The Epic of Gilgamish by Stephen Langdon University of Pennsylvania The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian Section Vol. X No. 3 INTRODUCTION In the year 1914 the University Museum secured by purchase a large six column tablet nearly complete, carrying originally, according to the scribal note, 240 lines of text. The contents supply the South Babylonian version of the second book of the epic _sa nagba imuru_, "He who has seen all things," commonly referred to as the Epic of Gilgamish. The tablet is said to have been found at Senkere, ancient Larsa near Warka, modern Arabic name for and vulgar descendant of the ancient name Uruk, the Biblical Erech mentioned in Genesis X. 10. This fact makes the new text the more interesting since the legend of Gilgamish is said to have originated at Erech and the hero in fact figures as one of the prehistoric Sumerian rulers of that ancient city. The dynastic list preserved on a Nippur tablet [1] mentions him as the fifth king of a legendary line of rulers at Erech, who succeeded the dynasty of Kish, a city in North Babylonia near the more famous but more recent city Babylon. The list at Erech contains the names of two well known Sumerian deities, Lugalbanda [2] and Tammuz. The reign of the former is given at 1,200 years and that of Tammuz at 100 years. Gilgamish ruled 126 years. We have to do here with a confusion of myth and history in which the real facts are disengaged only by conjecture. The prehistoric Sumerian dynasties were all transformed into the realm of myth and legend. Nevertheless these rulers, although appearing in the pretentious nomenclature as gods, appear to have been real historic personages. [3] The name Gilgamish was originally written _d_Gi-bil-aga-mis, and means "The fire god (_Gibil_) is a commander," abbreviated to _d_Gi-bil-ga-mis, and _d_Gi(s)-bil-ga-mis, a form which by full labialization of _b_ to _u_ was finally contracted to _d_Gi-il-ga-mis. [4] Throughout the new text the name is written with the abbreviation _d_Gi(s), [5] whereas the standard Assyrian text has consistently the writing _d_GIS-TU [6]-BAR. The latter method of writing the name is apparently cryptographic for _d_Gis-bar-aga-(mis); the fire god _Gibil_ has also the title _Gis-bar_. A fragment of the South Babylonian version of the tenth book was published in 1902, a text from the period of Hammurapi, which showed that the Babylonian epic differed very much from the Assyrian in diction, but not in content. The new tablet, which belongs to the same period, also differs radically from the diction of the Ninevite text in the few lines where they duplicate each other. The first line of the new tablet corresponds to Tablet I, Col. V 25 of the Assyrian text, [7] where Gilgamish begins to relate his dreams to his mother Ninsun. [8] The last line of Col. I corresponds to the Assyrian version Book I, Col. VI 29. From this point onward the new tablet takes up a hitherto unknown portion of the epic, henceforth to be assigned to the second book. [9] At the end of Book I in the Assyrian text and at the end of Col. I of Book II in the new text, the situation in the legend is as follows. The harlot halts outside the city of Erech with the enamoured Enkidu, while she relates to him the two dreams of the king, Gilgamish. In these dreams which he has told to his mother he receives premonition concerning the advent of the satyr Enkidu, destined to join with him in the conquest of Elam. Now the harlot urges Enkidu to enter the beautiful city, to clothe himself like other men and to learn the ways of civilization. When he enters he sees someone, whose name is broken away, eating bread and drinking milk, but the beautiful barbarian understands not. The harlot commands him to eat and drink also: "It is the conformity of life, Of the conditions and fate of the Land." He rapidly learns the customs of men, becomes a shepherd and a mighty hunter. At last he comes to the notice of Gilgamish himself, who is shocked by the newly acquired manner of Enkidu. "Oh harlot, take away the man," says the lord of Erech. Once again the faithful woman instructs her heroic lover in the conventions of society, this time teaching him the importance of the family in Babylonian life, and obedience to the ruler. Now the people of Erech assemble about him admiring his godlike appearance. Gilgamish receives him and they dedicate their arms to heroic endeavor. At this point the epic brings in a new and powerful _motif_, the renunciation of woman's love in the presence of a great