"Flop Ear, the Funny Rabbit" by Richard Barnum is a delightful children's book that tells the story of a lovable rabbit named Flop Ear. The book follows Flop Ear as he embarks on various adventures with his animal friends in the forest.
The author does a fantastic job of creating engaging characters that children will easily connect with. Flop Ear's sense of humor and mischievous nature will surely keep young readers entertained from start to finish. The book also imparts valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and kindness, making it both entertaining and educational.
The illustrations in the book are vibrant and eye-catching, perfectly complementing the whimsical tone of the story. Children will love flipping through the pages and admiring the colorful drawings that bring Flop Ear and his friends to life.
Overall, "Flop Ear, the Funny Rabbit" is a charming and heartwarming tale that is sure to capture the hearts of young readers. Richard Barnum has created a truly magical world that both children and adults will enjoy exploring.
Book Description:
"Once upon a time, not so very many years ago, a family of rabbits lived in the woods near the top of a mountain. There were six in the family, counting Flop Ear, the funny rabbit, and I speak of him first because this story is going to be mostly about him and his adventures, or what happened to Flop Ear." Another hippity-hoppty tale about an adventurous little rabbit whose left ear just would not stand up straight. - Summary by Phil Chenevert