By: Marshall Saunders (1861-1947)
Princess Sukey: The Story of a Pigeon and Her Human Friends by Marshall Saunders is a heartwarming tale that captures the special bond between animals and humans. The story follows Sukey, a young pigeon who is taken in by two kind-hearted sisters, Mary and John, after being injured. As Sukey recovers and grows stronger, she becomes an integral part of their lives and forms deep connections with those around her.
Saunders does an excellent job of portraying the unique personalities of each character, both human and animal, making them feel real and relatable. The author's love and respect for animals is evident throughout the story, highlighting the importance of compassion and empathy towards all living creatures.
The plot is engaging and captivating, keeping readers hooked from beginning to end. The themes of friendship, loyalty, and resilience are beautifully woven into the narrative, making it a truly heartwarming read.
Overall, Princess Sukey is a delightful story that will leave readers feeling uplifted and inspired. It is a perfect choice for animal lovers of all ages, reminding us of the powerful connections that can be formed between humans and animals. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a heartwarming and touching read. Book Description: Dear little Princess Sukey sitting by the fire—pretty little pigeon—of what is she thinking as she dreamily eyes the blazing wood? If a pigeon could review its past life, what she has of bird mind would be running back over the series of adventures that she had ere she established herself in this well ordered household.
Has she any mentality of her own, or are all pigeons stupid as has been said? Listen to her story, and judge for yourself.
Additional proof-listening by KHand and Oreki.