undertaking. Gilgamish is enamoured of the beautiful virgin goddess Ishara, and Enkidu, fearing the effeminate effects of his friend's attachment, prevents him forcibly from entering a house. A terrific combat between these heroes ensues, [10] in which Enkidu conquers, and in a magnanimous speech he reminds Gilgamish of his higher destiny. In another unplaced fragment of the Assyrian text [11] Enkidu rejects his mistress also, apparently on his own initiative and for ascetic reasons. This fragment, heretofore assigned to the second book, probably belongs to Book III. The tablet of the Assyrian version which carries the portion related on the new tablet has not been found. Man redeemed from barbarism is the major theme of Book II. The newly recovered section of the epic contains two legends which supplied the glyptic artists of Sumer and Accad with subjects for seals. Obverse III 28-32 describes Enkidu the slayer of lions and panthers. Seals in all periods frequently represent Enkidu in combat with a lion. The struggle between the two heroes, where Enkidu strives to rescue his friend from the fatal charms of Ishara, is probably depicted on seals also. On one of the seals published by Ward, _Seal Cylinders of Western Asia_, No. 459, a nude female stands beside the struggling heroes. [12] This scene not improbably illustrates the effort of Enkidu to rescue his friend from the goddess. In fact the satyr stands between Gilgamish and Ishara(?) on the seal. TRANSLITERATION it-bi-e-ma iluGilgamis su-na-tam i-pa-as-sar. iz-za-kar-am [13] a-na um-mi-su um-mi i-na sa-a-at mu-si-ti-ia sa-am-ha-ku-ma at-ta-na-al-la-ak i-na bi-ri-it id-da-tim ib-ba-su-nim-ma ka-ka-'a [14] sa-ma-i ki-?-?-rum [15] sa a-nim im-ku-ut a-na si-ri-ia ás-si-su-ma ik-ta-bi-it [16] e-li-ia ilam [17] is-su-ma nu-us-sa-su [18] u-ul el-ti-'i ad-ki ma-tum pa-hi-ir [19] e-li-su id-lu-tum ú-na-sa-ku si-pi-su ú-um-mi-id-ma     pu-ti i-mi- du         ia-ti as-si-a-su-ma at-ba-la-ás-su a-na si-ri-ki um-mi iluGilgamis mu-u-da-a-at ka-la-ma iz-za-kar-am a-na iluGilgamis mi-in-di iluGilgamish sa ki-ma ka-ti i-na si-ri   i-wa-li-id-ma ú-ra-ab-bi-su   sa-du-ú ta-mar-su-ma [sa(?)]-ap-ha-ta at-ta id-lu-tum ú-na-sa-ku si-pi-su [20] te-it-ti-ra-su(?) ... su-ú-zu ta-tar-ra-['a]-su a-na si-[ri-i]a [is-(?)] ti-lam-ma [21] i-ta-mar sa-ni-tam [su-na-]ta i-ta-wa-a-am a-na um-mi-su [um-m]i a-ta-mar sa-ni-tam [su-na-ta a-ta]mar e-mi-a i-na zu-ki-im [i-na?] Unuk-(ki) ri-bi-tim [22] ha-as-si-nu   na-di-i-ma e-li-su   pa-ah- ru ha-as-si-nu-um-ma sa-ni bu-nu-su a-mur-su-ma ah-ta-ta a-na-ku a-ra-am-su-ma ki-ma ás-sa-tim a-ha-ap-pu-up   el-su el-ki-su-ma ás-ta-ka-an-su a-na     a-hi-ia um-mi iluGilgamish mu-da-at ka-la-ma [iz-za-kar-am a-na iluGilgamish] ................................... COL. II as-sum us-[ta-] ma-ha-ru it-ti-ka. iluGilgamish su-na-tam i-pa-sar iluEn-ki-[dû w]a?-si-ib ma-har ha-ri-im-tim UR [ ]-ha-mu DI-?-al-lu-un [ ] im-ta-si a-sar i-wa-al-du ûmê 6 [23] ù 7 mu-si- a-tim iluEn-ki-dû te-bi-   i-ma sa-[am-ka-ta]   ir- hi ha-[ri-im-tu pa-a]-sa i-pu-sa-am-ma iz-za-[kar-am] a-na iluEn-ki-dû [24] a-na-tal-ka dEn-ki-dû ki-ma ili ta-ba-ás-si am-mi-nim it-ti na-ma-ás-te-e [25] ta-at-ta-[na-al-]la -ak si-ra-am al-kam   lu-ùr-di-   ka a-na libbi Uruk-(ki) ri-bi-tim a-na biti [el-]lim mu-sa-bi sa A-nim dEn-ki-dû ti-bi lu-ru-ka a-na É-[an-n]a mu-sa-bi sa A-nim a-sar [iluGilgamis] it-[.........] ne-pi-si-tim(?) ù at-[   ]-di [   -] ma ta-[   ] ra-ma-an-   ka al-ka ti-ba i-[na] ga-ag-ga-ri ma-a-a? [26] -ak ri-i-im is-me a-wa-az-za im-ta-gár ga-ba-sa mi-il-kum sa sinnisti im-ta-[ku]-ut a-na libbi-su is-hu-ut li-ib-sa-am is-ti-nam [ú]-la-ab-bi-is-su li-ib- [sa-am] sa-ni-a-am si-i it-ta-al-ba- ás sa-ab-ta-at ga-az- zu ki-ma ? i-ri-id-di-su a-na gu-up-ri sa ri-i-im a-s[ar   ] tar-ba-si-im i-na [   ]-hu-ru ri-ia-ú [27] ............................. (About two lines broken away.) COL. III si-iz-ba sa na-ma-ás-te-e i-te-en-   ni-   ik a-ka-lam is-ku-nu ma-har-su ip-te-ik-ma i-na -at-tal [28] ù ip-pa-al-la-   as u-ul i-di dEn-ki- dû aklam a-na a-ka-lim sikaram   a-na sa-te-e-im la-a   lum-mu-   ud ha-ri-im-lum pi-sa i-pu-sa-am- ma iz-za-kar-am a-na iluEn-ki-dû a-ku-ul ak-lam dEn-ki-dû zi-ma-at ba-la-ti-im bi-si-ti si-im-ti ma-ti i-ku-ul a-ak-lam iluEn-ki-dû a-di si-bi-e-su sikaram is-ti-a-am 7 as-sa-am-mi-im [29] it-tap-sar kab-ta-tum i-na-an-gu i-li-is libba- su- ma pa-nu-su [it-]ta(?)-bir -ru [30] ul-tap-pi-it [............]