Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan by Richard Gordon Smith is a comprehensive collection of traditional stories and legends from Japan. The book delves into the rich cultural heritage of the country, providing readers with a captivating glimpse into the world of Japanese folklore.
Smith's writing is engaging and informative, bringing each tale to life with vivid descriptions and captivating storytelling. The stories themselves are diverse and cover a wide range of themes, from mythical creatures and brave warriors to love stories and moral lessons. It is clear that Smith has a deep appreciation for Japanese culture and folklore, as he weaves together these tales with care and respect.
One of the strengths of the book is its extensive footnotes and explanations, which provide valuable context and background information for each story. This helps readers to better understand the cultural significance of each tale and appreciate the nuances of Japanese folklore.
Overall, Ancient Tales and Folklore of Japan is a captivating and educational read that will appeal to anyone interested in Japanese culture, history, and storytelling. Smith's passion for the subject shines through in his writing, making this book a must-read for anyone seeking to explore the enchanting world of Japanese folklore.
Book Description:
Tales of Folklore are often of special interest. Anything may happen to ordinary mortals in the world painted by folklore. But it becomes even more interesting when you dive into folklore of places away from your own culture.
This volume is a collection of ancient Japanese tales. We hear of ordinary mortals interacting with the spirit world, sometimes to their benefit, sometimes to their doom, we hear of love and hate, and of war and peace. Some of the stories will be entirely new to most readers, some of them will be uncannily familiar. - Summary by Carolin