SUPPLEMENT TO "PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI" SEPTEMBER 16, 1914. THE NEW RAKE'S PROGRESS Cartoons from "Punch" Illustrating the Kaiser's Career, 1888-1914. "Punch" Office, 10, Bouverie Street, London, E.C. * * * * * Illustration: _GERMAN KAISER._ "LET US PREY." _Sept. 9, 1914._ * * * * * Illustration: A WISE WARNING. DÆDALUS BISMARCK (_POLITICAL PARENT OF_ WILHELM ICARUS). "MY SON, OBSERVE THE MIDDLE PATH TO FLY, AND FEAR TO SINK TOO LOW, OR RISE TOO HIGH. HERE THE SUN MELTS, THERE VAPOURS DAMP YOUR FORCE, BETWEEN THE TWO EXTREMES DIRECT YOUR COURSE." "NOR ON THE BEAR, NOR ON BOÖTES GAZE, NOR ON SWORD-ARM'D ORION'S DANGEROUS RAYS: BUT FOLLOW ME, THY GUIDE, WITH WATCHFUL SIGHT, AND, AS I STEER, DIRECT THY CAUTIOUS FLIGHT." OVID, _"Metamorphoses," Book VIII., Fable III._ _October 6, 1888._ * * * *** =The Kaiser is warned by the Great Chancellor.= * * * * * Illustration: L'ENFANT TERRIBLE. CHORUS IN THE STERN. "DON'T GO ON LIKE THAT--OR YOU'LL UPSET US ALL!" _May 10, 1890._ * * * *** =The Kaiser begins to alarm his fellow Rulers.= * * * * * Illustration: THE IMPERIAL JACK-IN-THE-BOX. _Chorus_ (_Everybody_). "EVERYTHING IN ORDER EVERYWHERE! O! WHAT A SURPRISE! SOLD AGAIN!" _January 30, 1892._ * * * *** =The Kaiser has a finger in every German Pie.= * * * * * Illustration: THE MODERN ALEXANDER'S FEAST; OR, THE POWER OF SOUND. "WITH RAVISHED EARS, THE MONARCH HEARS, ASSUMES THE GOD, AFFECTS TO NOD, AND SEEMS TO SHAKE THE SPHERES!" _March 5, 1892._ * * * *** =The Kaiser feels his feet. This cartoon caused _Punch_ to be excluded for a while from the Imperial Palace.= * * * * * Illustration: THE STORY OF FIDGETY WILHELM. (_Up-to-date Version of "Struwwelpeter."_) "LET ME SEE IF WILHELM CAN BE A LITTLE GENTLEMAN; LET ME SEE IF HE IS ABLE TO SIT STILL FOR ONCE AT TABLE!" "BUT FIDGETY WILL HE _WON'T_ SIT STILL." JUST LIKE ANY BUCKING HORSE. "WILHELM! WE ARE GETTING CROSS!" _February 1, 1896._ * * * *** =The Kaiser worries his friends of the Triple Alliance.= * * * * * Illustration: A NEW RÔLE. _Imperial "Manager-Actor"_ (_who has cast himself for a leading part in "Un Voyage en Chine," sotto voce_). "UM--HA! WITH JUST A FEW ADDITIONAL TOUCHES HERE AND THERE, I SHALL MAKE A FIRST-RATE EMPEROR OF CHINA!" _January 15, 1898._ * * * *** =The Kaiser prepares for China.= * * * * * COOK'S CRUSADER. _Imperial Knight Templar_ (_the German Emperor--to_ SALADIN). "_WHAT!!_ THE CHRISTIAN POWERS PUTTING PRESSURE UPON _YOU_, MY DEAR FRIEND!! HORRIBLE! I CAN'T THINK HOW PEOPLE CAN DO SUCH THINGS!" _October 15, 1898._ * * * *** =The Kaiser sympathises with the Turk.= * * * * * Illustration: ON TOUR. (_Tangier, March 31._) KAISER WILHELM (_as the Moor of Potsdam_) _sings_:-- "'UNTER DEN LINDEN'--ALWAYS AT HOME, 'UNDER THE LIME-LIGHT' WHEREVER I ROAM!" _April 5, 1905._ * * * *** =The Kaiser woos Morocco.= * * * * * Illustration: NOT IN THE PICTURE. SCENE--_On shore, during the visit of the British Fleet to Brest._ MR. PUNCH (_Photographer, suavely, to the_ KAISER). "JUST A LEETLE FURTHER BACK, PLEASE, SIR. YOUR SHADOW STILL RATHER INTERFERES WITH THE GROUP." _July 12, 1905._ * * * *** =The Kaiser (not for the first time) is out of it with England and France.= * * * * * Illustration: THE SOWER OF TARES. (_After Millais._) _August 23, 1905._ * * * *** =The Kaiser as enemy of Europe.= * * * * * Illustration: "ISOLATION." PEACE (_attending the Inter-Parliamentary Congress at Berlin_). "EVERYBODY ELSE SEEMS TO BE MY FRIEND; WHY DO YOU STAND ALOOF?" GERMAN KAISER. "BUT HAVEN'T I ALWAYS SAID THAT I WAS YOUR FRIEND?" PEACE. "YES; BUT CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO PROVE IT?" _September 23, 1908._ * * * *** =The Kaiser as the platonic friend of Peace.= * * * * * Illustration: THE TEUTONISING OF TURKEY. GERMAN KAISER. "GOOD BIRD!" _October 5, 1910._ * * * *** =The Kaiser takes Turkey in hand.= * * * * * Illustration: HARMONY. [The GERMAN EMPEROR has been patronising the Centenary of KRUPP'S Gun Factory.] _August 14, 1912._ * * * *** =The Kaiser prepares for the Millennium (Prussian Version).= * * * * * Illustration: THE COMING OF THE COSSACKS. WILHELM II. "WHAT IS THIS DISTANT RUMBLING THAT I HEAR? DOUBTLESS THE PLAUDITS OF MY PEOPLE!" _August 26, 1914._ * * * *** =The Kaiser deludes himself.= * * * * * Illustration: THE WORLD'S ENEMY. THE KAISER. "WHO GOES THERE?" SPIRIT OF CARNAGE. "A FRIEND--YOUR ONLY ONE." _August 19, 1914._ * * * *** =The Kaiser as the foe of humanity.= * * * * * Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Printers. London & Tonbridge. --- Provided by ---