Peg O' My Heart is a charming and heartwarming story about a spirited Irish girl named Peg who is brought to England to live with her wealthy relatives. Despite facing prejudice and mistreatment from her new family, Peg's kind and genuine nature endears her to those around her.
The author, John Hartley Manners, creates a vivid and engaging world filled with colorful characters and touching moments. Peg's journey of self-discovery and resilience is inspiring and relatable, making her a protagonist that readers will root for throughout the book.
The themes of family, love, and acceptance are beautifully woven into the narrative, making for a touching and poignant read. Manners' writing is witty and engaging, with a touch of humor that adds charm to the story.
Overall, Peg O' My Heart is a delightful tale that will warm your heart and leave you with a smile. It is a classic story of love and redemption that is sure to capture the hearts of readers of all ages.
Book Description:
The Chichester family have just gone bankrupt due to bank failure. Their situation looks gloomy until Mrs. Chichester learns of the death of her brother Nathaniel. While Nathaniel hasn't left them any money, he put a clause into his will stating that, if the daughter of his other sister can receive a proper education and become a lady, the family who raised her will receive a considerable sum of money every year. This daughter is named Peg. - Summary by ambsweet13
The Characters in the Comedy:
Mrs. Chichester: Kelly S. TaylorAlaric, her son: Andrew JamesEthel, her daughter: Melissa BuellMontgomery Hawkes, Solicitor: Alan MapstoneChristian Brent: Jason GemenetzisFootman, Jarvis: Son of the ExilesMaid, Bennet: ambsweet13Jerry: David PurdyPeg: Jenn BrodaStage Directions: Wayne Cooke