White Czar is a heartwarming tale that captures the beauty and strength of a polar bear named Czar. The story follows Czar's journey through the frozen Arctic wilderness, where he encounters various challenges and experiences both joy and sorrow.
Author Clarence Hawkes does an excellent job of immersing the reader in Czar's world, painting vivid scenes of the icy landscape and the majestic creatures that inhabit it. The writing is lyrical and evocative, transporting readers to a faraway land where survival is a daily struggle.
Throughout the book, Czar's resilient spirit shines through as he navigates the harsh environment and forms deep bonds with the other animals he encounters. His determination and courage are truly inspiring, and readers will find themselves rooting for him every step of the way.
Overall, White Czar is a captivating read that will appeal to both young and old alike. It is a timeless story of friendship, perseverance, and the enduring power of nature. Clarence Hawkes has crafted a tale that will stay with readers long after they have turned the final page.
Book Description:
The land of the Eskimo is the most inhospitable desolate portion of Mother Earth inhabited by man. Well has the Eskimo need of his cheerful watch word, or salutation, of Aksuse, which means be strong. This is the story of a Polar Bear and his involvement with his environment and men. But not just any polar bear, the biggest and fiercest of them all. The Czar of the Frozen North, is in a class quite by himself. He is not nearly as large as his cousin the Kadiak bear, but that huge beast inhabits a comparatively small area and is little known, while the white Czar ranges along the shores of the Arctic sea round the entire world. His scientific name, Thalarctos Maritimus, means Bear of the Sea. - Summary by phil c and the author