The American Missionary (QUARTERLY) July } Aug. } 1900 Sept.} Vol. LIV. No. 3. * * * * * [Illustration: COURT SQUARE THEATRE, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. PLACE OF FIFTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING.] * * * * * NEW YORK: PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION, THE CONGREGATIONAL ROOMS, FOURTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-SECOND STREET, NEW YORK. * * * * * Price 50 Cents a Year in advance. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as Second-Class mail matter. * * * * * CONTENTS. * * * * * PAGE FINANCIAL--NINE MONTHS 97 EDITORIAL NOTES 97 INDIAN PROGRESS 102 LIGHT AND SHADE 104 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES: FISK UNIVERSITY, TENN. 106 TALLADEGA COLLEGE, ALA. 108 STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY, LA. 110 TOUGALOO UNIVERSITY, MISS. 113 GRANDVIEW INSTITUTE, TENN. 115 PLEASANT HILL ACADEMY, TENN. 115 FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN SCHOOL, N. D. 116 A TRIBUTE TO REV. A. J. F. BEHRENDS, D.D. 118 RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D.D. 119 OBITUARY--PROF. A. K. SPENCE--REV. W. S. ALEXANDER, D.D. 121 PORTO RICO NOTES 122 LOSS OF SUPPLIES FOR ALASKA 124 DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR 125 RECEIPTS 128 WOMAN'S STATE ORGANIZATIONS 142 SECRETARIES OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S AND CHILDREN'S WORK 144 * * * * * THE 54th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE American Missionary Association WILL BE HELD IN SPRINGFIELD, MASS. October 23-25, 1900. SERMON: REV. NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS, D.D. * * * * * The AMERICAN MISSIONARY presents new form, fresh material and generous illustrations for 1900. This magazine is published by the American Missionary Association quarterly. Subscription rate fifty cents per year. Many wonderful missionary developments in our own country during this stirring period of national enlargement are recorded in the columns of this magazine. * * * * * THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. VOL. LIV. JULY, 1900. NO. 3. * * * * * FINANCIAL. Nine Months, Ending June 30th. The receipts are $237,141.25, exclusive of Reserve Legacy Account, an increase of $24,922,63 compared with last year. There has been an increase of $15,751.36 in donations, $5,800.96 in estates, $852,26 in income and $2,518.05 in tuition. The expenditures are $249,148.75, an increase of $21,699.95 compared with last year. The debt showing June 30th, this year, is $12,007.50--last year at the same time $15,230.18. We appeal to churches, Sunday-schools, Christian Endeavor Societies, Woman's Missionary Societies and individuals, and also to executors of estates, to secure as large a sum as possible for remittance in July, August and September. The fiscal year closes September 30th. We hope to receive from all sources every possible dollar. The Association closed the year 1897-98 without debt, and the year 1898-99 without debt, and it earnestly desires to close this year, 1899-1900 without debt. * * * * * [Sidenote: Annual Meeting, Oct. 23d-25th.] The Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association is to be held in Springfield, Mass., October 23d-25th. The Court Square Theatre has been secured, containing the largest auditorium in the city. A great gathering is anticipated. Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D.D., will preach the sermon. Reports from the large and varied fields will be presented by missionaries. The fields now reach from Porto Rico to Alaska, and present various and interesting conditions of life. The great problems of national and missionary importance that are pressing themselves upon the attention of Christian patriots everywhere will be ably discussed. Contributing churches, local conferences and state associations are entitled to send delegates to this convention of the American Missionary Association. [Sidenote: A New Departure Program.] Santee Training School presented a unique and interesting program at the closing exercises, June 15th, 1900. "A New Departure Program for Closing of School" was the title upon the printed page. The program was divided into two parts. Part first was confined to history. The general subject presented in the papers was "The Development of Civilized Ways of Living." One of the Indian pupils read a paper on "First Ways of Getting Food and Clothing." Another on "First Dwellings." The future as well as the past in race development and elevation was considered. "Beginning to Provide for the Future" was the subject of another paper. "Clothing" was discussed in relation to its production and value. The second part of this "New Departure Program" presented science in a practical and helpful way. The general subject was "Natural Forces are for Human Use." Interesting and valuable papers were presented on such themes as "Wind Mills," "Non-conduction in Electricity," "Plant Breathing," "Food Stored," and other suggestive and important subjects. Throughout abundant illustrations were presented impressing upon these Indian boys and girls important lessons in independence and self-control and self-help essential to development and progress. Santee is to be commended surely for this new departure, which must prove not only interesting but of permanent value in race elevation. [Sidenote: A New Departure Program.] The attention of the whole world has been focalized on China during the past few weeks. Many hearts are deeply anxious for friends who are in the midst of this upheaval and whose lives are threatened. Beginning with mobs instigated by a secret society, apparently without preconcertion, a state bordering upon war now exists. Whether the Empress Dowager is at the head of this movement it seems impossible to decide. The conservative element of the Chinese is certainly in sympathy with the Boxers in their effort to exterminate the "foreign devils." What the outcome of this insane uprising and mad onslaught involving substantial war against the civilized nations of the world will be, no prophet of modern times can foretell. Many of us wait with anxious and sorrowful hearts for messages which we hope and yet fear to receive, lest they confirm our apprehension and alarm. We hope to present in the next issue of the MISSIONARY an article from Rev. Jee Gam, the missionary of the A. M. A. in San Francisco, giving his views and interpretations of the trouble in China. This Association is closely related to the great work in this Empire through the missions in our own country among the Chinese. How much the civilized nations are responsible for the present condition through their eager and often ill-advised efforts to absorb the territory, or to gain political and commercial advantages, is a serious problem. The need of aggressive and earnest work for the Chinese who come to our own country is emphasized by these alarming conditions. Hundreds should be sent back as missionaries to their own people. We hold the key to the solution of foreign missions in Africa, China and Japan in members of these races in our own country. [Sidenote: A United Annual Meeting.] Several state and local conferences have passed resolutions in favor of one annual meeting for all our six missionary societies. Such a convention would probably occupy a week. Each society would have representation during such a portion of the time as the magnitude of the work represented demanded. The general sentiment seems to be that the Sabbath should be used as a day of missionary and spiritual arousement, for the general interests of the Kingdom of God, as represented through our denomination. This plan met the cordial approval of the Home Missionary Convention in Detroit recently. It is certainly worthy of the careful consideration of all our societies. [Sidenote: The Testimony of Prof. Roark.] Prof. R. M. Roark, of the Kentucky State College, at the commencement of Chandler Normal School, Lexington, Ky., bore the following testimony to the strength and value of the negroes of the South: "Forty years ago the race had nothing; now property in the hands of the negro has an assessed valuation of nearly five hundred million dollars. Not a few individuals are worth seventy-five thousand to one hundred thousand dollars. Forty years ago it was a violation of the law to teach a negro; now there are thousands of children in good schools; and there are two hundred higher institutes of learning for negroes, with an attendance of two hundred thousand or more. There are many successful teachers, editors, lawyers, doctors and ministers who are negroes. All these professions are fully and ably represented here, in conservative and aristocratic Lexington, and as regards these men and women there is no race problem. Worth, honesty, clear knowledge, self-respect and independent support lie at the foundation of any citizenship, white or black. May these young graduates carry these with them into the life conflict, and be the leaders of their race into the widest opportunities of free American citizenship." [Sidenote: Splendid Benefactions.] Mr. Rossiter Johnson has recently compiled a list of bequests to benevolent objects during the last year in the United States. This is a remarkable showing. The grand total is nearly sixty-three million dollars. The year previous it reached the good sum of thirty-eight million, and in 1897, forty-five million. In three years, therefore, over one hundred and forty million dollars have been bestowed by generous men and women for charitable and educational objects. There never has been a time in the history of the world when generosity and riches were so often held in possession of the same person as to-day. [Sidenote: Important.] Mr. R. H. Learell, of the Class of 1901, at Harvard University, was awarded the first prize in the Harvard Bowdoin Series. His subject was "The Race Problems in the South." An interesting and valuable lecture was delivered before the students of Western Reserve University, Ohio, by Prof. O. H. Tower, Ph.D. His subject was "The Food of the Alabama Negro and its Relation to His Mental and Moral Development." [Sidenote: A Useful Record.] LeMoyne Normal Institute, at Memphis, Tenn., has just completed the twenty-ninth year of its history. It was founded by the American Missionary Association in October, 1871. The work of the school has grown into large proportions. The enrollment of students for the year has numbered 725 in all grades. More than 200 of these have studied in the normal department. They are thus fitting themselves for teaching among their people in the public and private schools of the state. The graduating class of 1900 consisted of twenty. Dr. LeMoyne, of Washington, Pa., after whom the institute is named, gave the ground and the buildings and the original outlay. The American Missionary Association has maintained the work during these twenty-nine years. The Alumni Association of the institute has contributed generously in proportion to their means to the work at the school. The Alumni have been much interested in the development of the industrial department, and have contributed for that purpose. Woodworking, cooking and nursing classes will be conducted in the school next year, offering still larger opportunities for the training of these young people for a larger and more useful life-work. [Sidenote: Whittier High School.] The closing exercises of Whittier High School were held in the Congregational Church, on the 18th of May. This school is situated in the Highlands of North Carolina. It reaches the young people of a considerable area, and is an influence for large good among them. Among the speeches or essays presented at the closing exercises, was one entitled: "The South, Her Strength and Weakness." It is a hopeful sign that the young men of the South, who are to be the leaders in their section, are seriously considering these problems. In the "New South," a large element of strength and progress will come from the educated young men of the Highlands. They are somewhat slow to be moved, but are strong, steadfast and courageous in the defense of that which they believe to be right, when they do move. [Sidenote: Grit that Wins.] In one of our schools among the American Highlanders a young mountaineer, then scarcely out of his teens, applied for membership. When asked what funds he had to support him in his proposed study, he replied: "Only fifty cents." He had dependent upon him two sisters, a brother and his mother. It seemed rather limited capital for such an undertaking. He went to work, however, cutting logs, built a log-cabin, moved into it with his family, and with an eagerness that can scarcely be appreciated by those who have had larger opportunities, went to his study in the schoolroom. It is not necessary to say that such grit and devotion won for him success. He has fitted himself for Christian instruction among his people, and is rapidly becoming a leader. This young man, however, is not an individual but a type of hundreds of such Highland lads and lassies who are struggling with great self-sacrifice for an education in our American Missionary Association schools. [Sidenote: Prepared for Life Work.] The graduating class from Williamsburg Academy, Kentucky, numbers three. They are all from the State of Kentucky, but from different counties. The mountain people only are represented. One contemplates the study of medicine next fall. One expects to teach. The other, a young lady, will probably remain at home for a time. All are Christians and in active Christian work. [Sidenote: Grand View Institute, Tennessee.] This school, among the Highlanders, has closed a most successful year. The following item comes from the principal: "The young men have held a mid-week prayer meeting twice each week during the month. These meetings were well attended, and much interest was manifested. At our last mid-week service, before the closing of the school, our little church was well filled, and a large number took part in the service. The topic for the evening was 'Some of the benefits I have received during the school year in Grand View.' The meeting was exceptionally impressive. Many of these students have, during the year, taken Christ into their hearts and lives, and this, after all, we feel is the 'one thing needful.'" [Sidenote: Manual of Savannah Congregational District.] Through the courtesy of the Moderator, the manual of this conference has been presented to the editor of the MISSIONARY. It contains the constitution and by-laws, and a brief historical sketch of this group of churches in Georgia. It is an interesting document. Among other things, it illustrates the desire of these churches to have an educated and upright ministry. Article XII of their constitution reads, in part, as follows: "Congregationalists have always believed in a Godly and educated ministry. To meet the wants of local conditions, a three years' course of study shall be provided for in the by-laws, for all who are not graduates of normal, college preparatory or college classes.... The by-laws shall provide a four years' course of conference study, leading up to the printed certificate. Any person holding a printed certificate shall be addressed as Reverend, preach without annual examination, on condition of good behavior, and may be ordained if called by a church to be its pastor.... Ordained preachers coming to us from bodies having a lower standard shall pursue our four years' course of study and pass annual examinations, if they are under fifty years of age." This is certainly an earnest and systematic effort on the part of our brethren of these churches to establish higher educational and ethical standards on the part of the ministers in that state. The benefit will accrue not only to our Congregational Churches, but to all others in the state. * * * * * INDIAN PROGRESS. BY REV. C. L. HALL. [Sidenote: Old and New.] On May 26th there was a high wind over the prairie. It hindered the carpenter who was trying to frame the bell-tower of the new chapel. The chapel stands aloft in the center of the Ree Indian settlement. It is a shining mark, seen in the June sunlight, for miles up and down the Missouri bench lands. The prairie around it is dotted with Indian homes. The winds could not stop the building nor overturn it. Other work the wind did finish. That was the overthrow of the old heathen place of worship which stood a little more than a mile away from the new Christian chapel. Neglected for several years, it had been gradually disintegrating till the wind threw down the remains of the ruin. The Ree Christian Indians are now looking with satisfaction at the chapel which their own work has helped to build. It is the center of a new religious and social order. It illustrates, also, the co-operative work of the Women's Home Missionary Association, Church-Building Society and the American Missionary Association. All of these had a helping hand in the building. It takes all that all can do together to provide new and better things for the Indian as their hold of and faith in the old pass away. [Sidenote: Citizen Indians.] The Fort Berthold Indians have recently become voters. The coming fall elections are important; consequently the caucuses held this spring were of some moment. In the county convention eleven delegates out of twenty-six were Indians. They might have a deciding vote of considerable consequence. There was an effort to control the ignorant part of the community for private interests. The better educated young men, however, were alive to their duty and opportunity, and many of the older ones were sensible enough to put forward the younger and better informed to represent them. The consequence was that when the delegates arrived at the county seat they were found to be an intelligent and well-dressed company, who could understand what was going on. Two of them went from the county to the Fargo state convention to nominate delegates to the national presidential convention. One went to the judicial convention, and two are to go to the coming state convention at Grand Forks to nominate state officers. Three of these delegates were from our Santee school, and one from Hampton. The testimony of political leaders is that the Indian delegates made a good impression, and were not led into the self-indulgences that disgraced some whites. Several years ago one of the older boys found it rather tiresome to study "civil government" in the mission school. Now he says to his teacher, "Civil government is all right." It always will be in the hand of intelligent people who want to do right--all colors included. * * * * * "LIGHT AND SHADE." MRS. IDA V. WOODBURY. The title of this rambling sketch of Southern travel does not refer, as might be understood, to the wonderful picturesqueness of the Southern mountains and valleys, their ever-varying beauty of sunshine and shadow, nor to the spiritual, moral or intellectual condition of the people; but is a salutation, embodying in its brevity an invitation to the stranger to dismount from his horse, or step down from his carriage, and rest himself beneath the shade of the trees. "Light, stranger, light and shade," is the laconic, epigrammatic but cordial and hospitable greeting. In response to such a salutation, I "lit" from the buggy one afternoon a few weeks ago in front of a one-roomed, windowless log hut in the Kentucky mountains, where lived a man, his wife and eight children. I was urged to "set by," so I went inside the house. The mother was lying on a bed in the corner, and I said to her, "Are you sick?" (You must never ask a mountaineer if he is ill, that is equivalent to asking him if he is cross.) "Yes," she said, "I'm powerful puny." "Have you been sick long?" was my next question. "I've been punying around all winter." "Has it been cold here?" "Yes, mighty cold." "Have you had any snow?" "Yes, we've had a right smart of snow twicet, and oncet it was pretty nigh shoe-mouth deep." These people rarely admit that they are well. The most you can expect is, "I'm tolerable, only jest tolerable," while often they say, "I'm powerful puny, or nigh about plum sick." And then with an air of extreme