Book of Fairy-Tale Foxes is a delightful collection of stories that showcases the cunning and mischievous nature of foxes in folklore and mythology. Clifton Johnson brings these captivating creatures to life with vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling.
The book is filled with a diverse range of tales from various cultures, each offering a unique perspective on the fox and its characteristics. From trickster tales to stories of redemption, readers will be enchanted by the cleverness and resilience of these mythical beings.
Johnson's writing is both lyrical and captivating, drawing the reader in with rich imagery and an engaging narrative style. The stories are complemented by beautiful illustrations that bring the world of fairy-tale foxes to life.
Overall, Book of Fairy-Tale Foxes is a charming and engaging read that will appeal to fans of folklore, mythology, and animal lovers alike. Johnson's passion for these cunning creatures shines through in every page, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for a magical escape into the world of fairy tales.
Book Description:
Wild animals play a big role in many fairy tales, and foxes are some of the best-represented animals in folklore. In this volume, Clifton Johnson has collected stories about foxes from all over the world, adapted for children as bedtime fairy tales. - Summary by Carolin