-i su-hu-ra-am pa-ga-ar-su sa-am-nam ip-ta-sa-ás-ma a-we-li-is i-me il-ba- ás li-ib-sa-am ki-ma mu-ti i-ba-ás-si il-ki ka-ak-ka-su la-bi ú gi-ir- ri is-sa-ak-pu sab-[si]-es mu-si-a-ti ut- tap -pi-is sib-ba-ri [31] la-bi uk-t[a ]-si-id it-ti immer na-ki-[e?] ra-bu-tum iluEn-ki-dû ma-as-sa-ar-su-nu a-we-lum wa-ru-um is-[te]-en id-lum a-na[ ........ u]-za-ak-ki-ir ........................... (About five lines broken away.) REVERSE I .............................. i-ip-pu-us     ul-sa-am is-si-ma   i-ni-i-su i-ta-mar   a-we-lam iz [32]-za-kar-am   a-na harimti sa-am-ka-at uk-ki-si [33] a-we-lam a-na mi-nim    il-li-kam zi-ki-ir-su   lu-us-su [34] ha-ri-im-tum is-ta-si a-we-lam i-ba-us-su-um-ma i-ta-mar-su e-di-il [35] e-es-ta-hi-[ta-am] mi-nu   a-la-ku-zu na-ah- [36] [     -]ma e pi-su    i-pu-sa-am-[ma] iz-za-kar-am a-na iluEn-[ki-dû] bi-ti-is e-mu-tim [                ] si-ma-a-at    ni-si-i-   ma tu-sa [37]-ar pa-a-ta-tim [38] a-na âli dup-sak-ki-i e si-en UG-AD-AD-LIL e-mi sa-a-a-ha-tim a-na sarri Unuk-(ki) ri-bi-tim pi-ti pu-uk epsi [39] a-na ha-a-a-ri a-na iluGilgamis sarri sa Unuk-(ki) ri-bi-tim pi-ti pu-uk epsi [40] a-na ha-a-a-ri ás-sa-at si-ma-tim i-ra-ah-hi su-u pa-na-nu-um-ma mu-uk wa-ar-ka-nu i-na mi-il-ki sa ili ga-bi-ma i-na bi-ti-ik a-pu-un-na-ti-su [41] si- ma- az- zum a-na zi-ik-ri id-li-im i-ri-ku pa-nu-su REVERSE II ............................................................ (About five lines broken away.) i-il-la-ak- .......... ù sa-am-ka-at[     ]ar-ki-su i- ru- ub-ma [42] a-na [43] libbi Uruk-(ki) ri-bi-tim ip-hur um-ma-nu-um i-na si-ri-su iz-zi-za-am-ma i-na zu-ki-im sa Unuk-(ki) ri-bi-tim pa-ah-ra-a-ma ni-su i-ta-me-a   i-na si-ri-su pi(?)-it-tam [44] a-na mi-[ni] [45] iluGilgamis ma-si-il la-nam   sa- pi-  il e-si[   pu]-uk-ku-ul     i ? -ak-ta i[-    -]di   i-si? si-iz-ba sa[na-ma-]ás-[te]-e i-te-  en-  ni-   ik ka-ia-na i-na [libbi] Uruk-(ki) kak-ki-a-tum [46] id-lu-tum u-te-el-li-   lu sa-ki-in  ip-sa-   nu [47] a-na idli sa i-tu-ru   zi-mu-su a-na iluGilgamis ki-ma i-li-im sa-ki-is-sum [48] me-ih-rum a-na ilatIs-ha-ra ma-ia-lum na-   [di]-i-   ma iluGilgamish id-[   ]na-an(?)... i-na mu-si in-ni-[    -]id i-na-ak [49]-sa-am- ma it-ta-[    ]i-na zûki ip-ta-ra-[ku   ]-ak-tam sa   iluGilgamish ........... da-na(?) ni-is-su COL. III [ERROR: unhandled comment start] SIC --> ur-(?)ha ..................... iluGilgamis ................ i-na si-ri .................... i-ha-an-ni-ib [pi-ir-ta-su?] it-bi-ma ... a-na pa-ni- su it-tam-ha-ru i-na ri-bi-tu ma-ti iluEn-ki-dû ba-ba-am ip-ta-ri-ik i-na si-pi-su iluGilgamis e-ri-ba-am u-ul id-di-in is-sa-ab-tu-ma ki-ma li-i-im i- lu- du [50] zi-ip-pa-am 'i-bu- tu i-ga-rum ir-tu-tu [51] iluGilgamis ù iluEn-ki- dû is-sa-ab-tu-ù- ma ki-ma li-i-im i-lu-du zi-ip-pa-am 'i-bu- tu i-ga-rum ir-tu-tu ik-mi-is-ma iluGilgamis i-na ga-ga-ag-ga-ri si-ip-su ip-si-ih [52] us-sa-su- ma i-ni-'i i-ra-az-zu is-tu i-ra-zu i-ni-hu [53] iluEn-ki-dû a-na sa-si-im iz-za-kar-am a-na iluGilgamis ki-ma is-te-en-ma um-ma-ka ú- li- id- ka ri-im-tum sa zu- pu-ri ilat-Nin- sun- na ul-lu e-li mu-ti ri-es-su sar-ru-tam sa ni-si i-si-im-kum iluEn-lil duppu 2 kam-ma su-tu-ur e-li ... 4 su-si [54] TRANSLATION Gilgamish arose interpreting dreams, addressing his mother. "My mother! during my night I, having become lusty, wandered about in the midst of omens. And there came out stars in the heavens, Like a ... of heaven he fell upon me. I bore him but he was too heavy for me. He bore a net but I was not able to bear it. I summoned the land to assemble unto him, that heroes might kiss his feet. He stood up before me [55] and they stood over against me. I lifted him and carried him away unto thee." The mother of Gilgamish she that knows all things, said unto Gilgamish:-- "Truly oh Gilgamish he is born [56] in the fields like thee. The mountains have reared him. Thou beholdest him and art distracted(?) Heroes kiss _his_ feet. Thou shalt spare him.... Thou shalt lead him to me." Again he dreamed and saw another dream and reported it unto his mother. "My mother, I have seen another [dream. I beheld] my likeness in the street. In Erech of the wide spaces [57] he hurled the axe, and they assembled about him. Another axe seemed his visage. I saw him and was astounded. I loved him as a woman, falling upon him in embrace. I took him and made him my brother." The mother of Gilgamish she that knows all things [said unto Gilgamish:--] ................................... COL. II that he may join with thee in endeavor." (Thus) Gilgamish solves (his) dream. Enkidu sitting before the hierodule [   ] forgot where he was born. Six days and seven nights came forth Enkidu and cohabited with the courtesan. The hierodule opened her mouth speaking unto Enkidu. "I behold thee Enkidu; like a god thou art. Why with the animals wanderest thou on the plain? Come! I will lead thee into the midst of Erech of the wide places, even unto the holy house, dwelling place of Anu. Oh Enkidu, arise, I will conduct thee unto Eanna dwelling place of Anu, where Gilgamish [_oppresses_] the souls of men(?) And as I ............ thou shalt ........ thyself. Come thou, arise from the ground unto the place yonder (?) of the shepherd." He heard her speak and accepted her words with favor. The advice of the woman fell upon his heart. She tore off one garment and clothed him with it. With a second garment she clothed herself. She clasped his hand, guiding him like .............. unto the mighty presence of the shepherd, unto the place of the ... of the sheepfolds. In ......... to shepherd ............................. (About two lines broken away.) COL. III Milk of the cattle he drank. Food they placed before him. He broke bread [58] gazing and looking. But Enkidu understood not. Bread to eat, beer to drink, he had not been taught. The hierodule opened her mouth and said unto Enkidu:-- "Eat bread, oh Enkidu! It is the conformity of life, of the conditions and the fate of the land." Enkidu ate bread, until he was satiated. Beer he drank seven _times_(?). His thoughts became unbounded and he shouted loudly. His heart became joyful, and his face glowed. He stroked................. _the hair of the head_. [59] His body with oil he anointed. He became like a man. He attired himself with clothes even as does a husband. He seized his weapon, which the panther and lion fells in the night time cruelly. He captured the wild mountain goats. The panther he conquered. Among the great _sheep for sacrifice_ Enkidu was their guard. A man, a leader, A hero. Unto .......... he elevated ........................... (About five lines broken away.) REVERSE I .............................. And he made glad. He lifted up his eyes, and beheld the man, and said unto the hierodule:-- "Oh harlot, take away the man. Wherefore did he come to me? I would forget the memory of him." The hierodule called unto the man and came unto him beholding him. She sorrowed and was astonished how his ways were ............ Behold she opened her mouth saying unto Enkidu:-- "At home with a family [_to dwell_??] is the fate of mankind. Thou shouldest design boundaries(??) for a city. The trencher-basket put (upon thy head). .... abode of comfort. For the king of Erech of the wide places open, addressing thy speech as unto a husband. Unto Gilgamish king of Erech of the wide places open, addressing thy speech as unto a husband. He cohabits with the wife decreed for him, even he formerly. But henceforth in the counsel which god has spoken, in the work of his presence shall be his fate." At the mention of the hero his face became pale. REVERSE II ............................................................ (About five lines broken away.) going ....................... and the harlot ..... after him. He entered into the midst of Erech of the wide places. The artisans gathered about him. And as he stood in the street of Erech of the wide places, the people assembled disputing round about him:-- "How is he become like Gilgamish suddenly? In form he is shorter. In ........ he is made powerful. Milk of the cattle he drank. Continually in the midst of Erech weapons the heroes purified. A project was instituted. Unto the hero whose countenance was turned away, unto Gilgamish like a god he became for him a fellow. For Ishara a couch was laid. Gilgamish ................... In the night he .............. embracing her in sleep. They ........ in the street halting at the ................ of Gilgamish. .......... mightily(?) COL. III A road(?) .................... Gilgamish ................... in the plain .................. his hair growing thickly like the corn. He came forth ... into his presence. They met in the wide park of the land. Enkidu held fast the door with his foot, and permitted not Gilgamish to enter. They grappled with each other goring like an ox. The threshold they destroyed. The wall they demolished. Gilgamish and Enkidu grappled with each other, goring like an ox. The threshold they destroyed. The wall they demolished. Gilgamish bowed to the ground at his feet and his javelin reposed. He turned back his breast. After he had turned back his breast, Enkidu unto that one spoke, even unto Gilgamish. "Even as one [60] did thy mother bear thee, she the wild cow of the cattle stalls, Ninsunna, whose head she exalted more than a husband. Royal power over the people Enlil has decreed for thee." Second tablet. Written upon ... 