Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail by Laura Rountree Smith is a charming children's book that tells the story of a curious and adventurous bunny named Cotton-Tail. The author's writing style is simple and easy to follow, making it perfect for young readers. The illustrations are colorful and engaging, bringing the story to life on each page.
The character of Cotton-Tail is lovable and relatable, as he embarks on a journey to discover new places and make new friends. The message of friendship and exploration is woven throughout the story, teaching important lessons to young readers in a fun and entertaining way.
Overall, Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail is a delightful read for children and parents alike. It's a heartwarming tale that will captivate young imaginations and leave readers with a smile on their faces. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet and engaging story to share with their little ones.
Book Description:
Little Bunny Cotton-tail is a very naughty bunny. He runs away, he won't go to school, and he keeps nibbling on Farmer Jones' cabbage! Mother Bunny will have to ask for help to get her little bunny to behave.