Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods by William Drake Westervelt is a captivating collection of stories that provide a glimpse into the rich folklore and mythology of Hawaii. Westervelt expertly weaves together tales of vengeful spirits, mysterious apparitions, and powerful deities, painting a vivid picture of the spiritual beliefs and practices of the Hawaiian people.
The author's writing style is engaging and immersive, drawing readers into a world where the supernatural and the natural coexist in harmony. Each story is carefully researched and beautifully told, transporting readers to a time when belief in ghosts and spirits was an integral part of Hawaiian culture.
One of the standout features of the book is the way in which Westervelt seamlessly blends historical context with fantastical elements, creating a sense of authenticity and depth to the stories. From the tragic love story of the night marchers to the haunting presence of the menehune, each tale is steeped in tradition and folklore, offering a fascinating glimpse into a world where the boundaries between the living and the dead are blurred.
Overall, Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods is a must-read for anyone interested in Hawaiian culture, folklore, or mythology. Westervelt's meticulous research and evocative storytelling make this book a true treasure trove of Hawaiian ghost stories that will both entertain and enlighten readers.
Book Description:
William Drake Westervelt was an eminent scholar of Hawaiian culture, language, and history. In this capacity, he collected the ghost stories inlcuded in this volume. We hear of gods, ghosts, and demons, love and hate, all told and where necessary explained, in an accessible style. - Summary by Carolin