240 (lines). INDEX TO PARTS 2 AND 3 A. Adab, city, 123, 23. _addi_, wailing, 117, 31; 137, 22; 161, 12. _ahu_, brother, 212, 36. Aja, goddess, 198, 9. _al (gis)_, _al-gar (gis)_, a musical instrument, 187-191. See also No. 20 Rev. 7-12. _al-bi_, compound verb, 189 n. 6. In Ni. 8164 (unpublished) _al-gar_, _al-gar-balag_ in list with _(gis)-á-lá_, also an instrument of music. _alad_, protecting genius, 154, 18. _amelis_, like a man, 215, 25. Amurrû, god. Psalm to, 118; 119. _angubba_, sentinel, 180, 14. Anu, god. 116, 18:26 ff. 131, 8; 165, 9; 180, 20. Anunnaki, gods, 114, 17:21; 116, 25; 116 n. 7; 128, 13; 135, 31; 189, 21. Anunit, goddess, 158, 12; 166, 2. _apunnatu,_ nostrils, _pitik, apunnati_, 217, 28. _assammim_ (?), 215, 18. Arallû, 132, 26; 134, 7. _aramu_, cover, 198 n. 2. _araku_, be pale, Prt. _iriku_, 217, 31. _arhis_, quickly, 199, 28. Aruru, goddess. Lamentation to, 115. Sister of Enlil, 115, 2; 171, 29; 190, 25. Other references, 116, 13:15:18; 117, 34 f. Asarludug, god, 163, 8; 170, 4. As-im-ur, title of Moon-god, 136, 12. _ás_ omitted, No. 19, 2. _as-me_, disk, 133, 38. Assirgi, god, No. 22, Rev. 7. Azagsud, goddess, 196, 30:33; 197, 38. B. Babbar, god, 116, 24; 139, 43; 147, 21; 148, 3; 152. Babylon, city, 158, 14; 160, 6; 163, 8; 166, 4:11. _badara_, see 200 n. 2. _badarani_, a weapon, 133, 36. _balag_, lyre, 138, 52. _bansur_, table; title of a goddess, 175, 3. Bau, goddess, 179, 2; 181, 30; 182, 32; 141, 7:10. _bisîtu_, condition, 215, 14. _bi'u_, cavern, 196, 29. _bulukku_, crab, 174, 5. _burgul_, engraver, 185, 8. C. Cutha, city. Center of the cult of Nergal, 167, 15. D. Dada, god, 192, 6. Dagan, West Semitic god, 149, 21. Damu, title of Tammuz, 176, 7. Deification of kings, 106-9; 127 n. 1. _dêpu_, shatter, 195 n. 16. DI-BAL, ideogram in incantations, 194, 10. Dilbat, city, 167, 16. Dilmun, land and city, 112, 2:4. _dimgul_, _dimdul_, master workman, 150. _dingir-gal-gal-e-ne_, the great gods, the Anunnaki, 114, 21:125; 149, 19. dumu-anna, daughter of heaven, title of Bau, 179, 5; 181, 28; 184, 28. _dumu-sag_, title of Tasmet, 163, 12. Dungi, king of Ur, liturgy to, 136. _dupsakku_, trencher basket, 216, 17. Duranki, epithet for Nippur, 122, 18; 180, 11. E. E-anna, temple in Erech, 123, 30; 125; 148, 12; 213, 18. E-babbar, temple of the sun god, 152; 158, 11; 166, 1. Perhaps read E-barra. E-daranna, temple of Enki in Babylon, 169, 25; 170, 29. See BL. 133. _edelu_ = _ederu_, be gloomy, 216, 10. _é-dub_, house of learning, 117, 39. _é-gal_, palace, No. 19, Rev. 3; 115, 11; 131, 7; 134, 22; 158, 9. _é-gig_ = _kissu_, 191, 11. E-ibe-Anu, temple in Dilbat, 167, 16. E-kinammaka, temple, 115, 10. E-kisibba, temple in Kish, 166, 13. E-kur, temple, 180, 12; 183, 23; 190, 7; 146, 9; 147, 17; 158, 8; 160, 4; 166, 17; 169, 23. Emah, Esmah, ritual house of the water cult of Marduk, 163, 7; 115, 4. E-malga-sud, temple, 181, 24; 141, 3. E-meteg, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. E-mete-ursag, temple in Kish, 166, 13. E-namtila, temple, 160, 4; 169, 24. _en-a-nu-un_, _en-á-nun_, title of Innini and Gula, 173, 2. Enbilulu, title of Marduk, 170, 5. E-ninnû, temple, 181, 22. _EN-HUL-tim-mu_, 194 n. 2. _EN-KA-KA, bêl dababi_, 194, 2. Enki, god. Hymn to, No. 20, 113, 7; 114, 10; 116, 21; 122, 7; 149, 16. Enkidu, satyr, 213, 3:7:10:11; 214, 6; 215, 11:12:15:34; 216, 13; 219, 8:15:25; 131, 11; 134, 16; 178, 13. Enlil, god. Liturgy to, 155-184. Regarded as god of light, 157, 1 ff. 158, 3 f. Other references, 114, 19; 115, 2; 116, 19; 131, 6; 136, 5; 139, 40; 149, 22; 146, 3:7:14; 189, 11:19; 220, 33. Enul, god, 149, 16. Enzu, god, 139, 41; 146, 3. _epsanu_, deeds, 218, 18. _epû_, be dark, I2 _itêpû_, 196, 29. Erech, city, 125; 149, 13. Erech _ribîtim_, 212, 28; 213, 15; 217, 19:21; 217, 3:6. eri-azag, holy city, Isin, 141, 8. _erida_, title, 175, 1. Eridu, city, 113, 20; 136, 13. Erishkigal, goddess, 131, 10; 134, 11. _ersagtugmal_, penitential psalm, 118. E-sagila, temple, 152. E-sakudkalamma, temple, 166, 10; 169 n. 4. _esendili_, a title, 177, 10. _eskar_, fixed tax, 188, 9. _es-lal_, a sacred place, 161, 14. E-temen-anki, temple, 169, 25. E-turkalamma, temple, 166, 14. Euphrates, river, 183, 12; 183, 20. E-zida, temple, 166, 12. Ezina, grain goddess, 174, 9. Ezira, reading of the divine name _KA-DI_, 177, 11. F. Fara, modern Arabic name for the site of Isin (?), 177 n. 4. G. _GAB_, baked