resignation, for they seem to enjoy poor health, they add, "We're all powerful puny humans." We had supper on the night of which I write in one of these little cabins--the young missionary of the American Missionary Association and myself. The conditions were very primitive, the fare coarse, but the welcome hearty, the hospitality bountiful. Then we had a prayer-meeting in the "church house," and between fifty and sixty people were present. The men dressed in homespun and blue jeans, the women all with full-bordered cape bonnets and home-knit woolen mitts. It is a great lack of "form" to go with the hands uncovered, but the feet are often so; and I will venture to say that the missionary and myself were the only persons in the "church house" whose mouths were not filled with tobacco, a custom very much in evidence all through the meeting. I talked to them of our work among the Indians, and after the meeting one man came to me and shook my hand right royally, as he said, "I've never seen you before, mum, and I reckon I never shall see you again; but we've been mightily holped up by what you've been saying, and I reckon we ought to be doing something for them poor humans." In his poverty, in his need, his heart went out to those who seemed to him to be in greater destitution. As we went to our buggy at the close of the meeting, the people gathered around to say goodbye, and many were the kindly words and the God-speeds. Many, too, were the evidences of hospitality, and one insisted that we should go home with him and spend the night. He said: "It's a mighty long ride to the school, and you'll be a mighty sight more comfortable to come back and sleep with us." We had called at his house in the afternoon. There were twelve people--father, mother and ten children--in a windowless, one-roomed cabin, in which were three beds ranged side by side. Just what sleeping accommodations they were going to give us I do not know. Where were we? Who are these people? Right in the heart of the Midland Mountains, among our native-born American Highlanders, people who have had as great a part in forming American history as any like number of men in our country to-day, people who gave to this nation Abraham Lincoln, who also produced Jesse James--they are capable of either--who for a hundred and fifty years have been sitting in the shade of ignorance, poverty and superstition, but are now coming into the light of the school and the church as provided for them by the American Missionary Association. And now for a moment we will run down into the rice swamps of Georgia. Come into the house of old Aunt Peggy. A bed and two boxes form all the furniture of the room. The house is a borrowed one. Aunt Peggy is having a new one built. It will cost five dollars, and when we ask her how she is going to pay for it she tells us she has a quarter saved toward it, and she has promised the man who is building it her blankets, her only bedding beside an old comforter. But the weather is growing warm, she says, and "mebbe before it done turn cold I'll be in the hebbenly mansions." One of the saddest relics of the old slavery days is these childless, friendless, companionless old people, childless because slavery separated them from their children; husbands and wives were parted, and all family life rendered impossible. Two old people in the region of McIntosh, Ga., have recently died, each alone in a little cabin, and the tragedy was not discovered until the buzzards were seen circling around the place. Aunt Peggy's sole comfort and dependence is a little boy eleven or twelve years old, whom she picked up by the roadside where he, a tiny baby, had been left by a heartless mother. Although then at least eighty years old, she strapped him on her back as she went to her "tasses" (tasks) in the field. She named him Calvary Baker, and now he has become her dependence and support, although the light in her shadowed cabin comes from the ministrations of the teachers in Dorchester Academy; and as she put her old, gaunt, claw-like black fingers on the face of the delicate, refined academy teacher, Aunt Peggy said: "Oh, you're my Jesus mudder;" and then, turning to me, she said, while a smile lit up the old black face, "Oh, missus, I bress de Lord for the Jesus school, for if it had not been for these Jesus mudders, I reckon hunger would have carried me off." It is a wonderful work at McIntosh, as is true of all our schools. There are great lessons to be learned there. The student of the negro problem would do well to visit this section of the country with its historic interest, to note the influence of the old Midway Church, whose members were obliged to allow their slaves to attend church, so that at one time the black membership of this church was double the white; and to learn from a careful statistician that there is a less per cent. of crime and immorality, and a greater per cent. of full-blooded negroes here, under the influence of this old religious _regimé_, than can be found in any like number of our colored population throughout the Black Belt, save where the Christian school has changed the life during this last generation. We are solving the negro problem in the only way possible, in the opinion of all statesmen, all publicists and all philanthropists, by the farm and the shop, and the school and the church, and over them all the Stars and Stripes. But we are doing more than this; we are setting the solitary in families; the wilderness and the solitary places are being made glad, and the desert is rejoicing and blossoming as the rose. * * * * * COMMENCEMENT AT FISK UNIVERSITY, TENN. Fisk graduated classes of usual size. It deeply lamented the absence of President Cravath, who was ill in the East, and the late death of Prof. Spence. The Dean, J. G. Merrill, was deputed to preside at the varied functions of commencement week. The weather was unusually temperate, audiences very large. The largest college preparatory class in the history of the university was graduated. It catalogued thirty-nine. Ten States were represented on its list, and a larger number of young women than have ever entered Fisk before were made Freshmen. [Illustration: SENIOR CLASS, FISK UNIVERSITY.] Commencement week included a missionary sermon, which was delivered by Prof. Brown, of Vanderbilt University, upon "Paul the Missionary;" baccalaureate, by the Dean, whose theme was "Moses, the Leader of his People." To these were added three "graduating exercises." In the program were over thirty speakers--young men and women, not one of whom had a syllable of prompting. A graduate of Princeton University, spending the day in Nashville, after hearing the four "Commencement" orations, said that each one of them was superior in thought and delivery to the one that carried off the prize at Princeton less than ten days before. These young men and their classmates are to make their careers--three as physicians, two as pharmacists, two as teachers, one as a business man, the other as a lawyer. The young woman graduate received two diplomas, the second being in music, her industry and ability being evidenced in the fact that her long hours with the piano did not prevent her receiving high honors in the classroom. One of the men had walked fourteen miles each day, summer and winter, besides doing the "chores" morning and night; another has had a chair in a barber shop every evening; others have taught schools in vacation, been Pullman porters and waiters at summer resorts. One, whose two grandfathers were Frenchmen, born in France, before coming to college loaded the rifle and stood by his father, who shot down three men who came to his home to mob him. He himself, a very Hercules by name and in appearance, champion on the college gridiron, pleaded on the commencement stage most persuasively for "Universal Peace." Our commencement orator was Rev. H. E. Cobb, one of the pastors in the Reformed Collegiate Church of New York City. His address upon the "Open Door" disclosed to the young graduates their possibilities of success and failure, and captivated old and young. Fisk enters upon a new year with high hopes. Her Jubilee Singers, whose music added greatly to the enjoyment of the week, return North in the late summer to keep alive the enthusiasm awakened by their last season's successes, while the Faculty know the hour grows nearer and nearer when the endowment which God has in store for Fisk is to materialize, and they will know who are God's chosen servants to do for the Negro what has been so gloriously done for the white young people of America--furnishing them a chance to secure an education at an institution throughly equipped to provide the leaders of a tenth of our population, men and women sound in mind and soul. The Alumni had an enthusiastic meeting. They were addressed by Miss Nancy Jones, '86, who has served the A. B. C. F. M. in Africa, and by Dr. A. A. Wesley, '94, who spoke on "How to Overcome Prejudices," who, as surgeon in an Illinois regiment in the Spanish War, won such distinction as to have been appointed to read a paper before the National Army Surgeons' Association in New York City the week before commencement. * * * * * COMMENCEMENT AT TALLADEGA COLLEGE, ALABAMA. Coming away one afternoon from one of the exercises of commencement week at Talladega College, a prominent white citizen said in comment on a speech he had just heard: "There is a good deal of foolish talk about how much the Spanish-American war has done in bringing the North and South together; but the fact is, that schools like this, in which the Negro is taught to be law-abiding and to live a moral life, administered as this one is with such good sense and wisdom, are doing far more than any sentimental influences of the war to bring races and sections to mutual good understanding." On Sunday, at the big Chautauqua building, during the baccalaureate sermon, two white citizens were standing at the door watching the quiet, orderly audience of perhaps fifteen hundred colored people. One of them has not been distinguished for earnestness of desire to see the Negro educated. Said the other, "It looks like the niggers are coming up in spite of h--," to which the response, though possibly reluctant, was clearly affirmative. Those who have been toiling all the year long, unable to appreciate the work in its perspective, discouraged sometimes because results hoped for do not immediately appear, are cheered by such testimony to the efficiency and value of the work, even if it is not always given in elegant and reverent form. And there was other testimony of the same kind from all sorts and conditions of visitors. Expressions of pleasure and approval came constantly from alumni, from teachers in other schools, from citizens both white and black. Not as large a graduating class was sent out as usual, there being only nine in all--three young men from the college department, and six from the normal school, all young women but one. The parents of none of these students have graduated from Talladega. All of them were slaves, though most were so young at the time of emancipation as not to remember much of slavery days. The father of one of the college men, however, was, it is said, made by his master to run regularly before the bloodhounds to keep them in training. Sometimes it was hard running, and sometimes he had to take refuge in a tree to escape harm when the dogs had caught up with him. This young man, who carried off the A.B. degree, is planning to go to Yale for further study, and after a year or two to enter a Northern law-school. Another of the same department is in some ways an accomplished fellow. He has read widely and remembers what he has read; he plays the violin; he is an excellent pianist, and he is a member of the college male quartet, which is to spend the summer in the North, endeavoring to raise money for new buildings greatly needed at Talladega. After this summer campaign he also hopes to begin the study of law at Columbia or Harvard. The third young man of the college class expects to take for a year a principalship in the public schools of a neighboring city, and then enter upon the study of medicine. The young man who finished the normal course, being a good carpenter, has been for three years head of the college repair shop. For this summer he will return to a country school where he has taught for five consecutive summers, and in the fall hopes to enter a trade-school to perfect himself in carpentry and to learn what he can of architecture and building, purposing to devote himself to that line of work. It is a matter of congratulation to the school that so many students, after finishing some course here, are ambitious to pursue their studies further in the best institutions of the country. The young women who were graduated from the normal course are all to enter upon the work for which they have been trained, one or two already having positions in view in city schools, while the others will take up work in the country districts. It is not a large class, as has been said, but it is a good, earnest, ambitious class, in which there is large promise of solid usefulness. * * * * * COMMENCEMENT AT STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY, LA. The exercises of commencement week began on the morning of Sunday, May 20th, with an interesting address to the Christian associations by Rev. A. S. Jackson, D.D., of Dallas, Texas. On the evening of the same day President Oscar Atwood delivered the Baccalaureate Address. The close attention which this address commanded showed how well chosen was its theme and interesting the presentation of its ideas. On Monday the Industrial and Grade work was exhibited. Specimens of practical work in wood done by the young men and boys in the shop, articles both useful and beautiful from the sewing-room, together with fine drawings and written exercises done by members of the different grades, made up this exhibit. The value of this branch of the university's work cannot be overestimated. The training given is of the most practical kind. Young men have been enabled, through the industrial education received at the university, to work at the carpenter's trade during their summer vacation, and thus earn the means necessary to take them through the following year of study. At the present time one enterprising young graduate, as a result of this very training, is putting up with his own hands the building which is to shelter the school he is founding in Southern Louisiana. In the sewing-room the young women and girls, besides acquiring a knowledge of mending and darning, learn to cut, fit and make all kinds of garments. Fancy work is taught them after they have learned the more useful kinds of sewing. Monday afternoon the Rev. Chas. R. Dinkins addressed the literary societies of the university, and on Monday evening one of the most interesting programs of the whole commencement season was presented--namely, the class-day program. It was in these exercises that the love of the graduating classes for their Alma Mater, and their appreciation of her faithful and efficient instruction found fullest expression. We have known of schools where class-day was made an occasion for ridiculing the Faculty, students and instruction of the institution. Not so at Straight; class-day there is one of the occasions when the delightful relations that have existed between teachers and students, and among the student body, are revealed. [Illustration: COLLEGE DEPARTMENT GRADUATING CLASS WITH PRESIDENT, STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY.] A short address by the President is followed by the class oration, well composed and ably delivered. Then we listen to an entertaining paper which gives us the history of the class. We review with the young historian its hardships and its triumphs, and conclude that, like all other classes whose history we have heard, it has had a remarkable career. The prophecy is a spicy bit of humor, and reflects much credit upon its writer, a dainty little miss, as bright and interesting a prophet as we shall meet in many a long day. A young man now steps forward upon the platform, of whose purpose in so doing we are not quite sure. The president of the class soon clears up our doubts, however, by requesting President Atwood to come forward. It is evident that this is a surprise to the head of the university. The young man makes a short speech of presentation and hands to the president a gift from the graduating classes. The singing of the class ode closes this part of the evening's exercises, and the college class now presents an excellent program consisting of an oration by the president, a history and a well-written poem. One cannot help remarking upon the dignity and good taste which characterized the exercises of Class-Day. We doubt whether any class in a Northern school could have made a better showing. [Illustration: COLLEGE PREPARATORY AND NORMAL GRADUATING CLASS, STRAIGHT UNIVERSITY.] On Tuesday afternoon the graduating exercises of the grammar department were held. On Wednesday evening, when the graduating classes received their diplomas, the other students received certificates of the work they had done. The alumni of Straight held their annual business meeting on Tuesday evening. The commencement exercises on Wednesday evening formed a fitting climax for a week so full of interest and inspiration. These exercises are held at Central Church because it can accommodate a much larger audience than the university chapel, and in the evening, because this hour permits many to be present who, on account of their work, could not attend commencement during the day. Long before the hour appointed for beginning the exercises, all the seats were filled and all the standing room in the church utilized, and the air was alive with whispers, low tones and the flutter of fans as the audience waited, with the best patience it could muster, for the opening numbers of the program. When President Atwood rose and announced the first number, all sounds ceased, and the great audience gave close attention to that and all the twenty-one succeeding numbers on the program. The program was one of which the university may be justly proud. The orations of the graduates from the college course on "The Mission of the Scholar," "Aims and Ideals," and "Does the Constitution Follow the Flag?" would have been considered exceptional in any of our Northern colleges, for their thought, expression and delivery. The three graduates from the theological department did credit to their teacher, Rev. G. W. Henderson, D.D., in their contribution to the program, and the sixteen students who were graduated from the normal and college preparatory courses likewise acquitted themselves with credit. The music of the program was furnished by the students, and consisted of piano solos and duets and choruses. The performers deserve much commendation. The presentation of diplomas formed an impressive close to the evening's program. To have seen these students is to believe in the work which the American Missionary Association is doing in the South, and to become a promoter of that work; it is to have faith in the ability of the negro to become a useful citizen; it is to catch a glimpse of the true solution of the negro problem, and to see that the satisfactory solution of that great question is being worked out, not by our legislators, but by devoted Christian men and women, like President Atwood and his corps of teachers, who are giving the best years of their lives to the service of the Master in the Southland. The graduating class is the largest in the history of the university, thirteen young men and twelve young women. Ten of these reside in New Orleans, and twelve are from different parts of Louisiana, North Carolina and Texas. Seven completed the college preparatory course, nine the normal, three the course in arts and three the theological. * * * * * COMMENCEMENT AT TOUGALOO UNIVERSITY, MISS. Commencement at Tougaloo University this year was characterized by an unusual quietness and the absence of the great crowds which usually attend. For many weeks smallpox had been prevalent in the regions about, so much so, that it was necessary