The Story of Robin Hood by Bertha Evangeline Bush is a classic tale retold in a captivating and engaging manner. The author brings the legendary character of Robin Hood to life with vivid descriptions and well-developed characters. The story of Robin Hood's fight against injustice and tyranny resonates even today, making it a timeless and relevant read.
Bush's writing style is smooth and easy to follow, making it accessible to readers of all ages. The plot is well-paced, with plenty of action and adventure to keep readers hooked from beginning to end. The author also includes themes of loyalty, friendship, and standing up for what is right, which adds depth to the story.
Overall, The Story of Robin Hood is a well-crafted retelling of a beloved legend that is sure to entertain and inspire readers. Whether you're a fan of classic literature or just looking for a captivating story, this book is definitely worth checking out.
Book Description:
"He was brave and kind and merry always, and all the English people—except England's oppressors—loved him with all their hearts and delighted in his adventures. The story of what he did was put into songs and sung at every fireside; and no man was better loved than this outlaw with a price upon his head.
Here are a few stories of Robin Hood and his men, and a great many more may be found which are well worth your reading." - Summary by preface