Wild Bird Guests by Ernest Baynes is a delightful exploration of various bird species and their behaviors. Baynes provides detailed descriptions of each bird, accompanied by beautiful illustrations that bring them to life on the page.
The book discusses the different habitats and food sources that attract various types of birds, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in bird-watching or attracting birds to their own backyard. Baynes also shares tips for creating a bird-friendly environment and offers insights into the importance of conservation efforts to protect these feathered wonders.
Overall, Wild Bird Guests is a charming and informative read that will appeal to bird enthusiasts of all ages. Baynes' passion for birds shines through in his writing, making this book a must-have for anyone who appreciates the beauty and diversity of our avian friends.
Book Description:
How to entertain them; with chapters on the destruction of birds, their economic and aesthetic values, suggestions for dealing with their enemies and on the organization and management of bird clubs. - book subtitle. Note: Because of its length and complexity, Mr. Kennard's "sub-chapter" in Chapter 8 entitled "Trees, Shrubs, and Vines Attractive to Birds" has been omitted, but of course is available at the Gutenberg address for this work.