to practically quarantine the school against incomers. Since February, nearly all pupils had been refused in the boarding department, and from the middle of March the day pupils had been excluded almost wholly. It is worthy of note, however, that notwithstanding this, the enrollment of the year surpassed, by one hundred and more, that of the year previous. It did not seem wise to issue any general invitation to the Commencement Exercises, and so the public stayed away. A few invited guests came from Jackson, among them Governor Longino, Secretary of State Power, ex-Congressman Hooker, and some of the pastors of the city. These gentlemen made brief addresses, heartily commending the school's work and that for which it stands. The annual address on "Wealth," by Dr. Cornelius H. Patton, of St. Louis, made a very deep impression. Four students were graduated from the academy and normal course. Two of them, and possibly more, will take college work. Next year Tougaloo will, for the first time, have a full college course. Excellent work has been done in that department during the past year. It is interesting to note that one of the graduates represents the second generation at Tougaloo, her mother having been a student in the early days of the school. There are many such second generation students in the lower grades, and they distinctly show the effects of the influences to which their parents were subjected. All the graduates were country-bred. Those visitors to the school who had been familiar with it in the past years were specially interested in the outward changes visible. The new Beard Hall, commodious and pleasant, well furnished and convenient, and the new Refectory, with its dining-room capable of seating three hundred students; the Emergency Building, now transformed into a spacious building for the manual training in wood and industrial drawing; the new building for iron and steel forging and masonry; the old shop metamorphosed into a most satisfactory laundry, all were commented on as great additions to the material side of Tougaloo's life. In passing from building to building, attention was paid to the industrial features of the work. The exhibits of iron and steel tools made by the students, among them a machine for cutting iron, of great strength and excellent workmanship; of chairs, desks, tables, tabourets, etc.; of needlework from the beginning steps to completed garments; of cookery and of millinery, were deemed very satisfactory. Much of the work cannot be surpassed anywhere. Leading Mississippians are proud of Tougaloo and its work, and esteem it the best school of its class. Mention was more than once made of the fact that the new president of Alcorn College, the state institution for colored young men, which is now doing better work than for some years, and his accomplished wife, are graduates of Tougaloo. The teacher of iron and steel work there had his training in the Tougaloo shops. * * * * * COMMENCEMENT AT GRANDVIEW INSTITUTE, TENN. The exercises of the Fifteenth Annual Commencement of the Grandview Normal Institute opened with the baccalaureate sermon by the principal, Sunday, April 29th, in the chapel. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were occupied with examinations in all the grades and departments, which afforded abundant evidence of a year of faithful and fruitful work. On Thursday evening, May 3d, the public commencement was held in the assembly room of the school building, and was attended by a very large audience. The graduates were only three in number, two young women and one young man. Two of the graduates were genuine American Highlanders, and were residents of Grandview, the third came from Sequatchie Valley. The orations and essays were without exception creditable performances. One pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation by Rev. W. E. Rogers, County Superintendent, of State diplomas to twenty juniors. The perfect order which prevailed throughout the exercises was in striking contrast to former days when pistols and "moonshine" whiskey were most fearfully in evidence. Of the graduates, one of the young women will teach school the coming year, the young man will seek work somewhere for a year and hopes then to enter the State University at Knoxville and so fit himself for some useful calling in life. These graduates are earnest young Christians who will go out from their alma mater to reflect credit on the School and to do honor to those who have generously given of their means that the children of the people stranded on these mountains may "see a great light." The year just closed was the most prosperous one in the history of Grandview school. The enrollment was the largest the school had ever known and was considerably above two hundred. Next year, if the juniors all return, as is expected, the graduating class will number about twenty. * * * * * COMMENCEMENT AT PLEASANT HILL ACADEMY, TENN. The graduating class of Pleasant Hill Academy numbered six--three girls and three boys--most of the number coming from the Highland Rim instead of from the mountains proper. There were four others in the class, one from Alabama, but ill-health and other causes reduced the number to six. Two or three will continue their work at the University of Tennessee, one at the University of Missouri, one at Peabody Normal, Nashville. All expect to teach, and one expects eventually to become a trained nurse and missionary. We have been interested in tracing their ancestry, which follows: one English, one Scotch-Irish, one Irish, one Scotch-Irish and Dutch, one English-Irish, one Scotch-Irish and French. In the class are Cumberland Presbyterian, Methodist South, Free Baptist, one Mormon and one of Unitarian preferences. One of the women is the wife of a blind preacher who is doing a good work in this region. Notwithstanding denominational preferences there has been unity of feeling and co-operation in Christian work. We feel from expression given that these young people will use their education for the betterment of those who look to them for leadership. * * * * * FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN SCHOOL, N. D. [Illustration: CHILDREN'S COTTAGE AND CHAPEL, FT. BERTHOLD, N. D.] This school, as a whole, consists of a mixture of the three Indian tribes, the Mandan, Ree and Gros Ventre. The pupils come from homes scattered along either side of the Missouri River from Elbowoods to Berthold, a stretch of some twenty miles. [Illustration: GROUP OF PUPILS, FT. BERTHOLD, N. D.] When one becomes acquainted with the children after they have been at the school a year or two and considers the homes from which some of them come, he is almost inclined to wonder at the transforming power of Christian education. Most of these Indians have graduated from the old-time tepee. Their houses to-day are of logs plastered with mud. Sometimes they consist of one room, but frequently have two or three rooms. A three-roomed cottage usually consists of a central room with one outside door, and a room at each end connecting with the central room, but having no outside door. The roof is made of rafters, upon which poles are laid crosswise, and the whole covered several inches with earth. The floor is sometimes of lumber, but more generally of bare earth, which in very wet weather is apt to be turned into mud by the rain that drips through the ground-covered roof. In the larger houses two or three families often live, sometimes with two or three grandmothers or grandfathers, or both. The food being issued by the Government to them, each one has the same quantity and quality. They generally all eat together, the older ones sitting upon the floor, while the younger and more civilized eat from a table. Their dishes frequently correspond in quantity and quality with their advancement in civilization. In the work of the school the principal writes: "As far as possible I intend to have the pupils 'know, and know that they know,' what they have gone over. I find that many of them seem to appreciate this careful and accurate knowledge. They may not make as good a showing in a report, but the purpose of the school is to work for the children and not for public recognition." * * * * * A TRIBUTE TO REV. A. J. F. BEHRENDS, D.D. SECRETARY C. C. CREEGAN. I first became acquainted with Dr. Behrends when he was in Cleveland, and had a profound respect for him as a man, as well as one of the ablest preachers of our time. When I came to Brooklyn several years ago I was led to unite with his church. I can therefore speak from a personal knowledge of twenty-five years. In the death of Dr. Behrends, who had served both as vice-president and member of the Executive Committee of the American Missionary Association, the Society, as well as the denomination of which he was one of the most conspicuous members, has suffered a great loss. Central Church, Brooklyn, where he ministered with distinguished success for seventeen years and where he was beloved by all, will feel the loss of this great and good man most keenly, but all the churches of his home city, where his voice was often heard and where his influence was so great, will mourn the departure of one of the greatest preachers of this generation. Born in Holland, in the home of an humble Lutheran preacher, he came to this country with his parents when five years of age. While teaching school in his seventeenth year, near Portsmouth, Ohio, he was converted by the preaching of an obscure Methodist minister and at once decided to fit himself for the work of the ministry. Largely by his own efforts he worked his way through Dennison University, Ohio, graduating in 1862 in a class of three, all of whom became prominent clergymen. Three years later he completed his theological studies at Rochester Theological Seminary at the head of his class and was called at once to the pastorate of a large Baptist Church in Yonkers, N. Y., where he remained eight years. He was then called to the First Baptist Church of Cleveland, Ohio, where he won great distinction as a platform orator. It was during this pastorate, which lasted only three years, that Dr. Behrends, after a great struggle, decided to resign from this strong church, where he was very popular, and enter another denomination. Six happy years were then spent in the Union Church of Providence, where he was recognized as one of the foremost preachers in the State and nation. Dr. Behrends was a great scholar. It is the belief of those who knew him well that he was able to fill any chair in any of our theological seminaries. His services were in frequent demand for courses of lectures in our leading colleges and seminaries, and at least two of these courses have been put into book form. While his services were often sought for on great occasions, such as the annual meetings of the A. M. A. and A. B. C. F. M., and similar gatherings, his best work was done in his own pulpit. His sermons were always prepared with the greatest care, and, except on rare occasions, were delivered without a note and with wonderful beauty of diction and irresistible logic to the audiences of two thousand cultured people who hung on his words every Sabbath and who regarded him, not without good reason, "the greatest preacher in America." The secret of the great success of Dr. Behrends as a preacher was not to be found in his striking personality, nor in his musical voice, nor his profound scholarship, but rather in his strong faith in the Bible as the Word of God, as his only creed, and that Christ Jesus, the divine Saviour, is to win the whole world to Himself. From this belief he never wavered, and to him the preaching of the gospel to men and seeing them come into the kingdom was the joy of his soul. * * * * * RICHARD SALTER STORRS. CHARLES A. HULL, CHAIRMAN. I shall not attempt to repeat what has been so fully said by the religious and secular journals of the country in reference to the life and work of this great and good man, but I desire to say a few words in regard to his connection with the anti-slavery movement, and his interest in the work of the American Missionary Association. He was an original Abolitionist, and one of the most pronounced even in the early years of the agitation in his opposition to the wickedness of slavery, and in later years the cause of the elevation of the freedman had no stronger nor better friend than he. In an article written for the Fiftieth Anniversary Number of _The Independent_, of which he was one of the original editors, speaking of the conditions at the time _The Independent_ was founded, and the attitude of some of the societies toward slavery, Dr. Storrs added: "And repeated efforts to induce the American Board of Foreign Missions to take decisive anti-slavery ground, while carrying on its work among Cherokees and Choctaws and other slaveholding peoples, wholly failed of success--out of which failure came, however, the American Missionary Association, since so justly honored, and so widely and nobly useful." By spoken and by written word he contributed much to the cause of Christian education in the South and among the so-called dependent races. About ten years ago he preached a special sermon upon "Our Nation's Work for the Colored People," in which, speaking of the work of the Association, he said: "Now I affirm absolutely that if there ever was a work of God on earth, this is His work! If there was ever anything to which the American Christian people were called, they are called to this. If there was ever a great opportunity before the Christian Church, here it is; not to reach those people merely for their own immediate welfare; not to save our own national life merely; but to Christianize that immense continent which lies opposite to us on the map, which we have wronged so long with the slave-trade and with rum, and to which now we can, if we will, send multitudes of messengers to testify of the glory of the grace of God." I wish in closing to say a few words of Dr. Storrs as a friend. Through many years he was not only my pastor but the most honored and beloved friend of my life. His sense of humor was keen, and his playfulness of manner constituted not the least of his charms to those who knew him intimately. He never seemed to take a narrow view of any subject, but was always lenient to and tolerant of those whose opinions differed from his own, and yet strong and vigorous in his own convictions. His loss to those closely associated with him in personal and Church relations is one which can never be filled. He was extremely modest in his estimate of himself and his efforts, and simple-minded to a wonderful degree for a man of such supreme power and influence. He never shirked what appeared to him a duty, and one of the pleasantest recollections of my life is of a journey made by him, at considerable personal inconvenience, only about a year ago, to visit a former parishioner who had not seen him for years, and who in his old age and feebleness desired to talk with him. His visit brought sunshine and mental and spiritual comfort, and will ever be gratefully remembered by those to whom he ministered. In grandeur of thought, in nobility of utterance, and in his wonderful personality, he was unique, and his death has left in the American pulpit a void which we cannot expect to see filled. * * * * * Obituary. * * * * * PROFESSOR A. K. SPENCE. Rev. Adam K. Spence, for twenty-five years a professor in Fisk University, died in Nashville, Tenn., April 24, 1900. He was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1831. His parents removed to this country in his early childhood. He studied in Oberlin and Ann Arbor, graduating at the last named institution, where he taught for a time after graduation. In 1870 he was appointed by the American Missionary Association as the principal of the school which afterward became Fisk University. Since then scores of young people have gone forth each year from this institution bearing the signate of Christian culture, and their widespread influence is telling upon the South. Prof. Spence laid the foundations of the Greek department in this university. His love for music and appreciation of its finest effects amounted almost to a passion. He helped give the university a high standard of music, which has rendered it unique in Southern schools. Especially was he an advocate of jubilee music, and did much to gather these songs of quaint power and value into the archives of the university. His great interest was in the spiritual development of the students. Many revivals, resulting in the conversion of large numbers, were greatly promoted by his prayer and earnest efforts. Prof. Spence was always present at the prayer meeting when it was possible for him to attend, and his influence was profoundly felt. At the funeral, when the people passed to take a last look at the familiar face, old men and women who had known him as their friend during all these years, students and little children gazed lovingly upon him. A large body of students went directly from Jubilee Hall to Mount Olivet, where his body was laid to rest. H. M. * * * * * REV. W. S. ALEXANDER, D.D. The death of Dr. Alexander removes one who, in other years, occupied an important position in the mission service of this Association. Dr. Alexander was president of Straight University during a difficult and important period. He made his impression upon the institution, developing the work internally both intensively and extensively. He was an earnest student and encouraged scholarship among the students. His large influence was felt among the churches of lower Louisiana. He became something of a bishop in the Congregational work in that state. His judgment was wise and wholesome and his counsel always helpful. His name is held in esteem, almost in reverence, by many of the colored people of that region even to this day. Dr. Alexander was born in East Killingly, Conn., August 29, 1835. He was a graduate of Yale College and Andover Theological Seminary. He held important pastorates in Connecticut and Wisconsin prior to the war. He served under the Christian Commission with the Army of the Potomac. He went abroad in 1872 and took charge of twelve free churches in Italy. Returning from that country, he accomplished fruitful missionary service in the South. In 1886, he became pastor of the North Avenue Congregational Church, in Cambridge, Mass., and served in this capacity until 1890. Since retiring from active pastoral duties he has ministered to churches in various cities, most acceptably to the people and with fruitful results. * * * * * PORTO RICO NOTES. CHARLES B. SCOTT, SANTURCE, PORTO RICO. [Sidenote: Educational Notes.] Of the 950,000 inhabitants of Porto Rico, only about 100,000 can read or write; 85 per cent. of the adult population are illiterate. Of the 200,000 children from five to sixteen years of age, all the schools, public and private, can accommodate about thirty thousand. The average daily attendance in all the schools of the island during the past year has been not more than twenty to twenty-five thousand. The school population (five to sixteen years of age) of San Juan is about 6,000. The total seating capacity of all schools in the capital, public and private, is not more than fifteen hundred. There have been during the past year in the public schools of San Juan nine or ten American teachers; forty more American teachers are scattered through the public schools of the island. About twenty are gentlemen acting as supervisors of districts and superintendents of city schools. [Sidenote: Christian Schools.] The American Missionary Association of the Congregational Churches has had during the past school year seven American teachers in Porto Rico, divided between Santurce, a suburb of San Juan, and Lares. The Presbyterians have had four American missionary teachers at Mayaguez. The Baptist Church has two American ladies devoting part of their time to teaching. The Christian Church has a school at San Juan, with three teachers from the states. Porto Rico is divided for educational purposes into fifteen districts, each with an American supervisor in charge of from thirty to forty schools. These gentlemen must ride hundreds of miles, largely