By: Louis Couperus (1863-1923)
Psyche by Louis Couperus is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of love, jealousy, and societal pressures. The story follows the protagonist, Psyche, as she navigates the complexities of her relationships with her husband and lover, ultimately leading to a tragic and unexpected conclusion.
Couperus's writing is elegant and masterful, drawing readers into Psyche's world with vivid descriptions and rich character development. The novel's exploration of the human psyche and the impact of societal expectations on individual happiness is both poignant and timeless.
Overall, Psyche is a beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant novel that will stay with readers long after they have finished reading. Couperus's insight into the complexities of human relationships and emotions sets him apart as a truly gifted storyteller. Book Description: Psyche is een poëtische vertelling, symboliseerend een opvatting van Mensch en Wereld. Drie factoren beheerschen het menschenbestaan, drie de wereldhistorie. Men kan ze noemen Stof, Geest en Ziel. Men kan ze noemen Empirie, Philosophie en Poëzie. Men kan ze noemen Waan, Critiek en Geloof. Men kan ze noemen Lijf, Hoofd en Hart. Men kan ze noemen Zinnen, Gedachte en Droom. Men kan ze noemen Bezitten, Werken en Hopen. Couperus noemt ze Emeralda, Astra en Psyche. (Uit: Hollandsche Belletrie van den Dag 1901, p.43-51.)