bread, 200, 33. _GAB-LAL_, a cake made with honey, 195, 22; 200, 35. _GAR-sunnu = episan-sunu_, 198, 13. _gasan-gula_, title of Ninâ, 119 n. 2. _gepar_, dark chamber, 123, 30 f., 148, 10; 161, 18. Gibil, god, 197, 3. _gi-gál(gis)_,interlude, 151 n. 1; 182, 33. _gigunna_, 114, 23. Gilgamish, king of Erech, 207; 211, 1:115 f. 212, 17:37; 213, 2; 217, 21; 218, 9:20:24:29 and below 2; 219, 10;15:20:26. Derivation of name, 208. See also No. 16 Rev. II 15; 197, 42; 124 f. _gilsa_, a sacred relic, 132, 22. Girra, _Irra_, god, 174, 7; 177, 12. _girru_, lion, 215, 29. Girsu, city, 181, 23. Guanna, deity, No. 16 Rev. II 18. Guedin, province, 129, 28. Gunura, goddess of healing, 176, 6. _gupru_, mighty, 214, 33. Gutium, land, 120 ff. H. Hallab, city, 125; 141. _hanabu_, grow thickly, Prs. _ibannib_, 219, 4. _hapapu_, embrace, 212, 34. _hassinu_, axe, 212, 29:31. _harbatu_, waste place, 200, 39. Harsagkalamma, temple, 166, 14. Hubur, mythical river, 197, 42. _hûlu_, a bird, 199, 31. _hûku_, a bird, 199, 31. I. Ibi-Sin, king of Ur, 151 n. 2. _ibsi_, liturgical expression, 120, 5. Igigi, heaven spirits, 116 n. 6. _IGI-NAGIN-NA_, 194, 11. _imib_, weapon, 131, 8. _mi-ib_, ibid. n.3. _imin_, seven. Seven lands, 130, 35; seventh day, 134, 18. Immer, god, 177, 8. Indag, god, consort of Gula, 173, 3. Innini, goddess, 123. Liturgy to, 184; 123, 29. Consort of Shamash, 148, 4. Other references, 154, 21. _issur samê_, unclean birds, 195 n. 10. Ishara, goddess, 218, 22. Isin, city, 122, 15; 176, 4. Ishme-Dagan, 178 ff. Son of Enlil, 181, 29; 182, 32. Liturgy to, 143. K. _KA-DIB-BI, sibit pî_, 194, 10. _KAK-DIG_, a weapon, 130, 4. _kakkitu_ (?), weapon. Pl. _kakkiatum_, 218, 16. _KAK-SIR_, a weapon (?), 130, 4. _kalama_, the Land, Sumer, 138, 25; 141, 5; 147, 22; 150, 4; 154, 17; 177, 9. _kanami_=_kalama_, land, 120, 8. KA-NE, a new ideograph, 153 n. 10. _kasû_, bind. I2 _liktisu_, 198, 20. Kenurra, chapel of Ninlil, 114, 22; 123, 20; 160, 4; 166, 18; 166, 8; 169, 24. Kes, city, 115, 11; 123, 22. _kesda-azag_, a relic, 132, 27. _ki_, _kin_ for _gim_ = _kima_, 120, 6. KI-AG-MAL, _râmu_, 194 n. 4. Kidurkazal, daughter of Ninkasi, 145. _ki-malla_, to bend. _tig-zu ki-ma-al-la nu-gí-gí_, "Thy neck wearies not in bending," 168, 2. [Correct the translation.] _ki-in-gin, ki-en-gin_, Sumer, 115, 24; 134, 19; 189, 17. _KI-SAR, kakkara tasabbit_, 199, 29. Kish, city, 129, 30; 166, 12. _é kis-(ki)-sú_, so read, No. 5 Obv. 8. Kullab, city, 149, 14; 173, 1. _kunin, gunin_, reed basket, 150 n. 3. _kurgal_, "great mountain," title of Sumer, 114, 11. Of Enlil, 114, 19; 182, 5. _KURUN-NA_, (_amelu_), 196, 34. _KUS-KU-MAL_, 194, 11. L. _la'atu_, gore. Prt. _ilûdu_, 219, 12:17. _labu_, panther, 215, 29:32. Lagash, city, 181, 23:26. _Lahama_, goddess of Chaos, 113, 5. Laws, promulgated by Dungi, 138, 31. Libit-Ishtar, king, 141. _libsu_, garment, 214, 27:29; 215, 26. Ligirsig, a god, 113, 3. _lilazag_, epithet of a deified king, 141, 1. Lillaenna, goddess, 192, 5. _limenu_, be evil. II1 _ulammenu-inni_, 197, 7. Lugal-dig, god, 197, 5. _lu'ûtu_, pollution, 195, 19. M. Magan, land, 112, 2:5. _maialu_, couch, 218, 22. _malasu_, shear, 195, 20. Mamit, 200, 41. _mandatu_, form, 195, 21. _mal-gar_ (_gi_), a musical instrument, 191, 10. _mangu_, disease, 195, 19. Marduk, god, 151. _markasu_, leader, 150. _masû_, seize, 195 n. 5. _masû_, to forget, 216, 7. Me-azag, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. _mehru_, fellow, 218, 21. Mehus, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. Meluhha, land, 112, 6. Meslam, temple in Cutha, 167, 15. _mesû_, a tree, 159, 23. _muk_, now, but now, 217, 26. Mulgenna, Saturn, 137, 18. Mulmul, gods, 142. N. _nâdu_, water bottle, 198, 17. _nadîtu_, temple devotee, 188, 7. _nagû_, shout. Prs. _inangu_, 215, 19. _nâku_, embrace, 218, 26. _namastû_, cattle, etc., 213, 12:17; 214, 1; 219, 14. Namtar, god, 197, 3; 132, 24. Nangt, goddess, 192, 7. Nannar, god, 115, 12; 116, 23; 133, 38; 137, 11; 150, 2. Nergal, god, 131, 6. Nidaba, goddess, 191. _ni-gál_, cattle, 121, 6. _nimir = ligir_, 174, 4. _ninda_, linear measure, 133, 41. Ningal, goddess, No. 19, 5; 148, 3; 151, 3. Ningiszida, god, 133, 34. Nin-isinna, goddess, 122, 16; 191, 15. Ninkasi, goddess, 144. Ninki, goddess, 149, 16. Ninlil, goddess, 116, 20; 123, 20; 137, 12; 146, 14. Ninmada, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. Ninmah, goddess, 116, 22. Ninmenna, epithet of Damgalnunna, 190, 27. Ninsun, goddess, 219, 30; 208 n. 6; 129; 131, 16 (?). Nintudri, goddess, 123, 26. Nintudra, 137, 16. Creatress