on native ponies, over poor roads and poorer mountain trails, inspecting the schools and helping, directing and often stirring up the native teachers. The schools of the American Missionary Association have enrolled over three hundred children. At Lares the pupils have been very regular in attendance. In Santurce the attendance has been somewhat irregular. In both schools the subjects pursued in American schools in the first five grades have been taken up, with much attention to English. The fact that very few children knew any English, and that most of the teachers knew very little Spanish, made the work trying and slow at first. The children proved themselves about as bright as American children, quick in their perceptions, with good memories, weak in arithmetic, not good thinkers or reasoners. Rarely do American teachers in the States receive so many little tokens of esteem and appreciation. On the other hand, the pupils are quick-tempered, with little power of self control; rather easily offended, and lack in perseverance and stability. They have little idea of attention and little power to study. They are anxious to come to school, and will sacrifice much to get clothes and pay tuition. On the other hand, they will often stay at home for trivial reasons, having no idea of the need of regular attendance. They always come to school well dressed and usually clean; they will not come barefooted, ragged or dirty. The children of the poorer classes roam the streets, before and after school, barefooted and ragged, saving their clothes and shoes for school. The Christian schools, such as those of the American Missionary Association, do not exist merely to supplement the public schools. From the conditions in Porto Rico the public schools must be entirely and utterly non-religious. Not even religious songs or the Lord's Prayer are allowed. Any teacher discovered teaching any phase of religion forfeits his or her salary for that month. [Sidenote: Bible Study.] In the Christian schools, while the carefully-selected American teachers insure good schools and good teaching of the ordinary branches, there is a place for moral education, for simple religious exercises and for Bible study. [Sidenote: Rural Education.] The great problem in Porto Rico will be rural education. Probably 800,000 of its 950,000 people live in the country or in hamlets. The cities are already providing for teachers' training-schools. The field of greatest usefulness for the A. M. A. lies in giving the young men and women a fair education under Christian influences, and sending them out into the country and village schools. The people of Lares are deeply interested in the school and willing to help the work; the location is as healthful as any in the island, and Lares, as a great coffee center, promises to thrive and grow. The education most needed in Porto Rico is practical, industrial education. Santurce, near the capital, with a large, poor population about the school, dependent on their daily work for their support, furnishes an excellent location for an industrial school. The people and children do not know how to do anything. The women are "lavenderas," or washwomen, the children carry water, the men do odd jobs, and all are poorly housed, poorly clothed, poorly fed. The children need manual training, and gardening for the boys and sewing and cooking for the girls. Next year it is proposed to start these lines of work at Santurce. Head and hand and heart can be reached and trained for a better and more useful Christian life. * * * * * LOSS OF SUPPLIES FOR ALASKA. Our missionaries at Cape Prince of Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Lopp, sent us in the spring their request for supplies of provisions and other necessities for the coming year. This request was immediately fulfilled by purchases in San Francisco, and the supplies were duly sent out in the bark "Alaska." We have received intelligence from Dr. Jackson, at Nome, that the bark "Alaska" was driven ashore and wrecked in the surf on Wednesday, June 6th. In this letter Dr. Jackson mentions that the wrecked ship contained a cabinet organ for the Prince of Wales mission, which was ruined, and that the ship also brought up a turkey from San Francisco for Mr. Lopp's Thanksgiving dinner. The next day Dr. Jackson wrote us a brief note, saying: "The bark Alaska that went ashore on Wednesday went to pieces in the storm yesterday, and the supplies for the station at Cape Prince of Wales are a total loss, even to the Thanksgiving turkey, which was drowned." He added that he hoped to meet Mr. Lopp sometime next week. The destruction of these supplies renders it necessary to send others at once. The faithful missionaries at this important station must not suffer. The friends of our Alaska mission who have so generously contributed to its support will not forget this additional financial necessity coming in this strange and unexpected calamity. * * * * * Department of Christian Endeavor. * * * * * STATE AND CITY ORGANIZATION. BY SECRETARY J. E. ROY. The Association Building (Y. M. C. A.), in Chicago, furnishes offices for several of the National Missionary Societies, among them the American Missionary Association. In addition to these we have the depository and reception-room of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, which is also used as the headquarters of the Illinois and Chicago Union. Here the state board holds its weekly session. Here is kept the supply of Christian Endeavor literature for the varied needs of the Christian Endeavor workers, helps for missionary and temperance and good citizenship meetings, with an array of programs. Among all Endeavorers, as among all missionary society workers, the hunger for programs is great indeed. Blessed be the man or woman who has the genius for preparing such stimulating outlines of study. In this city there are two hundred and fifty Christian Endeavor Societies. In fifteen societies in the South Division of the city the sum of $791.28 has been given to missionary work since January 1st, of which $588.43 went to foreign missions, $61.54 to home missions and $141.40 to city missions. [Illustration: HEADQUARTERS Y. P. S. C. E. UNION, CHICAGO, ILL.] Nine societies of Evanston in the last year have given $688.55 to missions--$255 to foreign, $59 to home and $374 to city missions. All have given something to the famine sufferers in India. Some of the societies visit hospitals and take flowers to the sick; one society visits a crippled lady once a week and holds a little prayer-meeting with her. The First Congregational Society has given $290 to the Chicago Commons. A member of one Chicago society, a business man who is a great Christian Endeavor worker, has a library of over sixty volumes on missionary subjects which he is loaning all the time. Our Pilgrim Church has a society which publishes its own paper, _The Pilgrim's Progress_, that serves all the purposes of the church in its several departments. [Sidenote: The Chicago Chinese Endeavor.] The Chinese school in Dr. Goodwin's church, the First, has its Christian Endeavor Society. It is conducted mainly by the Chinese in their native language. They sing our gospel songs in Chinese and are earnest in the study of the Bible, pursuing the customary order of worship and of work. The school was started in 1884, with 32 pupils and 20 teachers. The number soon came up to 80. Then, as other schools were started, this number was diminished, but from the first the work has been a success. In 1897, a Monday night school was started and it is flourishing yet. As many as forty from this school have publicly professed Christ. Four united with the church in the last year. Four have been for several years in missionary work in China, one of them, Chan Sui Chung, as assistant of Rev. Dr. C. R. Hager, M.D., has charge of a chapel in the village of Hoi Yin, and Dr. Hager reports him quite helpful in preparing native evangelists, and says that God has greatly blessed his labors. Chan Sui Chung had over fifty baptisms in his mission in 1899. They soon catch the benevolent spirit of the Gospel. Last year the members of this school gave $50 for mission work in California, $60 for aid in building a house of worship near their families in China, and one of them, from his own earnings, gave $500 for mission work in his own land. Rev. J. A. Mack, who has been for many years secretary of the Chicago Bible Society, and who is the volunteer superintendent of this Sunday-school, is just now out in our _Times-Herald_ with an article from which I get these statistics. He also says there are some 2,000 Chinese in this city and for them ten Chinese mission schools--the number of pupils depending upon the number of Chicago Christians who are ready to teach them. [Sidenote: A Live Endeavor Church.] [Illustration: SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, OAK PARK, ILL.] It is the Second Congregational Church of Oak Park, Dr. Sydney Strong, pastor. Its Christian Endeavor Society, besides paying $25 a year for the support of a young lady student in Dakota, and a like amount for a young girl student in a colored school at the South, has subscribed and is now paying the sum of $500 toward the erection of their magnificent meeting-house, which was dedicated only this last spring. A class in the Sunday-school of that church also subscribed a thousand dollars toward their church edifice and is paying it promptly. The capacity of this building was tested during the meetings of the General Association of Illinois, and it was found capable of seating a thousand people in its auditorium, and of feeding six hundred people at the first tables in its dining room on occasion of the banquet given by the City Congregational Club to the members of the General Association of the state. That club had made the American Missionary Association its guest along with the General Association, and so brought upon its platform as speakers, Secretary C. J. Ryder, D.D., Mrs. I. V. Woodbury, of Boston, Field Missionary Rev. G. W. Moore, and Rev. Mary C. Collins of the Dakota Mission. The Jubilee Singers discoursed their delicious music through that session, as also through those of the state body, and filled our city and its surroundings with the sincerest praise of their spiritually elevating service in song. The exploiting of the American Missionary Association thus by the club was a spontaneous and immensely hearty commendation of its mission and its work. * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR APRIL, 1900. * * * * * THE DANIEL HAND EDUCATIONAL FUND For Colored People. Income for April $1,350.00 Previously acknowledged 31,116.73 ---------- $32,466.73 ========== NOTE.--Where no name follows that of the town, the contribution is from the church and society of that place. Where a name follows, it is that of the contributing church or individual. S. means Sunday-school; C. means Church; C. E., the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor; S. A. means Student Aid. CURRENT RECEIPTS. MAINE, $780.22--of which from Estate, $500.00. Alfred, 5. Auburn, High St., C., bbl. Goods, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Blue Hill, F. A. Fisher, _for Mountain White Work_, 10. Blue Hill, C. J. Lord, Pkg., _for Sewing Class, Andersonville, Ga._ Brewer, First, 10.75. Cape Elizabeth, South, C. E., 1. Denmark, S., _for Tougaloo U._, 6. Gorham, 50. Hiram, 2.45. Kennebunk, Union, 45.46. Lebanon, 8.62. Lewiston, Pine St., 21. Lewiston, Pine St., C. E., 8; Miss S. Lizzie Weymouth, 2.50, _for S. A., B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C._ Mechanics Falls, C., Prim. S. Class, _for S. A., Andersonville, Ga._, 1. Portland, Williston, 60.49; J. Henry Dow, 5. Rockland, Y. P. S. of C., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 5. Sebago, 55 cts. Turner, Rev. C. H. Wilder's S. Class, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 1. Turner, Harold Dinsmore, _for S. A., B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C._, 40 cts. Waterford, C., _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 13. Woodfords, Miss Jennie Lucas, _for S. A., Skyland Inst., N. C._, 10. Woodfords, Helen J. Foster's S. Class, _for Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 50 cents. Yarmouthville, C. E., _for S. A., Talladega C._, 12.50. ESTATE.--Portland, Estate of Mrs. Sarah D. How, by Dr. Charles A. Ring, Exec'r, 500. NEW HAMPSHIRE, $359.11. Acworth, C., _for Blowing Rock, N. C._, 7. Alstead Center, C., Ladies' Circle, _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 1.20. Candia, 5. Candia, C., L. B. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Claremont, C., Women's Bible Class, _for Wilmington, N. C._, 4. Concord, S., _for Tougaloo U._, 35. Durham, 17.27. Exeter, Phillips (50 of which _for Porto Rico_), 178.08. Exeter, First, 47.88. Hudson, by Miss E. A. Warner, _for Wilmington, N. C._, 8. Laconia, C., Ladies' Soc., _for Saluda, N. C._, 1.70. Lee, Y. M. M. C., 5. Orford, 5. Orfordville, 2. Pittsfield, C. E., 10. Swansea, L. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Troy, Trin., 9.30. Warner, S., Lincoln Mem., 2. West Concord, Granite Mission Band, _for Wilmington, N. C._, 10. Wolfboro, First, 10.68. VERMONT, $1,419.42--of which from Estate, $1,319.04. Dorset, C. E., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 10. Hartford, 15. Jeffersonville, Benj. Nye, _for Porto Rico_, 5. Middlebury, 23. Quechee, 17. South Hero, "A Friend," 5. Pittsford, S., _for Porto Rico_, 2.28. Randolph Center, 10.10. Saxtons River, 6. Weston, Mrs. C. W. Sprague, 2. West Rutland, Miss C. M. Gorham, 2 _for Mountain White Work_, 1 _for Indian M._, 1 _for Chinese M._, 30 cts. _for Porto Rico_, 50c. _for C. P._ ESTATE.--Estate of Frederick Parks, 1,320.94 (less expense, 1.50), 1,319.04. MASSACHUSETTS, $4,968.46--of which from Estates, $516.80. Amherst, Second, Primary Dept., _for S. A., Straight U._, 6.65. Andover, Christian Workers, _for Macon, Ga._, 5. Ashfield, 27.51. Ashfield, C., bbl. Goods, _for Charleston, S. C._ Ashland, 5. Auburndale, L. B. S., bbl. Goods, _for Nat. Ala._ Ballardvale, Union, 55.54. Belchertown, 25. Beverly, Dane St., C. E., _for S. A., Saluda, N. C._, 3. Boston, Central, 289.18; Walnut Ave., 93.05. Boston, J. A. Lane, _for Shrubbery, Enfield, N. C._, 5. Campello, South, S., 12.75. Dorchester, Second, 123.35; "E. C. C.," 5. Dorchester, Second, Extra Cent-a-Day, _for Porto Rico_, 10. Jamaica Plain, Boylston, 80.48. Roxbury, Highland, 20.06. Braintree, First, 5.64. Brockton, Olivet C., M. Soc., _for Wilmington, N. C._, 8. Brockton, C. E., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 1. Brookfield, 15.85. Brookline, Harvard, 89.84. Cambridge, First and Shepard Soc., 604.61; North Ave. C., 100.50. Cambridgeport, Pilgrim, 88.37. Chicopee Falls, Second, 28.98. Curtissville, S., Lincoln Mem., 5.50. Essex, 30. Fall River, Central, 5. Florence, C. E., _for S. A., Tougaloo, U._, 20. Florence, 10.01. Freetown, Mrs. L. C. Deane, _for Fisk U._, 20. Georgetown, Memorial, 10.03. Great Barrington, Mrs. J. P. Pomery, Quilts and Towels, Mrs. Flora Atwood, 5, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._ Greenfield, The Misses Mann, _for Wilmington: N. C._, 12. Hanson, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 3. Haverhill, "A Friend," _for Mountain White Work_, 500. Hawley, First, 4.07. Holbrook, J. V. Thayer, bbl. Goods; Winthrop, L. B. S., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Indian Orchard, L. B. S., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Ipswich, So., S., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 50. Leicester, S., 3.10. Lowell, Rev. C. W. Huntington, _for S. A., Talladega C._, 25. Lowell, Miss H. L. Dickenson, _for S. A., B. N. Sch. Greenwood. S. C._, 1. Lynn, North, 38.52. Mansfield, 24.30. Mansfield, Ortho., F. L. Cady's S. Class, _for Porto Rico_, 5.46. Melrose, 25. Middleboro, Central, 5. Millis, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Mittineague, 13.80. Neponset, C. E., 1.12. New Bedford, North, ad'l 2. Newburyport, Oldtown C., S., _for Wilmington, N. C._, 8. New Salem, 5.80. Newton Eliot, 220. Northampton, Edwards, 67.36. Northampton, Edwards Ladies, _for Wilmington, N. C._, 14. North Andover Depot, C., Lincoln Mem., 6.10. North Brookfield, First, 2.05. North Middleboro, 24.86. Pepperell, 20.55. Reading, 30. Saugus, 23.05. Sheffield, C. E., _for Macon, Ga._, 10. Southfield, C. E. of Baptist and Cong'l C., _for Macon, Ga._, 2. South Royalston, Second, 8. South Weymouth, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, _for A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 43, _and for S. A., Joseph K. Brick, A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._, 25. Springfield, Hope, 48.99; Memorial, C. E., 10; Olivet, S., 3.15. Springfield, C. B. Dye, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Springfield, C. of the Unity, L. B. S., bbl. Goods; First, L. H. M. S., Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Taunton, Miss Linda Richards, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 6. Ware, Prim. Dept. in East C., _for Indian M._, 8.70. Warren, Mrs. Mary L. Hitchcock, pkg. Tracts, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Watertown, Phillips, 100. Wellesley Hills, "S," 309. Wenham, 10. West Andover, Primary S., 2, "Friend," 30 cts., _for Mountain Work_. Westborough, L. B. Soc., _for Saluda, N. C._, 25. West Boylston, 3.80. Westfield, First, 60.10. West Medford, 16.25. Weymouth Heights, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Straight U._ Wilbraham, First, _for Sch'p, Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. Woburn, North, Bessie Barker Jr. C. E., _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5. Worcester, Plymouth, 75.38; Union, 57.45; Piedmont, 48.50; A. L. Smith, 30. Worcester, Pilgrim, S., _for Athens, Ala._, 3. ----, "A Friend," _for Wilmington, N. C._, 8. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASSACHUSETTS AND R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $565.00: W. H. M. A. of Mass. and R. I., _for Salaries_, 480; _for Chinese_, 20. Jr. C. E. of Three Rivers, Mass., and Mrs. G. S. Butler of Union, N. H., _for two native helpers at Mitletok, Alaska_, 65. ESTATES.--Brockton, Estate of Hannah B. Packard, 500. Northampton, Estate of Maria B. Gridley, 16.80. RHODE ISLAND, $111.03. Central Falls, 28.11. Chepachet, 20. East Greenwich, Swedish C., 1. Providence, Beneficient, 49.92. Providence, Central C., _for Talladega C._, 10. Providence, Mrs. A. G. Thompson, _for Porto Rico_, 5. CONNECTICUT, $5,037.65--of which from Estate, $3,500.00. Berlin, Golden Ridge, M. C., _for Tougaloo U._, 25. Bolton, 4.09. Branford, 64. Bridgewater, 10. Bridgeport, South, C. E., _for Sch'p, Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. Bridgeport; South, L. S., bbl. Goods, _for Cappahosic, Va._ Bristol, 50.45. Danbury, First, 47.12. East Canaan, L. A. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Eastford, 5.37. East Haven, 6. Easton, Rev. E. P. Ayer, pkg. Goods, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Greenwich, Second, 139.62. Groton, 11.94. Hadlyme, R. E. Hungerford, 25; J. W. Hungerford, 25. Hartford, First, 137.93; Asylum Hill, "A Friend," 5. Hartford, Daniel Phillips, _for S. A., Talladega C._, 25. Jewett City, W. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, _for A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._ Lebanon, First, 30.77. Lebanon, Miss H. E. Leach, _for A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 2. Ledyard, L. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Cappahosic, Va._ Manchester, Second. 39.58. Mansfield Center, First, 7.70. Meriden, Jr. C. E., _for Tougaloo U._, 1. Middlebury, 21. Milford, Plymouth, 14.94; First, 5. Nepaug, C. E., 3; "Friends," 3, _for Wilmington, N. C._ New Hartford, C., L. A. Soc., 8, and bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ New Haven, Church of Redeemer, Y. L. M. S., 10. New Haven, Livingstone Cleveland, 5; United C., bbl. Goods, _for Macon, Ga._ Norwich, Second, C. E., _for Athens, Ala._, 10. Old Lyme, First, 18.50. Portland, C. E., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 2. Plainville, 21.95. Seymour, L. B. Soc., _for freight to Saluda, N. C._, 1.73 South Windsor, 15.45. Suffield, K. D. Circle, _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 5. Talcottville C., S. Books, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Thomaston, First, 15.50. Tolland, 16.59. Torringford and Burrville, 23.08. Wallingford, L. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Cappahosic, Va._ Waterbury, Second, C. E., _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 50. Westchester, 8. West Suffield, 20.63. Whitneyville, 9.50. Winsted, Jr. Workers, _for S. A., Orange Park, Fla._, 25. WOMAN'S CONG. HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONNECTICUT, by Mrs. Geo. Follett, Secretary, $554.21. Bridgeport, Park St., 25. Higganum, 14.25. Kent, 50. New Haven, Plymouth, 50. Norwich, Park, 170.92; Broadway, 150; Second, 52.35; Greenville, 15; Taftville, 9; First, 17.69, _for Teacher at Blowing Rock, N. C._ ESTATE.--Torrington, Estate of Lauren Wetmore, 3,500. NEW YORK, $1,758.98. Binghamton, Mrs. Edward Taylor, 10. Brooklyn, Ch., of the Pilgrims, Boys' Mis. Soc., _for Alaska M._, 300. Brooklyn, Church of the Pilgrims, ad'l, 100; Clinton Ave., Cong. S., 25; Clinton Ave., C. E. League, _for Porto Rico_, 15; Immanuel, C. E., 7.10. Brooklyn, South, "Lend-a-Hand Club," _for Troy, N. C._, 5; Geo. H. Shirley, _for Porto Rico_, 2. Zenana Band of Cong. C., bbl. Goods, _for Williamsburg, Ky._; Central C., Ladies, bbl. Goods, _for Marshallville, Ga._ Buffalo, First, C. E., _for Porto Rico_, 3.81. Clifton Springs, "Friends," two bbls. Bedding, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Currytown, "In His Name," 99.84. Ellington, S., 4.25. Havilah, Miss C. A. Talcott, 1.50. Hopkinton, Mrs. C. A. Laughlin, 5; C. E., 2.61. Maine, 8.05. Newark Valley, "Friends," bbl. Bedding, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ New York, Broadway Tabernacle, "A Friend," (25 of which _for Porto Rico_), 50; Manhattan, to const. EDWIN D. EAGER L.M. 45.87; "S. E. G.," 25. New York, Mrs. Chas. Hamm, _for Mountain White Work_, 10. New York, Mt. Hope C., W. M. Assoc, _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 1.25. Orient, 15.47. Philadelphia, "C. E. of Cong. C.," 5. Plainfield Centre, Welsh, 6. Rensselaer Falls, L. S., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Richmond Hill, Union, S., Lincoln Mem., 9.40. Richmond Hill, W. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Marshallville, Ga._ Rochester, T. O. Hamlin, 25. Saratoga Springs, C., Ladies' Union, bbl. Goods, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Sherburne, First, 167.05. Sherburne, S., quarterly, 29.47. Spencerport, J. B. Clark, 1. Syracuse, Plymouth, S., 15.60, Tarrytown, "A Friend," _for Alaska M._, 25. Walton, L. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Warsaw, "Earnest Workers," _for Porto Rico_, 25. Warsaw, 11.22. Warsaw; ----, two bbls. Goods, _for Tougaloo U._ WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $702.50. Brooklyn, Plymouth, 50; Clinton Ave., Y. W. G., 49; Ch. of the Pilgrims, 33; Puritan, _for Chinese Mothers_, 10; Clinton Ave., Boys' M. Band and Pioneer Band, _for Porto Rico_, 15; Lewis Ave., E. C., 6; Clinton Ave., 6.15; Bushwick Ave., K. D., 5. Binghamton, First, Helpers S., 45 to const. MRS. O. P. CHASE, L. M. Buffalo, First, W. G. B. Aux., 35; First, W. G. H. M., 25. Cortland, 25. Crown Point, 15.86. Elbridge, Jr. C. E., 10. Ellington, Jr. C. E., 4. Flushing, S., 14.05. Flushing, 5. Gloversville, 10. Hamilton, C. E., 8. Hamilton, 3. Homer, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.80, _for Porto Rico_, 5. Honeoye, 5. Ithaca, S., 32.40. Middletown, First, Mrs. Tice's S. Class, 5. Moravia, Mrs. W. C., Tuthill, 40 (of which 25 _for S. A., Big Creek Gap, Tenn._) New Haven, 30. New York, Broadway Tabernacle Society, _for Women's Work_, 48. Oswego, 10. Orient, 24.50. Phoenix, S., 5 _for Porto Rico_, 6.79 Lincoln Mem. Poughkeepsie, 20. Pulaski, 10. Syracuse, G. S. C., _for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 31.95. Syracuse, 5. Utica, Plymouth, 20. Utica, Plymouth, Jr. C. E., 5. Walton, 20. NEW JERSEY, $339.04. East Orange, Trinity, Jr. K. D., 5. Elizabeth, Mrs. E. J. Dimoch, _for Tougaloo U._, 10. Montclair, First, 236.90. Montclair, by Miss Hove, _for Marshallville, Ga._, 2.25. Montclair, First, W. M. S., bbl. Goods, _for Marion, Ala._ Newark, W. E. Titus, 25. Paterson, Auburn, St., 26.25. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N. J. ASS'N., by Mrs. G. A. L. Merrifield, Treas., $33.64. East Orange, W. S. for C. W., 33.64. PENNSYLVANIA, $374.75--of which from Estate, $300.00. Braddock, First, 2.50; S., 2.63; Jr. C. E., 1.50. Carlisle, Mrs. Dorsett, _for S. A., Skyland Inst._, N. C., 10. Corry, box Papers, _for Meridian, Miss._ Pittsburg, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Adams, 25, Mrs. S. Jarvis Adams, 25, _for New Laundry, Orange Park, Fla._ Scranton, Plymouth, S., Lincoln Mem., 8.12. ESTATE.--Lander, Estate of Alfred Cowles, by M. E. Cowles, Executor, 300. OHIO, $3,480.04. Akron, First, 61.82; Miss Rachel Davies, 2. Ashland, 12.73. Aurora, C E., bbl. Goods, _for Nat, Ala._ Cincinnati, Storrs, S., _for S. A., Orange Park, Fla._, 1. Claridon, "A Friend," _for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D._, 50. Cleveland, Pilgrim, quarterly, 72; Plymouth, 19. Elyria, H. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Garrettsville, 15.20. Huntsburg, Jr. C. E., bbl. Goods, _for Orange Park, Fla._ Mansfield, Ladies' M. Society, bbl. Goods, _for Tillotson C._ Marietta, First, 71.70. Oberlin, Jabez L. Burrell, deceased, 10,057 (less expenses, 3.35), 10,053.65, reserve account, 7,053.65, 3,000. Oberlin, First, 24.44. Oberlin "Friends," _for Talladega C._, 5.50. Painesville, First, 26.75. Sandusky, First, S., 5. Steubenville, First, 10.50. Toledo, Washington St., 17.66. Youngstown, Miss Maude Slemons, _for S. A., B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C._, 1. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF OHIO, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $85.74. Chatham, 3.50. Cincinnati, 4.80. Cleveland, Lake View, 2.88. Cleveland, Euclid, 5; First, 6. Conneaut, 5.25. Elyria, C. E., 6.25. Lafayette, S., 2.23. Lorain, 7.50. Mansfield, Mayflower, 3. Marietta, First, 6. Mesopotamia, S., 30 cts. North Fairfield, C. E., _for Porto Rico_, 1. Olmsted, Second, S., Lincoln Mem., 5. Toledo, Washington St., 11.03. Wakeman, 9. Youngstown, Elm St., 5. INDIANA. Fort Wayne, Mrs. Hattie Hunting's S. Class, thirteen Aprons, _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._ ILLINOIS, $993.05--of which from Estate, $226.35. Chicago, Rev. E. M. Williams, to const. REV. ROY B. GUILD, L.M., 50; New England, 22.09. New England, S., 25.42; Mizpah Chapel, 3.97 and S. S., 1.90; Sen. C. E., 1.88; Jr. C. E., 1.25; Central Park, C. E., 2. Chicago, Wm. Dickinson, _for Talladega C._, 50. Chicago, Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Williams, _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 15. Chicago, Miss Julia H. Haskell, _for New Laundry, Orange Park, Fla._, 10. Chicago, Tabernacle S., _for Nat, Ala._, 3. Chicago, Thos. W. Woodnutt, "Leaflets," _for Talladega C._ Dundee, 17.42. Dundee. C. E., 7. Evanston, First, 86.13. Geneseo. W. H. M. S., bbl. Goods, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Geneva, 11.41. Grossdale, W. H. M. U., 3.90. Mendon, 17. Oak Park, First, S., 18.23. Ottawa, First, to const. HENRY W. JONES L.M., 36.69. Payson, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Seymour, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 10. Plainfield, Mrs. Adeline E. Hagar, to const. MISS S. ELIZABETH ROYCE L.M., 30. Plainfield, 27.50. Providence, 12.83. Sycamore, Mrs. Helen A. Carnes, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Waukegan, S., 2.20. Wheaton College C., S., _for Macon Ga._, 10. Woodstock, M. and E. Young, _for Marion, Ala._, 1. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ILLINOIS, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $283.88. Abingdon, 3.90. Chicago, South, _for Schp., Talladega C._, 50.80. Chicago, New England, (5 of which _for Porto Rico_), 11.75. Chicago, University, C., 15; Grace, Jr. C. E., 20 cents. Chicago, Douglass Park, 2; Lincoln Park, 3.25. Downers Grove, 8. La Grange, 20. Mazon, 1. Moline, First, _for Fisk U._, 13.50. Neponset. 7. Oak Park, Second, _for Schp., Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 50. Port Byron, 5. Rockford, Second, 16. Rockford, 2.50. Rogers Park, 5. Rollo, 10. Seward, Winnebago Co., 9.10. Thawville, 1.50. Toulon, 8.38. Waukegan, 5. W. H. M. U., Undesignated Funds, 35. ESTATE.--Galena, Estate of Mrs. Julia Estey Montgomery, 226.35. MICHIGAN, $416.25--of which from Estate, 95.60. Benton Harbor, C. E., 2.91. Ceresco, S., Lincoln Mem., 1. Church, A. W. Douglass, "Thank Offering," 20. Detroit, First, 160; Boulevard, 5.10. Detroit Woodward Ave. C., Ladies, _for S. A., B. N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C._, 25. Eaton Rapids, S., 1. Grand Rapids, Mrs. W. M. Palmer, _for Skyland Inst., N. C._, 5. Grand Rapids, Plymouth, 1.25. Greenville, First, S., 10.05. Lansing, Plymouth, S., 4.94. Mason, Etchell's A. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Olivet, C. E., _for Tillotson C._, 5. Richmond, First, 4.60. Saint Joseph, First, C. E., 5. So. Haven, S. Class, _for Marion, Ala._, 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MICH., by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $66.80. Detroit, First, 20. Ellsworth, 3.50. Ellsworth, Children, 4. Flint, Jr. C. E., _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 25 cents. Greenville, 3.95. Muskegon, First, 11.45. Red Jacket, 20. Wheatland, 3.50. Williamston, 15 cents. ESTATE.--Hillsdale, Estate of Mathews Joslyn, 95.75.,(less expense, 15 cts.), by L. B. Wolcott, Administrator, 95.60. IOWA, $199.84. Albia, Mrs. Mary A. Payne, 2. Ames, First, 14.75. Ames, S., _for Nat, Ala._, 5. Belmond, 4. Belle Plain, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Henry, 10. Clay, 10. Cromwell, Ladies' H. M. S., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 2.50. Davenport, Edwards Ch., 9.25. Des Moines, Mrs. L. R. Munger, _for Beach Inst., Savannah, Ga._, 2.50. Dubuque, Summit, 25.71. Fort Dodge, Ladies' M. Soc., _for New Laundry, Orange Park, Fla._, 10. Garwin, Talmon Dewey, 3.50. Grinnell, S., 18.03. Harlan, 6. Maquoketa, First, 1.70. Waterloo, Alice Spofford, 60 cts.; Mrs. M. E. Warner, 40 cts.; "A Friend," 25 cts., _for A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._ WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF IOWA, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $73.65. Central City, 5. Cedar Rapids, First, S., 49 cts. Des Moines, Plymouth, 2.91. Dubuque, Summit, M. G., 2.50. Greenwood, L. A. Soc., (25.12 of which _for Porto Rico_), 50.25. Mason City, 7.50. Postville, 5. WISCONSIN, $143.72. Black Earth, Miss Etta Logan, 1. Clintonville, L. M. S., 5. Dartford, 3.75. Delavan, 7.94. Elkhorn, W. A. Soc., 5; "A Friend," 50 cts.; ----, two bbls. Goods, _for Fisk U._ Fulton, Rev. A. S. Reid, 2. Kenosha, First, 9.68. Ironton, O. C. Blanchard, 5. Mazomanie, 5. Milwaukee, Grand Ave., 38.55. Pewaukee, 7. Spring Green, 1.70. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF WISCONSIN, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $51.60. Arena, First, 1.23. Beloit, Second, 5. Delavan, 1.50. Madison, 10. Rochester, 7.21. Sun Prairie, 1.66. Whitewater, 25. MINNESOTA, $349.40. Freedom, 2.46. Glenwood, Mrs. F. M. Eddy, _for New Laundry, Orange Park, Fla._, 3. Grand Meadow, 6. Lamberton, "A Friend," 50. Lamberton, 10. Medford, 4.56. Minneapolis, Plymouth, S., _for Porto Rico_, 27.92. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 22.65. Minneapolis, Fifth Ave., 4.78; Jr. C. E., 1. Zumbrota, First, 9.02. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MINNESOTA, by Mrs. M. W. Skinner, Treas., $213.01, (less expenses, $5), $208.01. Austin, 15.10. Austin, C. E., 11.66. Brownton, 2.60. Benson, 1. Clearwater, C. E., 1. Excelsior, 2.65. Hawley, 3.50. Hancock, 9. Mapleton, Jr. C. E., 2. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 29; Lyndale, 21.64; First, 11.50; Park Ave., 5.28; Fremont Ave., 3. Spring Valley, 15. Spring Valley, C. E., 5. Sauk Centre, 5.08. Saint Paul, Park, 16; Mrs. Hunt, 1. Saint Paul, Plymouth, 15; University, 1. Saint Anthony Park, 4. Wadena, S., 2. Winona, 30. MISSOURI, $561.76. Cameron, 26.25. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Kellogg, _for Porto Rico_, 50. Saint Louis, Bethlehem, Bohemian, 3.75 Saint Louis, Miss L. Meyer, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MISSOURI, by Mrs. A. J. Steele, Treasurer, $508.86 (less expenses, 30.10), $478.76. Aurora, 4. Bonne Terre, 10. Cameron, 6.64. Carthage, 7.10. De Soto, 2. Hannibal, First, 2. Kansas City, First, 49.21; Clyde, 11.58; Beacon Hill, 3.61; Olivet, 3.60; S. W. Tabernacle, 3.88. Kidder, First, 2. Lebanon, 8.65. Meadville, 2. Neosho, 3.60. Saint Louis, Pilgrim, 152.20; First, 93.31; Compton Hill, 25.48; Central, 21.12; Fountain Park, 12.30; Hyde Park, 5.66; Memorial, 5.81; Reber Place, 5.66; Plymouth, 2; Hope, 3; Immanuel, 2. Saint Joseph, 13. Sedalia, First, 10; Second, 1. Springfield, First, 23.21. Pierce City, 6.12. Webster Groves, 7.12. KANSAS, $55.00. Fairview, Plymouth, 5. Manhattan, Wm. E. Castle, 12. Twelve Mile, 3. Valley Falls, First, 10. Wabaunsee. First Ch. of Christ 16. NEBRASKA, $48.00. Creighton, 5. Fremont, Jr. C. E., _for A. N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 2. Minersville, 3. Omaha, Rev. R. S. Sargent, _for S. A., Straight U._ 5. Urbano, 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF NEB., by Mrs. C. J. Hall, Treas., $30.00. Cambridge, Ladies, 10. W. H. M. U., of Nebraska, 20. NORTH DAKOTA, $20,00. ----, "A Friend," 20. SOUTH DAKOTA, $31.18. Bonne Homme, 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTH DAKOTA, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $28.18. Academy, Jr. C. E., 1.18. Columbia, Jr. C. E., 1.25. Elizabeth Memorial Ass'n, 4. Elk Point, 5. Plankinton, 1.50. Redfield, 4. Rapid City, 1.50. Santee, Pilgrim, 3.25. Sioux Falls, 2.50. Wakonda, 4. UTAH, $3.50. Salt Lake City, First, W. H. M. S., _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 3.50. COLORADO, $17.50. Lafayette, 17.50. CALIFORNIA, $170.95. Los Angeles, Miss ELLEN H. LIBBY, to const. herself L.M., 30. Norwalk, Bethany (1 of which _for Alaska M._.), 3.75. Santa Barbara, 8.20. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, by Mrs. Katharine D. Barnes, Treas., $129.00. W. H. M. U. of So. Cal., 129. OREGON, $36.75. Hubbard, 2; Smyrna, 5.50; Elliott Prairie, 1.25, _for Porto Rico_. Portland, First, 28. WASHINGTON, $3.20. Alderton, 1.60. McMillin, 60 cts. Orting, 1. MARYLAND. Baltimore, Estate of Mrs. Mary R. Hawley (Reserve Legacy), 17.46. KENTUCKY, $5.00. Campton, Rev. J. W. Doane, 3. Newport, York St., S., 2. TENNESSEE, $12.70. Grand View, Miss Mary E. Taylor, _for S. A., Grand View_, 1.50 Jellico, C., 1; S., 1. Jonesboro, H. M. S., 1. Soddy, Welsh, 7.20. Wilson's Grove, 1. NORTH CAROLINA, $8.14. Enfield, Chapel Collection, _for Joseph K. Brick A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._, 1.64. McLeansville, First, Lincoln Mem., 2.25. McLeansville, Eliza Torrence, 50 cts.; Dulcina Torrence, 50 cts.; Rev. M. L. Baldwin, 1. Salem, 2.25. GEORGIA, $22.73. Athens, First, S., Lincoln Mem., 4.10. Cypress Slash, C. and S., 3.50. Marietta, C., 2.20; Rev. S. A. Paris, 1.25; Mrs. A. J. Rogers, 1. Thomasville, Bethany, 4.81; Bethany S., 87 cts.; Jefferson St. Mission, 59 cts.; "Friend," 1. Woodville, Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, _for Mountain Work_, 50 cts. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF GA., by Miss Mattie L. M. Turner, Treas., $2.91. Savannah, First, 2.91. ALABAMA, $26.40. Mobile, First, W. M. U., 5. Talladega, S., 7.33; Needmore M., 32 cts.; McCannville M., 75 cts. Talladega, Miss E. A. Barnes, _for S. A. Talladega C._, 8. Talladega, Cove C., _for Talladega C._, 5. LOUISIANA, $28.69. New Orleans, University C., 15.67; University Grammar Sch. Pupils, 3.96. Hammond, C., 4.85; S., 1.21. New Iberia, 3. FLORIDA, $60.58. Daytona, 22.08. Jacksonville, W. W. Cummer, _for New Laundry, Orange Park, Fla._, 30. Tampa, First, 8.50. MISSISSIPPI, $9.00. Tougaloo, Mrs. Sisson, _for S. A., Tougaloo U._, 9. TEXAS, $7.00. Corpus Christi, Lincoln Mem., S. Service, 7. INCOME, $1,758.89. Avery Fund _for African M._, 667.22. Mrs. S. N. Brewer End. Fund, 20.93. Howard Carter End. Fund, 5.07. De Forest Fund, _for President's Chair, Talladega C._, 67.50. C. F. Dike Fund, _for Straight U._, 50. E. B. Eldridge End. Fund, 225. Erwin Fund, _for Talladega C._, 500. Fisk U. Theo. Fund, 4.50. Rev. B. Foltz End. Fund, 5.07. General Endowment Fund, 50. Hammond Fund, _for Straight U._, 30. Haley Sch'p Fund, _for Fisk U._, 20.28. E. A. Hand End. Fund, 11.25. Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._, 55.07. S. M. Strong End. Fund, _for Saluda, N. C._, 27. J. and L. H. Wood Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._, 20. TUITION, $5,458.03. Cappahosic, Va., 51.90. Williamsburg, Ky., 112.05. Grand View, Tenn., 25.75. Grand View, Public Fund, 39. Knoxville, Tenn., 63.60. Memphis, Tenn., 583.85. Nashville, Tenn., 882.59. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 89.65. Beaufort, N. C., 27.30. Blowing Rock, N. C., 47. Chapel Hill, N. C., 4.75. Enfield, N. C., 31.25. Hillsboro, N. C., 27.70. King's Mountain, N. C., 30.00. Saluda, N. C., Public Fund, 75. Saluda, N. C., 32.85. Troy, N. C., 2.70. Whittier, N. C., 23.95, Wilmington, N. C., 238.55. Charleston, S. C., 315.20. Greenwood, S. C., 142.11. Albany, Ga., 79.75. Andersonville, Ga., 13.95. Atlanta, Ga., 237.84. McIntosh, Ga., 100.67. Macon, Ga., 260.15. Marietta, Ga., 4. Marshallville, Ga., 21. Savannah, Ga., 185.40. Thomasville, Ga., 92.35. Athens, Ala., 37.30. Florence, Ala., 35.85. Marion, Ala., 60.00. Nat, Ala., 20.42. Mobile, Ala., 119.55. Talladega, Ala., 144.95. Meridian, Miss., 73.50. Moorhead, Miss., 40.70. Tougaloo, Miss., 123.30. Helena, Ark., 300.70. New Orleans, La., 489.35. Orange Park, Fla., 52.90. Austin, Tex., 117.65. SUMMARY FOR APRIL, 1900. Donations $15,401.25 Estates 6,457.79 ----------- $21,859.04 Income 1,758.89 Tuition 5,458.03 ----------- Total for April $29,075.96 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for April $10.40 Previously acknowledged 228.89 -------- $239.29 * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR MAY, 1900. * * * * * THE DANIEL HAND EDUCATIONAL FUND For Colored People. Income for May $10,380.00 Previously acknowledged 32,466.73 ----------- $42,846.73 =========== CURRENT RECEIPTS. MAINE, $206.72. Biddeford, Second, 22.50. Farmington Falls, 2.50. Lewiston, Miss S. L. Weymouth, _for S. A., Greenwood, S. C._, 2.50. Madison, 11. New Sharon, 1.50. North Norway, Miss Sarah A. Holt, 4.50. Otisfield, C. E., 7.75; Mrs. Susan Lovell, 3. Portland, West, 11. Portland, "C. E." _for McIntosh, Ga._, 2. Portland, State St. Sewing Soc., two bbls. Goods, _for Meridian, Miss._ Searsport, First, 6.02. Turner, Rev. C. S. Wilder's S. Class, _for S. A., McIntosh, Ga._, 1. Wilton, 10.65. MAINE WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A., by Mrs. Helen W. Davis, Treas., $120.80. Brunswick, 44. Calais, 25. Machias, 31.05. Marshfield, 1.75. Steuben, 4. Woodfords, 15. NEW HAMPSHIRE, $406.53--of which from Estate, $178.70. Alstead Center, Ladies' C., _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 1. Center Harbor, 2.10. Epping, C., 5.43; Mrs. G. N. Shepard's S. Class, 4.10. Gilsum, 3. Greenville, C., 25; S., 5. Hampton, 5.50. Keene, Second, S. Class, bbl. Goods, prepaid freight, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Lebanon, C. (7.40 of which _for Porto Rico_) 37.70. Lyndeboro, 7.30. Manchester, First, Ladies' Benev. Soc., _for Sch'p, Fisk U._, 25. Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hale, 10. Nashua, Alfred Chase, to const. REV. PAUL FOX L.M., 30. Nashua, First, C. E., bbl. Goods, _for Thomasville, Ga._ New Market, Thos. H. Wiswall, 10. New Market, Estate of Mrs. Creighton, two boxes Goods, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ North Londonderry. S., _for Indian M._, 3.20. Raymond, MRS. H. M. HARRIMAN, to const. herself L.M., 30. Winchester, Rev. C. Roper, _for freight to McIntosh, Ga._, 2. West Concord, Y. S. M. C., bbl. Goods, _for Tougaloo U._ NEW HAMPSHIRE FEMALE CENT. INST. and HOME MISSIONARY UNION, by Miss Annie A. McFarland, Treas., $21.50. Concord, South, Mrs. A. M. Nim's S. Class, 8.50. Milford, 12. West Lebanon, Jr. C. E., 1. ESTATE.--Milford, Estate of Mrs. C. B. Harris, 178.70 VERMONT, $749.33--of which from Estate, $30.96. Barnet, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, 1.50 _for freight, for McIntosh, Ga._ Brattleboro, Fessenden Helping Hand, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 50. Cambridge, Darwin Witherell, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 1. Cambridge, Jeffersonville C., 8. Cornwall, C., to const. J. FRANK RANDALL L.M., 40.58. Danville, 30. Essex Junction, First, ad'l, 1. Jericho Center, First, 6.17. Manchester, Samuel G. Cone, 20. Manchester, 15.77. Manchester, Miss E. J. Kellogg, 5. Pawlet, 4. Pittsford, 30. Rochester, 6.58, Rutland, C., box Goods, _for Atlanta, Ga._ Saxton's River, 6. West Dover, 2. Westfield, C. E., 5. West Rutland, 13. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF VERMONT, by Mrs. Robert Mackinnon, Treas., $472.77. Bakersfield, 6.50. Barton, "A Tenth," _for Indian Sch'p_, 2. Barton, 10. Bennington, Second, Jr. C. E., 5. Brandon, 5. Brattleboro Center, 15. Brattleboro, West, 27.85. Brownington and Barton Landing, 5. Burlington, First, 45. Burlington First, S., Mrs. Clarence Smith's Class, _for Sch'p_, 5. Burlington, College St., 5. Cabot, 5. Cambridge, 5. Chelsea, Sarah P. Bacon Benev. Soc., 12. Cornwall, 5. Fairlee, 10. Ferrisburg, 7. Hardwick, East, 5. Hinesburgh, Jr. C. E., _for Sch'p_, 3. Johnson, 5. Manchester, 10. Montpelier, 10. Randolph, 8. Rutland, 15. Rutland, West. 5.50. Saint Johnsbury, South, 63.65. Saint Johnsbury, North, 10. Saint Johnsbury, South, "A Friend," 45. St. Albans, 25. Sheldon, 10. Shoreham, 6. So. Hero, Two Friends, 2.50. Springfield, 24.52. Stowe, 10. Swanton, 10. Underhill, 5. Vergennes, 10. Waitsfield, 7. Weybridge, 5. Woodstock, 27. ESTATE.--Springfield, Estate of Frederick Parks, 312.50; Reserve Legacy account, 281.54, 30.96. MASSACHUSETTS, $9,319.78--of which from Estates, $6,352.67. Acton, Evan., S., 2. Andover, Chapel C., 68. Andover, West, "A Friend," 5. Ayer, First, C. E., _for S. A., Talladega C._, 17.67. Barre, S., 11.11 Boston, Old South, 185.15; Park St., 106; Geo. D. Bigelow, _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 28. Jamaica Plain, Central, 198. Roxbury, Walnut Ave. (10 of which _for Alaska M._), 40. West Roxbury, South Evan., 93.50. Brimfield, Rev. Oscar Bissell, 2. Brockton, C. E., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 1. Cohasset, Second, Ladies' B. Soc., two bbls. Goods, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Concord, Trin., 20.25. Everett, Mystic Side C., bbl. Goods, _for Meridian, Miss._ Fall River, Central, C. E., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 15. Fitchburg, Rollstone, 14.60. Florence, S., _for Tougaloo U._, 5. Franklin. 13.54. Greenfield, Second. 41.62. Groton, "Friend," _for Indian M._, 10; _for Freedmen_, 5; _for Mountain Work_, 5; _for Chinese M._, 5; _for Porto Rico_, 5. Hanson, First, 3.16. Haverhill, Fourth, S., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Haverhill, Center, Ladies' M. Soc., box Goods, _for Fisk U._, Holyoke, Second, 63.16. Hyde Park, First, 66.10. Indian Orchard, Evan., 14.30. Lawrence, Lawrence St., C., 25. Lawrence, Lawrence St., S., _for Porto Rico_, 10. Littleton, 7. Lynn, North, S., 3. Lynn, North, 1.50. Lunenburg, E, C., 3.25. Monson, 22.95. Medford, Mystic, 172.09. Medford, Mystic, W. H. M. S., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 10. Maiden, S., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 25. Manchester, 15.50. Melrose, Highlands, 54.83. Newburyport, North, 18.06. Newburyport, Belleville Av., C. E., 10. North Amherst, L. M. S., _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 5. Northampton, Miss J. B. Kingsley, _for Marshallville, Ga._, 80. Northampton, First, 215.39. Northampton, Edwards, Ladies, bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Northboro, Evan., S., 3.09. North Brookfield, Julia A. Miller, 5. North Brookfield, First, 2.25. North Wilbraham, Grace Union, 2.50. North Woburn, Mrs. F. C. P. Wheeler's S. Class, _for Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 10. Oxford, C. M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Phillipston, C. E., Lincoln Mem., 2. Quincy, Bethany, 52.99. Salem, Tabernacle, 10.91. Salem, "I. H. N.," 5. Salem, Crombie St., S., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 2. Salem, Mrs. B. H. Silsbee, seven Comfortables, _for Fisk U._ Shelburne Falls, Miss L A. Noble, _for Cappahosic, Va._, 1. Somerville, Prospect Hill, to const. WILLIAM H. HARTSHORN, GEORGE W. SNOW and THOMAS B. BLAIKIE L.M's, 95.72. Somerville, Winter Hill, C. E., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 50. Somerville, Highland, 5. Springfield, Olivet, 23. Springfield, Memorial, C. E., _for Tougaloo U._, 15. Springfield, "Three Friends," _for Fisk U._, 15. South Hadley Falls, Augustus Moody, 10. South Royalston, Amos Blanchard, _for Porto Rico_, 5. South Wellfleet. "A Friend," 1. Sunderland, 43.89. Sutton, 16.51. Turner's Falls, 18.87. Waltham, Trinity 16.17. Wayland, C. E., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 4. Westhampton, 24.54. Westfield, First, 5. Westport, Pacific Union, 14.50. West Springfield, Park St., 23.37. Weymouth Heights, First, 25.51. Winchester, C., Miss'y Union, two bbls. Goods, _for Straight U._ Wollaston, 78.50. Worcester, First (Old South), 52.06. Worcester, Piedmont, S., _for Brewer Normal Sch., Greenwood, S. C._, 25. Worcester, L. M. S. of C., _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 15. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASSACHUSETTS AND R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White Treas., $560.00. W. H. M. A., _for Salaries_, 480; _for Chinese_, 80. ESTATES.--Amherst, Estate of George E. Lamb, Henry W. Haskins, Treas., 552,67. Andover, Estate of Mrs. Phoebe A. Chandler, by Stephen Ballard and William H. Chandler, Exec'rs, 2,500. Andover, Estate of Harriet L. Goodell, _for Mountain White Work_, 300, Lenox, Estate of Orrilla B. Stanley, 5,000 (Reserve Legacy, 2,000), _for Indian M._, by George H. Tucker, Trustee, 3,000. RHODE ISLAND, $5.00. Barrington, C., _for S. A., Big Creek Gap, Tenn._, 5. CONNECTICUT, $2,134.32--of which from Estate, $308.00. Bethel, Mission Circle of C., _for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn._, 40. Bethlehem, S., Lincoln Memorial, 3.75. Bridgeport, South, two bbls. Goods, _for Cappahosic, Va._ Cheshire, W. H. Brooks, 10. Clinton, S., _for Porto Rico_, 5. Cornwall Hollow, C. E. Soc., _for Mountain White Work_, 2. Coventry, Second, 16.72. Danbury, C., 6.31; S., 4. Darien, 20.52. Deep River, "Friends," _for Organ, Beaufort, N. C._, 2. Deep River, Mrs. H. E. Denison, Material for Sewing Class, _for Beaufort, N. C._ East Hartland, 7. East Wallingford, Mrs. Benjamin Hall, 2. East Woodstock, Mrs. Carr, Sewing Material, _for Beaufort, N. C._ Gilead, 36. Greenfield Hill, 17.25. Groton. S., 17.62. Hartford, Park, L. M. S., 10. Hartford, Glenwood, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Higganum, 26. High Ridge, Long Ridge C., 3. Kent, First, S., _for Mountain Work, Pleasant Hill, Tenn._, 10. Lyme, "A Friend," 5. Middletown, Gleaners Soc. of First C. (7.50 of which _for Mountain Work_), 15. Nepang, C. E., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 3. New Haven, Fair Haven C., to const. REV. ALEXANDER F. IRVINE L.M., 43.76. New Haven, Juliette T. Lyman, _for S. A., Macon, Ga._, 10. New Haven, Dwight Place C., Bible Sch., _for Porto Rico_, 8.92. New Haven, Dwight Place, L. M. Soc., two bbls. Goods, _for Fisk U._ New London, Second, 269.64, New Preston, Village C., 42. Niantic, 8. North Branford, 13.80. North Woodstock, Miss Esther Bishop, S. Papers and 5, _for Organ, for Beaufort, N. C._ Norwich, Broadway, S., _for Mountain White Work_, 25. Portland, C. E., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 2. Putnam, C. and "A Friend," _for Organ, for Beaufort, N. C._, 15. Rockville, Union, 100. Somersville, 4.82. Sound Beach, Sr. C. E. Jr. C. E. of Pilgrim C., one Comfortable each, _for Fisk U._ South Manchester, 29.92. Southport, "Friends," through Mrs. E. S. Waterman, _for Alaska M._, 340. South Woodstock, Third Ecc'l, 3.35. Stamford, First, C. E., _for Mountain White Work_, 2.60. Stamford, Jr. Endeavorers, 2.08. Stanwich, 8.65. Storrs, Second, bbl. Goods, _for Porto Rico_. Suffield, First, 20.07. Suffield, Ashbel Harmon, _for Straight U._, 10. Thomaston, First, S., _for Skyland Inst., Blowing Rock, N. C._, 25. Thomson, 19.55. Wallingford, L. B. S., bbl. Goods, 1 _for freight, for Cappahosic, Va._ Waterbury, Second, W. B. Soc., _for Sch'p, Santee Indian Sch., Neb._, 70. Wauregan, 22.50. Westport, Saugatuck S., 4.39. West Torrington, L. H. M. S., box Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ Westville, 26.91. WOMAN'S CONG. HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONN., by Mrs. George Follett, Sec.,$430.19. W. H. M. U. of Conn., 215.44. Canton Center, 10. Canton Center, _for Sch'p, Gregory Inst., N. C._, 8. East Woodstock, 10. Farmington, 6. Hartford, South, _for Laundry, Moorhead, Miss._, 25. Milford, Plymouth, 9. New Britain, South, 51.25. New Milford, 37.50. Norfolk, _for Sch'p, Gregory Inst., N. C._, 8. Suffield, 50. ESTATES.--Brooklyn, Estate of M. E. Ensworth, 8. Canton Center, Estate of William G. Hallock, by Henry Humphrey, Ex'r, 300. NEW YORK, $938.42. Brooklyn, Clinton Ave. Boy's Mission Band, _for Sch'p Lincoln Acad., King's Mountain, N. C._, 40; _for Indian M._, 25; _for Porto Rico_, 15. Brooklyn, Zenana Band, _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 9. Brooklyn, Park Ave. C., Ladies and Jr. C. E., bbl. Goods, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Candor, 11. Fairport. S., _for S. A., Talladega C._, 10. Fredonia, Martha L. Stevens. 50 cts. Gloversville, C., (45.52 of which _for Fisk U._), 91.04. Honeoye, C., 19.25. Honeoye, C., bbl. Literature, freight prepaid, _for Santee, Neb._ Ithaca, First, 47.95. Jamestown, Mrs. E. Morgan, _for S. A., McIntosh, Ga._, 5. Munnsville, 3.25. New York, "Friend," _for Organ, Beaufort N. C._, 50. New York, Mrs. Leland Fairbanks, 5. Norwich, First, 20. Rochester, Asbury, King's D., bbl. Goods, _for Marion, Ala._ Sherburne, "A Friend." 25. Sing Sing, Mrs. Cornelia E. Judd, 20. Watertown, Mrs. G. H. Wright, Material for Sewing Class, _for Beaufort, N. C._ Whitehall, Mrs. J. S. Dean, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $536.43. W. H. M. U. of N. Y., _for Porto Rico_, 200. W. H. M. U. of N. Y., 30 cents Albany, First, S., Prim. Dept., 2. Brooklyn, Beecher Memorial, 5. Brooklyn, Central, 31.14. Brooklyn, Lewis Ave., Earnest Workers, to const. ARTHUR F. STOIBER, L.M., 30. Brooklyn, Lewis Ave., C. E., bal. to const. MISS L. A. KNAPP, L.M., 20. Brooklyn, Lewis Ave., Zepho Circle, 5. Brooklyn, Lewis Ave., bal. to const. MRS. SARAH F. MADDOX, MRS. A. J. MORRIS, MRS. ELIZABETH S. ROYS, L.M's, 50. Brooklyn, Lee Ave., 20. Brooklyn, Tompkins Ave., Prim. Dept., 13. Churchville, S., 5. Churchville, C. E., 5. Flushing, C. E., 6. Gloversville, S., Prim. Dept. 2. Harford, Penn., 6. Honeoye, 6. Honeoye, C. E., 3.50; Jr. C. E., 1. Jamestown, First, Jr. C. E., _for Porto Rico_, 5. Madrid, C. E., 5. Morrisville. C. E., 24. New Haven, "Willing Workers," 8. New York, Manhattan, 25. Oswego, (5 of which _for Porto Rico_), 20. Poughkeepsie, C. E., 15. Syracuse, Geddes, 21. Syracuse, Plymouth S., Prim. Dept., 2.49. NEW JERSEY, $242.31. Bound Brook. 81.21. Montclair, First, 100. Plainfield, W. M. Soc., 1.10. ----, "A Friend," _for Fisk U._, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE NEW JERSEY ASSOCIATION, by Mrs. G. A. L. Merrifield, Treasurer, $55.00. Bound Brook, "Pilgrim Workers," to const. MISS JULIA HAELIG, L.M. 30. Washington, D. C., W. H. M. S., 25. PENNSYLVANIA, $64.00. Philadelphia, "A Friend," _for Fisk U._, 25. Philadelphia, Rev. S. D. Paine, 3. Wilkesbarre, Second, Welsh, 1. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF PENN., by Mrs. David Howells, Treasurer, $35.00. Lansford,35. OHIO, $407.72--of which from Estate, $140.02. Canaan, Presb. C., bbl. Goods, _for Beaufort, N. C._ Claridon, "A Life Member," 1. Cleveland, Euclid Ave., 28.58. Cleveland, L. V. Dennis, _for S. A., J. K. Brick, A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._ 10. Cleveland, Pilgrim C., K. D., bbl. Goods, freight prepaid, Mrs. Wm. Leiburg, 1.21 and Jr. C. E., 2.20, _for freight_; Miss L. M. Hardy, 2, _for McIntosh, Ga._, Columbus, First, 66.66. Creston, Miss Hattie Rohrer, Material for Sewing Class, _for Beaufort, N. C._ Gomer, Welsh C., (5.75 of which _for Porto Rico_), to const. GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, L.M., 40. Hampden, 2.05. Jewell, T. B. Goddard, 100. Marietta, First, ad'l, 1. Strongsville, C., bbl. Goods, _for Beaufort, N. C._ Wauseon, 13. West Salem, Miss Florence Carlin, bbl. Literature, _for Beaufort, N. C._ ESTATE.--Atwater, Estate of Fanny B. Cumine, by J. Stratton, Executor, 140.02. INDIANA, $2.75. Fairmount, First, S., 2.75. ILLINOIS, $1,031.34. Alton, Ch. of Redeemer, 79.50. Champaign, C., 40.91; W. M. S., 1.80; C. E., 6.10; Jr. C. E., 20 cts.; Boys Brigade, 50 cts. Chandlerville, 41.97. Chicago, California Ave., 22.84. Chicago, Plymouth, 19.20. Chicago, Mrs. C. H. Case, _for Kings Mountain, N. C._, 10. Chicago, "Friend," _for Indian M._, 5. Chicago, Mrs. Schielof and Friends, _for Athens, Ala._ 4.50. Downers Grove, First, 8.51. Galesburg, Central S., Lincoln Mem., 10. Geneseo, _for freight to McIntosh, Ga._ 2.14. Griggsville, C., ad'l, 1. LaSalle, Mrs. Geo. A. Wilson, _for Tougaloo U._, 10. Melvin, 5. Pecatonica, 7. Rockford, Second, 44.04. Sandwich, 28.55. Sycamore, Mrs Helen A. Carnes, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Wilmette, First, 26.36. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ILLINOIS, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $651.22. Illinois Undesignated Funds, 170. Illinois W. H. M. U., 3.86. Aurora, New England, 20. Aurora, New Eng., C. E., 11. Ashkum 2.50. Champaign, 11.50. Champaign, Mrs. Schlenk, 5. Chandlerville, 7.50. Chenoa, _for Blowing Rock_, 7; _Fisk U._, 4; _Crow Agency_, 4; _Moorhead_, 3. Chicago, First, Jr. C. E., 1; Bethel, 3; Covenant, Jr. C. E., 1; Covenant, 1; Covenant, 12.25; Evanston Ave., 2; Mizpah, 5; New England, 1.80; Plymouth, Jr. C. E., 2; Union, 3; Union, C. E., 40 cts.; Union Park, 55; Warren Ave., 2; Waveland Ave., 5. Elgin. First, 20. Elmwood, 5. Evanston, First, 32. Illini, 5.50. Lombard, 40.50. Melvin, 3. McLean, 5. Moline, Second, 2.50. Oak Park, First, 9.90. Oak Park, First, Jr. C. E., 20 cts. Odell; 5. Payson, 12. Peoria, First, 8. Plymouth, 3.76. Princeton, 10. Providence, 5. Ravenswood, 5. Sandwich, 13.75. South Chicago, 7.50. Sterling, 20. Sterling, First, Jr. C. E., 2. Rock Falls, _for Schp._, 15. Rock Falls, 11. Rockford, First, 25. Rockford, Second, 5. Toulon, 5. Waverly, C. E., 5. Wheaton, First, 8. Wilmette, 12.80. Yorkville, 5. MICHIGAN, $262.78. Detroit, First, 125. Detroit, bbl. Goods, _for Moorhead, Miss._ Jackson, First, Lincoln Mem., 9.62. Lansing, Plymouth, 20. Ludington, 30.50. Muskegon, First, 30.05; First, Bible Sch., 4.51. Saint Clair, Mary Moore, _for freight on bbl. Goods to Orange Park, Fla._, 1.48. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MICHIGAN, by Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Treas., $41.62. Grand Rapids, Plymouth, 50 cts. Hancock, 8. Rockford, Jr. C. E., for S. A., _Moorhead, Miss._, 4. Saginaw, Primary S., _for S, A., Moorhead, Miss._, 29.12. IOWA, $621.56. Alexander, First, 2.50. Bear Grove, 5. Burlington, Mrs. Mary S. Leonard, 5. Cherokee, John Morrison, 30. Cromwell, Mrs. Kidder, and Etta Child, _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 1. Des Moines, Pilgrim, 8.71. Edgegood, L. D. Platt, 150. Eldora, Chas. McKeen Duren, _for S. A. Grand View, Tenn._, 10. Emmetsburg, Boys and Girls Miss'y Army, 3. Fairfax, 2.43. Glenwood, C. E., 2.65. Hampton, First, 13.11. Hampton. S., 3.80. Independence, Miss Potwin's S. Class, _for Savannah, Ga._, 2.05. Jewell, First, 3. Le Mars, H. W. Wilcox, 1. McGregor, Mrs. T. N. Gilchrist, _for Big Creek Gap, Tenn._, 3. Muscatine, Pilgrim, 4.41; S., 2; C. E., 1. Postville, 8.50. Salem, 10.66. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF IOWA, Miss Belle L. Bentley, Treas., $348.74. Anita, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 19.25. Anita, Jr. C. E., 50 cts. Central City, 3. Chester Center, 4.50. Corning, 1.50. Creston, C. E., 5. Creston, Jr. C. E., 2.96. Cedar Rapids, First, 6. Cedar Rapids, S., 50 cts. Davenport, Beth., 1.50. Des Moines, Plymouth, 13.68. Fayette, C. E., 1. Glenwood, 27.75. Grand View, 6.45. Grinnell, 57.29. Hawarden, 10.67. Harwarden, Jr. C. E., 3. Independence, 12.10. Independence, C. E., 1. Independence, Breeze and Geo. Boyack, 50 cts. Iowa Falls, 10. Iowa City, 6. Lyons, 3.50, McGregor, 7.50. Manchester, Jr. C. E., 6.55. Mason City, 8.21. Mondovi, 4. Mount Pleasant, Ladies, 10.91; S., 90 cts. Muscatine, First, 16.67. New Hampton, 10. Ottumwa, Second, 5. Rowan, C. E., 1.30; Jr. C. E., 2. Salem, 13.30. Sioux City, First, Jr. C. E., 5. Tabor, 1.50. Waterloo, 33.25. Waterloo, C. E., 10. Winthrop, 14.25. Winthrop, Y. W. M. S., 75 cents. MINNESOTA, $73.26. Appleton, 5.30. Barnesville, Mrs. F. L. Lewis, _for Skyland Inst., Blowing Rock, N. C._, 5. Brainerd, Peoples', 2. Excelsior, 5.25. Hutchinson, 4.50. Meadow Vale, W. M. Soc., _for Mountain White Work_, 3.75. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 34.04. Minneapolis, Fifth Ave., S., 7.42. Minneapolis, "A Friend," through John Rawlins Post, Flag, _for Washburn Seminary, Beaufort, N. C._ Wadena, 6. WISCONSIN, $110.30. Elkhorn, First, W. A. Soc., two bbls. Goods, _for Fisk U._ La Crosse, First, 49.74. Madison, K. D., 8; Jr. C. E., 3, _for Athens, Ala._ New Richmond, Mrs. Tallmadge's, S. Class, _for Porto Rico_, 4.54. Shopier, 4.13. Sun Prairie, 21.75. Windsor, 19.15. MISSOURI, $56.50. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Kellogg, _for Porto Rico_, 50. Saint Louis, Central, 6.50. KANSAS, $70.59. Westmoreland, 1.50. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF KANSAS, by Miss Mary E. Wilkinson, Treas. $69.09. Kansas W. H. M. U., 69.09. NEBRASKA, $88.67. Albion, 16.92 Crawford, First, 6. Dover, Camp Creek, C., 5.56. Indianola, 8. Lincoln, Plymouth, 21.18. Omaha, Mrs. E. M. Richardson, _for Straight U._, 5. Rokeby, C., 8.75; Rev. R. M. Sargent, D.D., 2.91, _for Straight U._; 2.92, _for Tougaloo U._; 2.92, _for Memphis, Tenn._ Silver Creek, 6.51. West Point, C., _for Santee Agency, Neb._, 2. NORTH DAKOTA, $9.90. Fessenden, First, 3.75. Fort Yates, Grand River, C., 4.65. Harvey, 1.50. SOUTH DAKOTA, $39.80. Aurora, 4.10. Bon Homme, 2. Ipswich, S., 1.50. Sioux Falls, S., Class of Boys, 4; S., Class of Boys through Mrs. Carr, 3.90, _for S. A., A. I. and N. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._ Tyndall First, 3. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SO. DAK., by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $21.30, (of which $2.30 _for Porto Rico_). Athol, 2.50. Chamberlain, 1. Clark, "A Friend," 2. Columbia, 2.30. Firesteel, 5. Letcher, 1.25. Vermillion, 4. Vermillion, S., 1.75. Watertown, 1.50. WYOMING, $10.00. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF WYOMING, by Miss Edith McCrum, Treas., $10.00. Cheyenne, First, 10. COLORADO, $9.00. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF COLORADO, by Mrs. F. N. Thomas, Treas., $9.00. Denver, Boulevard, 4. Whitewater, 5. ARKANSAS, $62.50. Helena, Citizens, on Piano Fund, 62.50. CALIFORNIA, $1,120.85. Cloverdale, C., _for Chinese M._, 4. Oakland, Miss M. L. Newcomb, 60. Porterville, 7.50. Rio Vista, C., _for Chinese M._, 20. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 1,029.35 OREGON, $35.00. Cedar Mill, German C., 5. Hubbard, Jr. C. E., _for Moorhead, Miss._, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF OREGON, Mrs. C. F. Clapp, Treas., $25.00. Oregon W. H. M. U., 25. WASHINGTON, $6.80. Springdale, S., Lincoln Mem., 1.80. Union City, Skokomish C., 5. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $201.04. Washington, First, 201.04. MARYLAND. Baltimore, Mrs. M. R. Hawley, Reserve Legacy. 7.27. KENTUCKY, $21.60. Berea, The Ch. of Christ, 19.60. Campton, Rev. J. W. Doane, 2. TENNESSEE, $127.06. Big Creek Gap, "K. C. L. G." (40 of which _for S. A._), 85. Grand View, C., Ladies' Aid, 30.48; John Allen, 5. _for Bell Tower, Grand View, Tenn._ Knoxville, From Entertainment, 1. Nashville, Union, Fisk U., S., _for Porto Rico_, 5.58. NORTH CAROLINA, $13.39. Beaufort, "Friends," _for Organ, Beaufort, N. C._, 9.35. Candor, C, Lincoln Mem., 1.20 Enfield, Chapel Col., 54 cts. Malee, C., Lincoln Mem., 50 cts. Pekin, 1.80. SOUTH CAROLINA, $1.00. Winnsboro, 1. GEORGIA, $5.01. Demorest, Union, 2.76. Taylor's Creek, Shiloh C. and S., 1.75. Thomasville, Bethany Ch., C. E., 50 cts. ALABAMA, $23.75. Nat, Bending Oaks, C., 3.75. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ALABAMA, by Mrs. E. C. Silsby, Treas., $20.00. Alabama, W. M. U., 20. MISSISSIPPI, $10.00. Tougaloo, Miss Blanchard, _for Tougaloo U._, 10. TEXAS, $5.00. Goliad, 5. HAWAII ISLANDS, $5.00. Honolulu, Mrs. Henry C. Brown, 5. INCOME, $431.26. Avery Fund, _for African M._, 158.75. C. F. Dike End. Fund, 45.63. General End. Fund, 45.63. Hastings Schp Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 18.75. Howard Theo. End. Fund, _for Howard U._, 37.50. Le Moyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._, 37.50. Plumb Sch'p Fund, _for Fisk U._, 50. Tuthill King End. Fund, _for Berea C._, 37.50. TUITION, $4,548.19. Cappahosic, Va., 36.65. Lexington, Ky., 125.25. Williamsburg, Ky., 97.95. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 109.32. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., Public Fund, Grand View, Tenn., 23.50. Knoxville, Tenn., 57.45. Memphis, Tenn., 508.90. Nashville, Tenn., 646.92. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 34. Beaufort, N. C., 27.50. Blowing Rock, N. C., 18. Chapel Hill, N. C., 5.70. Enfield, N. C., 17.25. Hillsboro, N. C., 16.25. King's Mountain, N. C., 30. Troy, N. C., 50 cts. Whittier, N. C., 18.25. Wilmington, N. C., 127.27. Charleston, S. C., 306. Greenwood, S. C., 133.66. Albany, Ga., 67.65. Andersonville, Ga., 11.72. Atlanta, Ga., 248.28. McIntosh, Ga., 98.61. Macon, Ga., 298.75. Marshallville, Ga., Public Fund, 20. Savannah, Ga., 133.60. Thomasville, Ga., 80.23. Athens, Ala., 66.05. Florence, Ala., 44.65. Marion, Ala., 60. Mobile, Ala., 131.60. Nat, Ala., 31.10. New Orleans, La., 480.93. Orange Park, Fla., 38. Helena, Ark., 43.95. Meridian, Miss., 90.75. Moorhead, Miss., 41.50. Tougaloo, Miss., 92.45. Austin, Tex., 93.05. SUMMARY FOR MAY, 1900. Donations $11,488.23 Estates 7,010.35 ----------- $18,498.58 Income 431.26 Tuition 4,548.19 ----------- Total for May $23,478.03 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for May $24.95 Previously acknowledged 239.29 -------- Total $264.24 RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, from March 21 to April 19, 1900, William Johnstone, Treas., $477.93. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS, $290.43. Berkeley, Chinese M. O., 6.25. Fresno, Chinese M. O., 1.25; Ann'y Off's, 21.17. Fruitland, Chinese M. O., 11.05; Ann'y Off's, 3.70. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 4.05; Ann'y Off's, 28.02. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 6.20. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 1.40. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.65; Ann'y Off's, 17. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 3. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.51; Ann'y Off's, 6. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5.50. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 5.10; Ann'y Off's, 14.25. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 4.18; Ann'y Off's, 6. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 16.10; Ann'y Off's, 3, San Francisco, First, C., _for Central M._, 45.05, San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 4. San Francisco, Bethany, Ann'y Off's, 17.70. San Francisco, Branch Ass'n, Christian Chinese, 10; Children, 58 cts. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 4.85. Ann'y Off's, 9.77. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.55. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.55; Ann'y Off's, 11.50. CHURCHES, $4.50: Los Angeles, Bethlehem, M. S., 2.50. Santa Rosa, C., Kingdom Ex. Soc., 2. FROM EASTERN FRIENDS, $118.00: Bangor, Me., Mrs. M. W. Chamberlain, 5. Minot, Me., Dea. Washburn, 10. Stockbridge, Mass., Miss Alice Byington, 100; Miss Adele Brewer, 3. RECEIVED FOR CHINESE MOTHERS AND CHILDREN, $65.00: Huron, S. D., Miss K. M. Jenney, 5. W. H. M. U. of California, 60. RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, from April 20 to May 15, 1900, William Johnstone, Treas., $551.42. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS, $246.42: Berkeley, Chinese M. O., 6.15. Fresno Chinese M. O., 2.55; Ann'y Pledges, 5. Fruitland, Chinese M. O., 8.20. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 7.60; Ann'y Pledges, 42. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 3. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 2.15. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.35; Ann'y Pledges, 22. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 1. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 5.20; Ann'y Pldges, 13. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 4.50. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 2.75. Ann'y Off's 2. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 1.30; Ann'y Off's, 6. San Francisco, Barnes, Chinese, M. O., 9.30. San Francisco, S. F. Branch Ass'n, 10. San Francisco, Bethany, Ann'y Pledges, 13.50. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 5.10; Ann'y Off's, 27.25. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 7; Ann'y Off's, 24.52. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.50. FROM INDIVIDUALS, $300.00: Berkeley, Cal., Mrs. Harriet S. Blake, 100. Massachusetts, "S.," 200. FOR MOTHERS AND GIRLS, $5.00: Belfast, Me., Miss E. M. Pond, 5. * * * * * RECEIPTS FOR JUNE, 1900. * * * * * THE DANIEL HAND EDUCATIONAL FUND For Colored People. Income for June $5,780.14 Previously acknowledged 42,846.73 ----------- $48,626.87 =========== CURRENT RECEIPTS. MAINE, $200.61. Alfred, First, Y. L. C. A., 4.11. Brownville, Mrs. Jessie Mason, bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Cape Elizabeth, South. Ladies' Aux., 5. Castine, J. W. Dresser, _for Teachers' Home, McIntosh, Ga._, 20. Eastport, H. Kilby's S. Class _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, 2. Kennebunkport, Mrs. M. A. Smith, 50 cents Newcastle, Second, 12. Portland, Bethel C., Ladies, _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 4. Portland, High St. C., bbl. Goods, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Presque Isle, 14. Sanford, Ladies of C., _for Marion, Ala._, 2.25. Southwest Harbor, Mrs. Chas. Stanley, _for Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, 75 cts. Thomaston, Woman's Aux., _for Alaska_, 2. Vinalhaven, Union, 7. MAINE WOMAN'S AID to A. M. A., by Mrs. H. W. Davis, Treas., $127.00. Augusta, 14. Bethel, 23.30. Blue Hill, 3.70. Castine, 5.70. Ellsworth, 17.38. Ellsworth Falls. 1.50. Freeport, 10. Gray, 3.25. Harpswell Center, 12.25. North Ellsworth, 1.50. Orland, 9. Oxford, 4. South Paris, First, L. M. S. 4.53; C. E., 2.61. Southwest Harbor, 1.50. Waterville, 7.78. Auburn, Sixth St. C., 5. NEW HAMPSHIRE, $307.84. Alstead Center, Ladies' Circle, _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 1.50. Barnstead, S., _for Alaska M._, 6. Boscawen. 8.10. Colebrook, Mrs. W. C. Buffington, 1. Dover. First, C. and S., 105.53. Hanover, C. E., _for Blowing Rock, N. C._, 3.12. Hollis, 13.82. Hollis, "A Friend," 50 cents Keene, First, S., _for Porto Rico_ (9.03 of which Children's Day coll.), 59.03. Laconia, Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Lisbon, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Littleton, First, C. E., 40. Littleton, John F. Tilton, _for Porto Rico_, 2. Manchester. Franklin St. C., L. B. A., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 10. North Hampton, J. L. Philbrook, 10. Northwood Center, 6.75. Penacook, 7.85. Plymouth, 28.23. Suncook, "A Friend," _for Gregory Just., Wilmington, N. C._, 2. Wakefield. 2.41. Winchester, Ladies of C., bbl. Goods, _for McIntosh, Ga._ VERMONT, $727.12. Barnet, S., 9.17. Barnet, Mrs. S. E. Keneason, bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Barre, 22.46. Brandon, 5.25. Ferrisburg, C., _for Harriman. Tenn._, 6.75. Gaysville, 5. North Craftsbury, 3. North Troy, Mrs. D. W. Kelley, _for S. A., Talladega C._, 5. Pittsfield, 5. Rickers Mills, Mrs. A. B. Taft, 8. Rutland, W. H. M. S., _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 5. Saint Johnsbury, North, "H." 25. Shoreham, Mrs. E. C. Smith, _for freight to McIntosh, Ga._, 1.60. Springfield, "A Friend," 50 cts. Townshend, "A Friend," 5. Wallingford, C. (5 of which "in memory of Larane Andrews"), 37.25. West Charleston, S., _for S. A., Talladega C._, 5. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF VERMONT, by Mrs. Robert Mackinnon, Treas., $578.14. Barnet, 11. Barre, 7.45. Barton, 10. Barton, Orleans Co. Coll., 4; Special, 9. Bellows Falls, 10. Brandon, 13.25. Brattleboro, 20. Brookfield, 11.25. Brookfield, Orleans Co. Coll., 2.65. Burlington, College St., 20; First, 13.27. Burlington, _for Sch'p_, 2.26. Cambridge, Mrs. Charlotte Safford, 50 cts. Chelsea, Jr. C. E., _for Sch'p_, 2. Coventry, 5. Danville, 10. East Berkshire, 3. East Enosburg, 15. Georgia, Franklin and Grand Isle, 5. Jeffersonville, W. M. S., 1.40. Jericho Center, 5. Hinesburg, Mrs. T. J. Harris, 5. Montpelier, 5. Newbury, 15. Newport, 21. Northfield, 15. North Troy, 5. Orwell, 19.75. Orwell, Jr. C. E., _for Sch'p_, 5. Pittsford, 25. Pittsford, Mrs. Anna Boardman, 5. Rupert, 13.45. Saint Albans, 31. Saint Johnsbury, Mrs. H. Fairbanks, 30; Mrs. F. H. Brooks, 15; Mrs. T. M. Howard, 5; W. H. M. S., 12.25. Saint Johnsbury, South, Miss Fairbanks, 6.50. Salisbury, 6.35. Springfield, Jr. C. E., 10. Springfield; Mrs. Mary Woolson, 20. Waterbury, 5.13. Waterbury, Mrs. Drew, 4. Waterville, 10. West Brattleboro, Jr. C. E., _for Sch'p_, 2. West Charleston, 2. West Glover, 10. Windsor 15. Woodstock, _for Sch'ps_, 10. Underhill, 1. W. H. M. U. of Vermont, 67.68. MASSACHUSETTS, $3,376.82--of which from ESTATES, $900.00. Andover, "Friends," _for Macon, Ga._, 9.50. Andover, Students Andover Theo. Sem., 4.45. Ashby, 13.46. Bernardston, Goodale Mem'l, 5.58. Beverly, Dane Street, Y. P. M. Soc., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 10. Boston, Old South, 100. Boston Mrs. Charlotte M. Fiske, _for Marshallville, Ga._, 50. Dorchester, Village, 28.73; Pilgrim, S., 9.69. Dorchester, Second, M. C. Hazard's S. Class, _for Porto Rico_, 4. Jamaica Plain, Central, 3.32. Roxbury, Miss Edith C. Norcross, bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ West Roxbury, C., Miss'y Band, _for S. A., Allen N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 4. West Roxbury, Mrs. Myra P. French, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., McIntosh, Ga._, 4. Brockton, "A Friend," _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 1. Cambridgeport, First, 136.01; Pilgrim, 10.93. Chelmsford, Central, C. E., 6.50. Cummington, First, 16.65. Dalton, Mrs. Z. M. Crane, _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 30. Dalton, E. P. Little, _for Marion, Ala._, 1. Dunstable, 42.36. East Billerica, D. H. Spiller, 5. East Northfield, Miss S. E. Holman, bbl. Books, etc., _for Saluda, N. C._ East Walpole, Mrs. A. F. A. Perkins, bbl. Goods and 2, _for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._ Everett, Mystic Side C., 20.58. Framingham, "A Friend," _for Indian M._ (17.50 _for Indian Sch'p_), 20.50. Georgetown, First, 4.05. Haverhill, Mrs. C. A. Ransom, 25. Hinsdale, 52. Holyoke, Second, Ladies' Prayer Circle, 5. Housatonic, 34.88. Lawrence, Trinity, 27.45 Lee, S., 3. Lowell, High St., 116.40. Lincoln, 105. Lynn, First, 27; Chestnut St., 3.51. Melrose, Ortho., C., Sewing Circle, two bbls. Goods, _for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._, Newton, First, 53.95. Northampton, First C. C., "A Friend," _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 20; Edwards C., "Friends," bbl. Goods, _for Wilmington, N. C._ North Billerica, Mrs. E. R. Gould, 12. Northbridge Center, First, 12. Norton, Trin. C. C., 15.74; Mrs. E. B. Wheaton, 50. Palmer, Second, _for S. A., Talladega C._, 25. Peabody, South, 90. Pittsfield, Mrs. H. A. Campbell, _for Tougaloo U._, 30. Pittsfield, South, 15.51. Plymouth, Manomet, 8. Reading, 30. Rowley, 14.64. Salem, Crombie St. C., S., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 2. Salem, Tab. C., L. B. Soc., bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Sharon, 20.23. Sheffield, 5.27. Somerville, Prospect Hill C., bbl. Goods, _for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._ South Braintree, Mrs. B. D. Rowlee, _for S. A., Beaufort, N. C._, 4. South Hadley, Mt. Holyoke College, Faculty, _for Sch'p_, Santee Indian Sch., Neb., 50. South Lynnfield, C. E., 5. South Hadley, First, 20.25. South Weymouth, Mrs. William Dyer, _for S. A., Allen N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 5. Springfield, C. E., by O. S. Houghton, _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 16.79. Springfield, First, W. H. M. S., two bbls. Goods, _for Straight U._ Taunton, Winslow C., L. B. Soc., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 31.25. Taunton, 22.72. Taunton, Winslow, S., 10. Taunton, Miss Laura Richards, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 10. Townsend, 4.75. Wakefield, First, 20.50. Waltham, Mrs. E. R. Cutler, bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Ware, East, 217.47. Ware, Miss Ruth Tucker, _for S. A., Chandler Sch., Lexington, Ky._, 3.75. Wareham, First, 15. Wayland, C., C. E., _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 4. Webster, Anna L. Perry, bbl. Goods, _for Andersonville, Ga._ Wellesley Hills, 8. West Boxford, First, C. E., _for S. A., Fisk U._, 50. West Tisbury, 5.80. Winchester, First, 112.50. Woburn, Social Benevolent Soc., _for Williamsburg, Ky._, 65 cents. Worcester, Plymouth, Ladies' M. Aux., _for Porto Rico_, 22.50. Worcester, Immanuel, 10. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASS. AND R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $480.00. W. H. M. A. of Mass. and R. I., _for Salaries_, 480. ESTATES.--Medfield, Estate of Mary B. Lovell, 800. Princeton, Estate of Mrs. Anna H. Whittaker, 100. RHODE ISLAND, $1,000.00. ----, "In memory of J. G. and M. B. Moffet," through Rev. Frank J, Goodwin, _for Oklahoma Indian M._, 1,000. CONNECTICUT, $2,216.21--of which from Estates, $1,000.00. Bridgeport, Second, Individual Gift, 40. Brookfield, 29.63. Chaplin, 16.50. East Hampton, 16.82. East Hartford, First, 27.67. Fairfield, 128.84. Farmington, "A Friend," 500. Hartford, Park, 30.05. Harwinton, 17.31. Hebron, First, 12.25. Kent, 9.21. Meriden, Center, _for Tougaloo U._, ad'l, 25. Morris, 13. New Canaan, C., Jr. C. E., _for S. A., Grand View, Tenn._, 6. New Haven, Center, S., _for S. A., Santee Indian Sch., Neb._, 17.50. New Haven, Ch. of the Redeemer, S., 10. New Preston, Mrs. Esther C. Williams, 2. Old Saybrook, 9.95. Plainfield, C. E., 8.75. Portland, C. E., for Williamsburg, Ky., 2. Putnam, Second, 27. Rocky Hill, C. E., _for Talladega C._, 20.50. Roxbury, 7.38. Stratford. Miss Cordelia Sterling, bbl. Goods, _for Saluda, N. C._ Staffordville, 3. Sound Beach, Pilgrim, Jr. C. E., pkg. Patchwork, _for King's Mountain, N. C._ Terryville, 101.75. Thomaston, 11.42. West Haven, First, 12.97. Wilton, 7.16. Woodbury, First, 5.22. Windsor Locks, 74.33. Windsor, S., Lincoln Mem., 10. Winsted, Second, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Woodbridge, Mrs. R. C. Newton, _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 2. ----, "A Friend," _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 8. WOMAN'S CONGREGATIONAL HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONN., by Mrs. George Follett, Sec., $3.00. Danbury, _for S. A., Williamsburg Acad., Ky._, 2.25. Farmington, 75 cts. ESTATES.--Norwalk, Estate of William J. Craw, 900. Somers, Estate of Amanda A. Glover, by W. P. Fuller, Exec'r, 100. NEW YORK, $3,153.95. Almeda, J. W. Blish, 5. Angola, Miss A. H. Ames, 5. Auburn, C. E., two Comfortables, _for Charleston, S. C._ Brooklyn, Clinton Ave. Cong. C., (50 of which _for Porto Rico_), 1,070.69. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, _for Jos. K. Brick A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._, 1,000. Brooklyn, Central Cong. Soc., 797.03; Tompkins Ave., M. C., 4.34; Frederick Condit, two boxes Books, etc. Copenhagen, First, 10.20. Lockport, First, box Goods, _for Talladega C._ Mount Morris, M. A. Parsons, _for Mountain White Work_, 5. New York, Estate of W. E. Dodge, _for Theo. S. A., Talladega C._, 250. New York, Lafayette Post, G. A. R, No. 14, Bunting Flag, _for McIntosh, Ga._ Rochester, King's D., _for freight to Marion, Ala._, 1.60. Woodville, S., _for S. A., Grand View, Tenn._, 5. NEW JERSEY, $100.70. Elizabethport, 7.50. Montclair, First, 25. New Market, M. Band, _for S. A., Emerson Inst., Mobile, Ala._, 6.40. Paterson, Auburn St., S., (5 of which _for Mountain Work_), 10. Plainfield, S., (25 of which _for Marshallville, Ga._), 32.35. Plainfield, Mrs. F. W. Dayton, _for S. A., Emerson Inst., Mobile, Ala._, 9.45. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N. J. ASS'N, by Mrs. G. A. L. Merrifield, Treas., $10.00. Bound Brook, 10. PENNSYLVANIA, $134.92. Philadelphia, Central, 91.92. Philadelphia, "A Friend," _for Fisk U._, 25. Philadelphia, C. E. Carr, _for S. A., Tougaloo U._, 5. Pittsburg, R. C. Gardner, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 2. West Chester, Sarah S. Kirk, _for Blowing Rock, N. C._, 10. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF PENNSYLVANIA, by Mrs. David Howells, Treas., $1.00. Spring Creek, 1. OHIO, $704.21. Akron, West, 53.75; First, 44.85. Cleveland, "A Friend," _for Fisk U._, 100. Cleveland, Bethlehem (5.60 of which from S., _for Skyland Inst., Blowing Rock, N. C._), 30.79. Cleveland, Pilgrim, C. E., _for New Music Books, Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 30. Cleveland, First, S., 19.39. Cleveland, Mt. Zion C., two bbls. Goods, _for Jos. K. Brick, A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C._ Creston, Miss N. L. Knowlton, _for Singing Books and Tuition, at Beaufort, N. C._, 14.50. Dayton, Miss F. M. Williams, _for S. A., Allen N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._ 3.50. Grafton, 3.75. North Bloomfield, C., 8; "Friends," 10. Springfield, First, 22.40. Tallmadge, 21.50. ----, Cash, 1. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF OHIO, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $340.78. Akron, First, 27; First, C. E., 2.50. Akron, West, S., Easter Off., 7.95; West, Jr. C. E., 1. Alexis, 3. Austinburg, 9. Bellevue 3.50. Belpre, 2.75. Cincinnati, Walnut Hills, C. E., 3.75. Cincinnati, Columbia, 2.25. Claridon, 1.50. Cleveland, Euclid Ave., (of which 17 _for Indian M._, 25 _for S. A._), 49. Cleveland, First, 4.32; Trinity, 6. Columbus, Plymouth, 10. Conneaut, C. E., 5.40. Cortland, 1.50. Fairport Harbor, 2. Fredericksburg, Jr. C. E., 4.50. Garrettsville, Jr. C. E., 1.50. Geneva, 3.50. Hudson, C. E., 5. Kent, 2.50. Lafayette, 5. Mansfield, Mayflower, 2. Mansfield, First, 45. Marietta, First, 13. Mount Vernon, 9. North Ridgeville, 2. Oberlin, First, 5 _for Alaska M._, and 10 _for Indian M._ Oberlin, Second, 13; Second, C. E., 10. Richmond, 6. Ridgeville Corners, 4. Sandusky, C. E., 7. Tallmadge, S. L., 20; Jr. C. E., 1.50. Toledo, Central, C. E., 2.86; Second, 2. Washington St., 4. Wayne, 2.50. Wauseon, 7.50. Wellington, C. E., _for Talladega C._, 10. INDIANA, $25.00. Fort Wayne, 25. ILLINOIS, $1,063.44--of which from Estate $284.98. Belvidere, 3.50. Chicago, Warren Ave., 88.87. Chicago, Mrs. C. H. Case, _for King's Mountain, N. C._, 10. Chicago, Mrs. Coonley Ward, bbl. Goods, _for Grand View, Tenn._ Griggsville, Miss Clara Howard, 2. Hinsdale, "Friend," 5. Jacksonville, 32.07. La Grange, First, 65.61; C. E., 5. Lawn Ridge, 2.45. Moline, First, 105.98. Moline, First, "Coral Workers," _for Grand View, Tenn._, 5. Oak Park, First, 103.82; Third, 3.50. Payson, Mrs. Anna C. T. Robbins, to const. MISS EDITH ANNA ROBBINS L.M., 30. Peoria, C., box Goods, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Quincy, First Union, _for Mountain White Work_, 149.44. Saint Charles, 5.75. Seward, Winnebago Co., 61.74. Sycamore, 51.12. Sycamore, Mrs. Helen A. Carnes, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 5. Woodstock Mildred and Earl Young, _for Marion, Ala._, 6. