Son, on the Bible and Its Teachings
A collection of nine letters written by the sixth president of the United States, John Quincy Adams, to his teenage son. "Their purpose is the inculcation of love and reverence for the Holy Scriptures, and a delight in their perusal and study." - Summary by Dale Barkley |
By: Richard Baxter (1615-1691) | |
Breviate of the Life of Margaret Baxter
A breviate of the life of Margaret, the daughter of Francis Charlton, of apply in Shropshire, esq. and wife of Richard Baxter. For the use of all, but especially of their kindred. There is also published the character of her mother, truly described in her published funeral sermon, reprinted at her daughter’s request, called, the last work of a believer, his passing-prayer, recommending his departing spirit to Christ, to be received by him. "Being thus obliged by her request, mine own affections... |
By: Charles MacLaurin (1872-1925) | |
Post Mortem: Essays, Historical And Medical
This 1922 collection of extensive essays comprises well written biographies of a few famous folk. The life narratives include analyses of medical and/or psychological elements in each person’s life. Biographies include Anne Boleyn, Jeanne D’Arc, The Empress Theodora, The Emperor Charles V, Don John Of Austria, Cervantes, Don Quixote , Philip II, Mr. and Mrs. Pepys, Edward Gibbon, Jean Paul Marat, Napoleon I, and Benvenuto Cellini. It concludes with an extended meditation on death. “But there... |
By: Joseph Milner (1744-1797) | |
History of the Church of Christ: Century IV
It is certain, that from our Saviour's time to the present, there have ever been persons whose dispositions and lives have been formed by the rules of the New Testament; men who have been real, not merely nominal Christians, who believed the doctrines of the gospel, loved them because of their divine excellency, and suffered gladly the loss of all things, that they might win Christ, and be found in him. It is the history of these men which I propose to write. It is of no consequence with respect to my plan, nor of much importance I believe in its own nature, to what external church they belonged... |
By: Romain Rolland (1866-1944) | |
As Romain Rolland indicates in the preface, this book is a brief sketch of the life and technique of Handel. He provides biographical background and addresses the operas, oratorios, clavier compositions, chamber music, and orchestral compositions. Images of musical examples mentioned by Rolland can be found in the printed text. The text also includes a list of Handel's works organized by category and chronology. |