of man and woman, 192. Ninul, goddess, 149, 16. Ninurasâ, god, 191, 12; 146, 12. Ninzuanna, goddess, 122, 13. Nippur, city, 112, 8; 122, 18:19; 160, 3; 169, 21; 180, 11; 149, 18; 158, 7; 165, 16. _NI-SUR_ (_amelu_), 196, 35. Nudimmud, god, 199, 25. No. 20, 10. _nugiganna_, epithet of Innini, 185, 2. _nûn apsi_, unclean fish, 195 n. 11. Nunamnirri, god, 190, 28; 146, 13; 180, 10:13:17. _nun-ùr_, epithet of Amurrû, 119, 3. Nusiligga, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. Nusku, god, 146, 7; 163, 13. P. Pabilsag, god. Son and consort of Gula, 173 n. 3; 176, 5. A form of Tammuz. _pananumma_, formerly, 217, 25. Panunnaki, goddess, consort of Marduk, 163, 9. _pataku_, fashion, break, 214, 4. _paturru_, a weapon, 200, 37. Pleiades, 142. R. _ratatu_, demolish, 219, 19. Rimat ilatNinsun, 208 n. 6; 219, 29. Ruskisag, goddess, 132, 28. _RU-TIG_, an epithet, 141, 2. S. _sa-bar; sa-sud-da_, liturgical note, 182, 31. _sabsis_, cruelly, 215, 30. Sagilla, temple, 158, 15. E-sagila, 160, 5; 166, 5; 166, 11. _sahatu_, be astounded, 216, 10. Arabic _sahita_. _saiahatu_, desire, comfort, 216, 18. _sakapu_, fell. I2 _issakpu_, 215, 30. _salûtu_, enmity, 199, 27. Samas, god, 197, 4:8; 198, 10:13; 199, 25:31. Samas-sum-ukin, king. Incantations for, 193-200; 199, 23. Samsuiluna, king, 151. _SAR-DI-DA_, a relic, 133, 37. Serpent adversary, 183, 21; 148, 12. Seven, sacred number. Seven gods, 196, 30. Ship, in legend, 113, 2. Silsirsir, a chapel. Sin, god. Hymn to, No. 19. _sippu_, threshold, 219, 13:18. _Sippar_, city, 158, 10; 160, 5; 166, 19. _sirgidda_, long song, 140, 54. Siris, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. Siriskas, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. Siriskasgig, daughter of Ninkasi, 144. _sirsagga_, first melody, 117, 28; 139, 48. _SU-AN = kat ili_, 194, 12. See also _SU-d_INNINI, 194, 12. _SU-NAM-ERIM-MA_, 194, 13. _SU-NAM-LU-GAL-LU_, 194, 13. _subura_, earth, 175, 3. _su-ud, sú-ud-ám_, epithet of goddess of Suruppak, 177, 10 and note 4. _suhuru_, hair (?), 215, 23. _sukkal-zid_, title of Nebo, 163, 10. Sulpae, god, No. 16 II 22. Sumer, land, 113, 21; 114, 11; 136, 2. _sumugan_, title of Girra, 177, 12 and note; 179, 3. T. Tablet of fates, 132 n. 3. Tammuz, ancient ruler, 208. Liturgy to, 191. Other references, 126; 208; 131, 20. _tapasu_, seize, capture, II2 _uttappis_, 215, 31. _temeru_, cook, 196, 35. Tigris, river, 183, 12. Tummal, land, 190, 9; 191, 10. U. _ud_, spirit, word, 150, 1:4; 158, 16; 159, 17:24. _ul-al-tar_, 191 n. 6. _ulinnu_, girdle cord, 195, 20. Ulmas, temple of Anunit, 158, 13; 166, 3. Ur, city, 134, 21; 137, 6. Lamentation for, 150. Other references, No. 19, 4:7:8:16:28: Rev. 5; 151, 3. Ur-azag, king of Isin (?), 140 n. 2. Ur-Engur, king of Ur, 126 ff. _urinu_, spear (?), 173, 3. _ursaggal_, epithet for Ninurasa, 165, 11. For Enbilulu, 170, 5. _usumgal_, 117, 33. Z. _zâbu_, flow. _li-zu-bu_, 198, 16. Cf. _gàm = za'ibu, mitirtu_, words for canal, SAI. 691-3. _zag-sal_, liturgical note, 103 f. No. 21 end. _za-am_, 138, 34; 139, 38; 140, 56. _zênu_, be enraged, II1 _uzinu-inni_, 197, 6. _ZI-TAR-RU-DA = nikis napisti_, 194 n. 6. DESCRIPTION OF TABLETS Number in this volume. 1 Museum number. 7771 Description. Dark brown unbaked tablet. Three columns. Lower edge slightly broken. Knobs at left upper and left lower corners to facilitate the holding of the tablet. H. 7 inches: W. 6 1/2; T. 1 1/2. Second tablet of the Epic of Gilgamish. NOTES [1] Ni. 13981, published by Dr. Poebel in PBS. V, No. 2. [2] The local Bêl of Erech and a bye-form of Enlil, the earth god. Here he is the consort of the mother goddess Ninsun. [3] Tammuz is probably a real personage, although _Dumu-zi_, his original name, is certainly later than the title _Ab-ú_, probably the oldest epithet of this deity, see _Tammuz and Ishtar_, p. 8. _Dumu-zi_ I take to have been originally the name of a prehistoric ruler of Erech, identified with the primitive deity Abu. [4] See _ibid._, page 40. [5] Also Meissner's early Babylonian duplicate of Book X has invariably the same writing, see Dhorme, _Choix de Textes Religieux_, 298-303. [6] Sign whose gunufied form is read _aga_. [7] The standard text of the Assyrian version is by Professor Paul Haupt, _Das Babylonische Nimrodepos_, Leipzig, 1884. [8] The name of the mother of Gilgamish has been erroneously read _ri-mat ilat_Nin-lil, or _Rimat-Bêlit_, see Dhorme 202, 37; 204, 30, etc. But Dr. Poebel, who also copied this text, has shown that _Nin-lil_ is an erroneous reading for _Nin-sun_. For _Ninsun_ as mother of