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF ILLINOIS, Mrs. Mary S. Booth, Treas., $36.61. Chicago, Fellowship, 3.01; Auburn Park, C. E., 2; Covenant, C. E., 2.50; New Eng., 2.10. Dwight, W. M. S., 8; C. E., 2. Thawville, 5. Undesignated, 12. ESTATE.--Rockford, Estate of Almira H. Perry, by Mrs. Mary F. Penfield Norton, Executrix, 284.98. MICHIGAN, $331.00--of which from Estate, $270.00. Detroit, Woodward Ave., Ladies' Union, _for S. A., Brewer, Normal Sch., Greenwood, S. C._, 20. Detroit, First, L. M. S., _for S. A., Grand View, Tenn._, 15; Mrs. Graham, _for S. A., Grand View, Tenn._, 15. Prattville, Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Mackey, four pkgs S. S. Papers. Saint Clair, Ladies' M. Soc., bbl. Canned Fruit, _for Orange Park, Fla._ Sandstone, Union, 4.50; C. E., 50 cts. South Haven, S. Class, _for Marion, Ala._, 1. Vermontville, Orlin P. Fay, 5. Ypsilanti, C., bbl. Goods, freight paid, _for Beaufort N. C._ ESTATE.--Niles, Estate of Dr. James Lewis, 270. IOWA, $10,195.32. Algona, King's Daughters, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 10. Anamosa, 11.50. Cherokee, 17.47. Des Moines, Plymouth 59.50. Iowa City, 12.50. Mason City, 29.35. McGregor, First, C. E., 15. Onawa, Mary E. Rice, _for S. A., A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss._, 5. Stacyville, C., box Goods, _for Thomasville, Ga._ Webster City, First, C. E., to const. MISS MAY H. WICKWARE L.M. _for S. A., Talladega C._, 30. ----, "A Christian Brother," 10,000. ----, "A Friend," _for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C._, 5. WISCONSIN, $241.98--of which from Estate, $100.00. Black Earth, 2.70. Brodhead, Mrs. Lavina McNair, 3. Columbus, 57. Delevan, S., 4.28. Hartford, two bbls. Goods, and 3.50 _for freight to Meridian, Miss._ Janesville, S., 10. Menomonie, First, 6.58. Pittsville, 2.42. Prairie Du Chien, "Cash," _for Alaska M._, 1.25. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF WISCONSIN, by Mrs. L. E. Smith, Treas., $51.25. Beloit, First, 37.50. Brandon, 8. Clinton, 5. Milwaukee, Grand Ave., 75 cents. ESTATE.--Milwaukee, Estate of Edward D. Holton, by Executors, 100. MINNESOTA, $297.07. Atkin, C., 2; S., 1.55. Duluth, Pilgrim, "Friends in Council," 5. Fairbault, 58.67. Lake Park, 2.71. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 19.44; W. H. Norris, Quarterly, 10; "Rodelmer," 2.50. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF MINNESOTA, by Mrs. M. W. Skinner, Treas., $198.20 (less $3.00 expenses), $195.20. Duluth, Pilgrim, Mrs. Woodbridge, deceased, 100. Faribault, 2.15. Lake City, Primary S., 9.50. Minneapolis, Plymouth, 20. Minneapolis, Mission Band, _for S. A., Fisk U._, 9.30. Minneapolis, First, 5.75; Lora Hollister, 5. Rochester, 15. Saint Paul, Park, Primary Dept., _for S. A., Talladega C._, 26.50. Winona, Mrs. C. F. McLaughlin, 5. MISSOURI, $55.00. Meadville, 5. Pleasant Hill, Geo. M. Kellogg, _for Porto Rico_, 50. KANSAS, $35.74. Alma, 5. Carbondale, 2. Kansas City, Pilgrim, 6.04. Manhattan, First, 19.20; Mrs. Mary E. Robinson, Roll Carpet and 2.50, _for Mobile, Ala._ Neosha Falls, Rev. S. B. Dyckman, 1. NEBRASKA, $60.48. Chadron, 7.70. Crete, 33.53. Fremont, Jr. C. E., _for S. A., Allen N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 1. Hay Spring, 5. Linwood, 13.25. SOUTH DAKOTA, $12.00. Huron, Rev. W. H. Thrall, 5. Mitchell, 3. Sioux Falls, S. Class, _for S. A., Allen N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga._, 4. CALIFORNIA, $611.80. Long Beach, ----, bbl. Goods, _for Lexington, Ky._ Pasadena, First, 10.85. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 600.95. OREGON, $4.11. Forest Grove, 4.11. WASHINGTON, $4.15. Snohomish, 4.15. MARYLAND, $10.00. Baltimore, Second (5 of which from L. M. Soc.), 10. KENTUCKY, $1.25. Williamsburg, C. E., 1.25. NORTH CAROLINA, $7.25. Blowing Rock, "Friends," _for Blowing Rock, N. C._, 1.50. Greensboro, Mrs. Moses Cone, _for Blowing Rock, N. C._, 3. Sanford, 2.75. TENNESSEE, $87.00. Grand View, Mary Taylor, _for S. A._, 1.50. Knoxville, Second, C. E., _for Knoxville, Tenn._, 50 cts. Nashville, Union C., 75. Nashville, Fisk University, S., _for Fisk U._, 10. GEORGIA, $12.50. McIntosh, Mrs. Agnes N. Warren, _for S. A., Dorchester Acad., Ga._, 5. Rutland, Day Sch., by E. L. Johnson, 2. Savannah, Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke, _for Mountain Work_, 50 cents. Thomasville, Mrs. S. B. Van Duzer, _for Library Fund, Thomasville, Ga._, 5. MISSISSIPPI, $5.00. Tougaloo, Tougaloo U., S., 5. LOUISIANA, $6.00. Hammond, 6. INCOME, $2,092.74. Avery Fund, _for African M._, 333.39. E. A. Brown Sch'p. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 17.50. De Forest Fund, _for President's Chair, Talladega C._, 212. Fisk University Theo. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 1.25. Graves Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._, 1.25. Hammond Fund, _for New Orleans, La._, 62.50. Hastings Sch'p Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 6.25. Howard Theo. Fund, _for Howard U._, 806.30. LeMoyne Fund, _for Memphis, Tenn._ 137.50. Lincoln Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._, 25. Luke Mem. Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._, 9. C. B. Rice Mem. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 3.40. Sch'p Fund, _for Straight U._, 18. Seymour Straight Endowment Fund, _for Straight U._, 52.70. Stone Sch'p Fund, _for Talladega C._, 22.50. Straight U. Sch'p Fund, 40. Tuthill King Endowment Fund, _for Atlanta U._, 105. Tuthill King End. Fund, _for Berea C._, 83.75. S. Wadhams Theo. Fund, _for Talladega C._, 25. C. Ward End. Fund, _for Wilmington, N. C._, 6.70. TUITION, $4,547.10. Cappahosic, Va., 52.88. Lexington, Ky., 361.50. Williamsburg, Ky., 63.85. Beaufort, N. C., 35.89. Blowing Rock, N. C., 27.02. Chapel Hill, N. C., 6.70. Enfield, N. C., 24.65. Hillsboro, N. C., 26.91. King's Mountain, N. C., 30. Saluda, N. C., 35.45. Troy, N. C., 2.78. Whittier, N. C., 18.35. Wilmington, N. C., 100.10. Charleston, S C., 274.55. Greenwood, S. C., 110.75. Grand View, Tenn., 23, Knoxville, Tenn., 63.30. Memphis, Tenn., 594.25. Nashville, Tenn., 596.26. Andersonville, Ga., 10.25. Atlanta, Ga., 250.57. Macon, Ga., 320.64 McIntosh, Ga., 127.29. Marshallville, Ga., Public Fund, 20. Thomasville, Ga., 107.32. Marion, Ala., 60. Mobile, Ala., 140.75. Talladega, Ala., 182.40. Meridian, Miss., 99.75. Moorhead, Miss., 42.15. Tougaloo, Miss., 53.97. New Orleans, La., 511.94. Helena, Ark., 56.60. Orange Park, Fla., 50.43. Austin, Tex., 64.85. SUMMARY FOR JUNE 1900. Donations $22,433.49 Estates 2,554.98 ----------- $24,988.47 Income 2,092.74 Tuition 4,547.10 ----------- Total for June $31,628.31 FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for June $9.35 Previously acknowledged 264.24 -------- Total 273.59 SUMMARY. Donations $137,047.04 Estates 49,632.27 ------------ $186,679.31 Income 10,541.79 Tuition 39,920.15 ------------ Total from Oct. 1, '99 to June 30, 1900 $237,141.25 ENDOWMENT FUND. Estate of Seymour Straight, late of Hudson, Ohio, _for Straight University, New Orleans, La_., $528.50 (less expenses, 174.40) $354.10 RESERVE LEGACY ACCOUNT. From Oct. 1, 1899, to June 30, 1900 $69,242.07 RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, from May 15 to June 15, 1900, William Johnstone, Treas., $600.95. FROM LOCAL MISSIONS, $302.15: Berkeley, Chinese M. O., 5.40. Fresno, Chinese M. O., 3.35; Ann'y Pledges, 2.50. Fruitland, Chinese M. O., 4.15; Vernon, C., 2.15. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 4.85; Ann'y Off's, 68. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 7.50; Ann'y Off's, 17.30. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 5.30; First C., Y. P. S. C. E., 25. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 2.75; Ann'y Off's, 28. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.10; Ann'y Off's, 12. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 1. Riverside, Chinese M. O., 3.55; Ann'y Off's, 10. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 4. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 2; Ann'y Off's 5. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 2.05; Ann'y Pledges, 12.50. San Francisco, Central "New Year's Gifts to Jesus," 6.90. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 3; Annual Members, 8. San Francisco, S. F. Branch Ass'n, _for Sch. for Instruction in Chinese_, 10. San Francisco, Bethany C., Ann'y Off's 7. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 4.95; Ann'y Off's, 4. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.50; Ann'y Off's, 14.95. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 2.40; Ann'y Off's, 4. CHURCHES, $1.00: Santa Rosa, C., Kingdom Extension Soc., 1. INDIVIDUAL OFF'S, $70.00: Mrs. A. C. Heisen, 40; Mrs. N. Stevenson, 30. FROM EASTERN FRIENDS, $105.00: Belfast, Me., Miss E. M. Pond, 5. New Haven, Conn., Mrs. Henry Farnum, 100. FOR CHINESE MOTHERS AND CHILDREN, $122.80: Cal. W. H. M. U. of Northern and Central California, 122.80. H. W. HUBBARD, Treasurer, Congregational Rooms, Fourth Ave. and Twenty-Second St., New York, N. Y. * * * * * WOMAN'S STATE ORGANIZATIONS. MAINE. WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A. President--Mrs. Geo. F. Peaslee, 42 Goff St., Auburn. Secretary--Mrs. S. W. Chapin, Deer Isle. Treasurer--Mrs. Helen W. Davis, Woodfords. NEW HAMPSHIRE. FEMALE CENT. INST'N AND HOME MISS. UNION. President--Mrs. W. D. Knapp, Somersworth. Secretary--Mrs. N. W. Nims, 3 Liberty St., Concord. Treasurer--Miss Annie A. McFarland, Concord. VERMONT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. R. P. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury. Secretary--Mrs. C. L. Smith, Burlington. Treasurer--Mrs. Robert Mackinnon, St. Johnsbury. MASS. AND R. I. [A]WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. C. L. Goodell, 9 Shailer St., Brookline, Mass. Secretary--Mrs. Louise A. Kellogg, 107 Congregational House, Boston. Treasurer--Miss Lizzie D. White, 107 Congregational House, Boston. CONNECTICUT. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President-- Secretary--Mrs. C. T. Millard, 36 Lewis St., Hartford. Treasurer--Miss Anne W. Moore, 15 Columbia Street, Hartford. NEW YORK. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Wm. Kincaid, 483 Green Av., Brooklyn. Secretary--Mrs. Wm. Spalding, 513 Orange St., Syracuse. Treasurer--Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, 153 Decatur St., Brooklyn. NEW JERSEY. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N. J. ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. Isaac Clark, Fourth and College Sts., N. W., Washington, D. C. Secretary, Miss Julia M. Pond, 607 T St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Treasurer--Mrs. G. A. L. Merryfield, Falls Church, Va. PENNSYLVANIA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. F. Yennie, Wilcox. Secretary--Mrs. C. W. Waid, Ridgway. Treasurer--Mrs. David Howells, Kane. OHIO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. W. Carroll, 48 Brookfield St., Cleveland. Secretary--Mrs. Arra H. Williams, 46 Knox St., Cleveland. Treasurer--Mrs. G. B. Brown, 2116 Warren St., Toledo. INDIANA. President--Mrs. M. L. Paine, Elkhart. Secretary--Mrs. W. A. Waterman, Terre Haute. Treasurer--Mrs. Anna D. Davis, 1608 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis. ILLINOIS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Sidney Strong, Oak Park. Secretary--Mrs. A. O. Whitcomb, 463 Irving Ave., Chicago. Treasurer--Mrs. Mary S. Booth, 34 S. Wood St., Chicago. Ill. MISSOURI. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. H. Patton, 3707 Westminster Place, St. Louis. Secretary--Mrs. C. W. S. Cobb, 4415 W. Morgan St., St. Louis. Treasurer--Mrs. A. J. Steele, 2825 Washington Ave., St. Louis. IOWA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President-- Secretary--Mrs. H. H. Robbins, Grinnell. Treasurer--Miss Belle L. Bentley, West Grand Ave., Des Moines. MICHIGAN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Isaac Platt Powell, 76 Jefferson Ave., Grand Rapids. Secretary--Mrs. E. N. Thorne, 212 S. Union St., Grand Rapids. Treasurer--Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Greenville. WISCONSIN. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. G. Updike, Madison. Secretary--Mrs. A. O. Wright, Madison. Treasurer--Mrs. L. E. Smith, 140 Gorham St., Madison. MINNESOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss Katherine W. Nichols, 230 E. 9th St., St. Paul. Secretary--Mrs. E. R. Shepard, 2931 Portland Ave., Minneapolis. Treasurer--Mrs. M. W. Skinner, Northfield. NORTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. H. Stickney, Fargo. Secretary--Mrs. Silas Daggett, Harwood. Treasurer--Mrs. J. M. Fisher, Fargo. SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. E. Corry, Columbia. Secretary--Mrs. K. M. Jenney, Huron. Treasurer--Mrs. A. M. Wilcox, Huron. BLACK HILLS, SOUTH DAKOTA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J. B. Gossage, Rapid City. Secretary--Mrs. C. W. Brown, Rapid City. Treasurer--Mrs. S. Cushman, Deadwood. NEBRASKA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. D. B. Perry, Crete. Secretary--Mrs. H. Bross, 2904 Q St., Lincoln Treasurer--Mrs. Charlotte C. Hall, 1318 C St., Lincoln. KANSAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. R. B. Guild, 1336 Dillon St., Topeka. Secretary--Mrs. M. H. Jaquith, Cripple Creek, Col. Treasurer--Miss Mary Wilkinson, Ottawa. COLORADO. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Dr. E. F. A. Drake, 518 Mack Block, Denver. Secretary--Mrs. Addison Blanchard, 3023 Downing Ave., Denver. Treasurer--Mrs. F. N. Thomas, Eaton. WYOMING. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. Acting President--Mrs. J. A. Riner, Cheyenne. Secretary--Mrs. W. L. Whipple, Cheyenne. Treasurer--Mrs. J. H. Kevan, Rock Springs. MONTANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Victor F. Clark, Livingston. Secretary and Treasurer--Mrs. W. S. Bell, Helena. IDAHO. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. R. B. Wright, Boise. Secretary--Mrs. C. E. Mason, Mountain Home. Treasurer--Mrs. L. H. Johnston, Challis. WASHINGTON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, 424 So. K St., Tacoma. Secretary--Mrs. Herbert S. Gregory, Spanaway. Treasurer--Mrs. E. B. Burwell, 323 Seventh Ave., Seattle. OREGON. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. F. Eggert, The Hobart-Curtis, Portland. Secretary--Mrs. D. D. Clarke, 447 N. E. Twelfth St., Portland. Treasurer--Mrs. C. F. Clapp, Forest Grove. CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. S. Williams, Saratoga. Secretary--Mrs. L. M. Howard, 1383 Franklin St., Oakland. Treasurer--Mrs. J. M. Haven, 1329 Harrison St., Oakland. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Warren F. Day, 949 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. Secretary--Mrs. K. G. Robertson, Mentone. Treasurer--Mrs. Mary M. Smith, Public Library, Riverside. NEVADA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. L. J. Flint, Reno. Secretary--Miss Margaret N. Magill, Reno. Treasurer--Miss Mary Clow, Reno. UTAH (including Southern Idaho). WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. C. T. Hemphill, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary--Mrs. L. E. Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah. Treasurer--Miss Anna Baker, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary for Idaho--Mrs. Oscar Sonnenkalb, Pocatello, Idaho. NEW MEXICO. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. E. H. Ashmun, Albuquerque Secretary--Mrs. F. A. Burlingame, Albuquerque. Treasurer--Mrs. M. McCluskey, Albuquerque OKLAHOMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. J. H. Parker, Kingfisher. Secretary--Mrs. L. E. Kimball, Guthrie. Treasurer--Mrs. L. S. Childs, Choctaw City. INDIAN TERRITORY. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. John McCarthy, Vinita. Secretary--Mrs. Fayette Hurd, Vinita. Treasurer--Mrs. R. M. Swain, Vinita. NORTH CAROLINA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. O. Faduma, Troy. Secretary and Treasurer--Miss May E. Newton, King's Mountain. GEORGIA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Miss Mertie L. Graham, Savannah Secretary--Miss Jennie Curtis, McIntosh. Treasurer--Miss Mattie Turner, Athens. FLORIDA. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. S. F. Gale, Jacksonville. Secretary--Mrs. Nathan Barrows, Winter Park. Treasurer--Mrs. W. D. Brown, Interlachen. ALABAMA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. M. A. Dillard, Selma. Secretary--Mrs. Spencer Snell, Talladega. Treasurer--Mrs. E. C. Silsby, Talladega. TENN., KENTUCKY AND ARKANSAS. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF THE TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION. President--Mrs. G. W. Moore, Box 8, Fisk Univ., Nashville. Secretary--Mrs. J. E. Smith, Chattanooga, Tenn. Treasurer--Mrs. J. C. Napier, 514 Capitol Square, Nashville. MISSISSIPPI. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. Treasurer--Mrs. L. H. Turner, 3012 12th St., Meridian. LOUISIANA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. L. St. J. Hitchcock, 2436 Canal St., New Orleans. Secretary--Mrs. Matilda W. Cabrère, New Orleans. Treasurer--Miss Mary L. Rogers, Straight Univ., New Orleans. TEXAS. WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President--Mrs. Eunice Heflin, Sherman. Secretary--Mrs. Donald Hinckley, Sanger Ave., Dallas. Treasurer--Mrs. Arthur Geen, Dallas. [Footnote A: While the W. H. M. A. appears in this list as a State body for Mass. and R. I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere.] * * * * * SECRETARIES OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S WORK. VERMONT Mrs. W. B. Ranney, Newport. MASS. & R. I. Miss Bertha M. Shepard, 607 Cong'l House, Boston. NEW YORK Mrs. H. A. Flint, 604 Willis Ave., Syracuse. OHIO Miss M. C. Smith, 853 Doan St., Cleveland. ILLINOIS Mrs. J. T. Blanchard, 218 Walnut St., Aurora. MISSOURI Miss Katherine Jones, 4337 Washington Ave., St. Louis. IOWA Mrs. Charles McAllister, Spencer. MICHIGAN Mrs. W. J. Gregory, 459 Third St., Manistee. MINNESOTA, Young Ladies' Work, Mrs. B. W. Smith, 600 West Thirty-second St., Minneapolis. MINNESOTA, Christian Endeavor Work, Miss Bertha Hanneman, 1816 Portland Ave., Minneapolis. NORTH DAKOTA Mrs. E. S. Shaw, Cooperstown. SOUTH DAKOTA Mrs. Grace Burleigh, Mitchell. NEBRASKA Mrs. J. N. Hyder, 1520 U St., Lincoln. KANSAS Mrs. C. E. Read, Parsons. COLORADO Mrs. Olive R. Barker, Greeley. MONTANA Mrs. H. C. Arnold, 621 Spruce St., Helena. WASHINGTON Mrs. W. C. Davie, 423 North N St., Tacoma. OREGON Mrs. W. D. Palmer, 443 West Park St., Portland. CALIFORNIA Miss Caroline A. Potter, 600 17th St., Oakland. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Miss Phebe Mayhew, 355 Alvarado St., Los Angeles. SECRETARIES OF CHILDREN'S WORK. OHIO Mrs. Effie Morgan, 3880 Euclid Ave., East Cleveland. ILLINOIS Miss Hattie Kline, 713 E. 63rd St., Chicago. IOWA Mrs. M. Rew, Grinnell. MICHIGAN Mrs. C. R. Wilson, 65 Frederick Ave., Detroit. MINNESOTA Mrs. H. S. Baker, 2268 Blake Ave., St. Anthony Park. NORTH DAKOTA Mrs. O. J. Wakefield, Wahpeton. SOUTH DAKOTA Mrs. I. Crane, Waubay. NEBRASKA Mrs. H. D. Neely, 4371 Hamilton St., Omaha. KANSAS Miss Hattie Booth, Newton. MONTANA Mrs. H. B. Segur, Billings. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Miss Emily M. Peck, 920 W. 8th St., Los Angeles. --- Provided by ---