Mystery of the Pinckney Draught by Charles C. Nott is a captivating and thrilling mystery novel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. The story follows the protagonist, John Latimer, as he navigates a web of deception and secrets surrounding a valuable piece of art known as the Pinckney Draught.
Nott does an excellent job of creating a believable and engaging world for his characters to inhabit. The plot is intricately woven with numerous twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy for readers to become invested in their fates.
One of the standout features of Mystery of the Pinckney Draught is Nott's descriptive and vivid writing style. His attention to detail and ability to paint a picture with words make it easy for readers to imagine themselves in the world he has created.
Overall, Mystery of the Pinckney Draught is a thrilling and suspenseful read that is sure to keep mystery lovers entertained. Nott's masterful storytelling and engaging characters make this novel a must-read for anyone looking for a gripping mystery to sink their teeth into.
Book Description:
Charles Pinckney, member of the South Carolina legislature, Confederation Congress, U.S. Congress, and notably the Constitutional Convention of 1787, may have been regarded by some as perhaps the true author of the U.S. Constitution, although most likely James Madison would vehemently argue the point. This book investigates what may, or may not have happened to the draft of the Constitution which was drawn up by Charles Pinckney and submitted to the Constitutional Convention in May of 1787, and how (or if) it differed from the Constitution which was adopted. The questions which are delved into most deeply revolve around the following mystery: why, if, and by whom Pinckney's version of this important document was overlooked, or was it possibly destroyed intentionally (or for other reasons).
Author Charles C. Nott was formerly Chief Justice of the United States Court of Claims, appointed by president Lincoln.