Gilgamish see SBP. 153 n. 19 and R.A., IX 113 III 2. _Ri-mat ilat_Nin-sun should be rendered "The wild cow Ninsun." [9] The fragments which have been assigned to Book II in the British Museum collections by Haupt, Jensen, Dhorme and others belong to later tablets, probably III or IV. [10] Rm. 289, latter part of Col. II (part of the Assyrian version) published in HAUPT, _ibid._, 81-4 preserves a defective text of this part of the epic. This tablet has been erroneously assigned to Book IV, but it appears to be Book III. [11] K. 2589 and duplicate (unnumbered) in Haupt, _ibid._, 16-19. [12] See also Ward, No. 199. [13] Here this late text includes both variants _pasaru_ and _zakaru_. The earlier texts have only the one or the other. [14] For _kakabê_; _b_ becomes _u_ and then is reduced to the breathing. [15] The variants have _kima kisri_; _ki-[ma]?-rum_ is a possible reading. The standard Assyrian texts regard Enkidu as the subject. [16] Var. _da-an_ [17] _SAM-KAK_ = _ilu_, net. The variant has _ultaprid ki-is-su-su_, "he shook his murderous weapon." For _kissu_ see ZA. 9,220,4 = CT. 12,14b 36, _gis-kud_ = _ki-is-su_. [18] Var. _nussu_ for _nus-su_ = _nussa-su_. The previous translations of this passage are erroneous. [19] This is to my knowledge the first occurence of the infinitive of this verb, _paheru_, not _paharu_. [20] Text _ma_? [21] _istanamma_ > _istilamma_. [22] Cf. Code of Hammurapi IV 52 and Streck in _Babyloniaca_ II 177. [23] Restored from Tab. I Col. IV 21. [24] Cf. Dhorme _Choix de Textes Religieux_ 198, 33. [25] _namastû_ a late form which has followed the analogy of _restû_ in assuming the feminine _t_ as part of the root. The long _û_ is due to analogy with _namassû_ a Sumerian loan-word with nisbe ending. [26] Room for a small sign only, perhaps _A; maiak_? For _mâka_, there, see BEHRENS, LSS. II page 1 and index. [27] Infinitive "to shepherd"; see also Poebel, PBS. V 106 I, _ri-ia-ú_, _ri-te-ia-ú_. [28] The text has clearly _AD-RI_. [29] Or _azzammim_? The word is probably an adverb; hardly a word for cup, mug (??). [30] _it_ is uncertain and _ta_ more likely than _us_. One expects _ittabriru_. Cf. _muttabrirru_, CT. 17, 15, 2; _littatabrar_, EBELING, KTA. 69, 4. [31] For _sapparu_. Text and interpretation uncertain. _uttappis_ II2 from _tapasu_, Hebrew _tapas_, seize. [32] Text _ta_! [33] On _ekesu_, drive away, see Zimmern, _Shurpu_, p. 56. Cf. _uk-kis _ Myhrman, PBS. I 14, 17; _uk-ki-si_, King, Cr. App. V 55; etc., etc. [34] The Hebrew cognate of _masû_, to forget, is _nasâ_, Arabic _nasijia_, and occurs here in Babylonian for the first time. See also Brockelman, _Vergleichende Grammatik_ 160 a. [35] Probably phonetic variant of _edir_. The preterite of _ederu_, to be in misery, has not been found. If this interpretation be correct the preterite _edir_ is established. For the change _r_ > _l_ note also _attalah_ < _attarah_, Harper, _Letters_ 88, 10, _bilku_ < _birku_, RA. 9, 77 II 13; _uttakkalu_ < _uttakkaru_, Ebeling, KTA. 49 IV 10. [36] Also _na_-'-[     -]_ma_ is possible. [37] The text cannot be correct since it has no intelligible sign. My reading is uncertain. [38] Text uncertain, _kal-lu-tim_ is possible. [39] _KAK-si_. [40] _KAK-si_. [41] Literally nostrils. _pitik apunnati-su_, work done in his presence(?). The meaning of the idiom is uncertain. [42] Text _ZU_! [43] Text has erroneous form. [44] Text _PA-it-tam_ clearly! [45] Omitted by the scribe. [46] Sic! The plural of _kakku_, _kakkîtu_(?). [47] Cf. _e-pi-sa-an-su-nu libâru_, "May they see their doings," _Maklu_ VII 17. [48] For _sakin-sum_. [49] On the verb _nâku_ see the Babylonian Book of Proverbs § 27. [50] The verb _la'atu_, to pierce, devour, forms its preterite _ilut_; see VAB. IV 216, 1. The present tense which occurs here as _ilut_ also. [51] Note _BUL(tu-ku)_ = _ratatu_ (falsely entered in Meissner, SAI. 7993), and _irattutu_ in Zimmern, _Shurpu_, Index. [52] "For _ipsah_." [53] Sic! _hu_ reduced to the breathing _'u_; read _i-ni-'u_. [54] The tablet is reckoned at forty lines in each column, [55] Literally "he attained my front." [56] IV1 of _waladu_. [57] I.e., in the suburb of Erech. [58] _pataku_ has apparently the same sense originally as _bataku_, although the one forms its preterite _iptik_, and the other _ibtuk_. Cf. also _mahasu_ break, hammer and construct. [59] The passage is obscure. Here _suhuru_ is taken as a loan-word from sugur = kimmatu, hair of the head. The infinitive II1 of _saharu_ is philologically possible. [60] I.e., an ordinary man. --- Provided by ---