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Стихи (Poems)

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By: (1805-1827)

I recently finished reading a collection of poems by Dmitry Venevitinov, and I must say I was truly impressed. Venevitinov's poems are both beautiful and haunting, exploring themes of love, nature, and the human condition with a depth and intensity that is truly captivating.

The language in these poems is both lyrical and evocative, drawing the reader in and creating a strong emotional connection. Venevitinov's use of imagery is particularly striking, painting vivid pictures with his words that linger long after the last poem is read.

What I found most compelling about Venevitinov's poetry is its ability to evoke a sense of wonder and introspection. His words have a way of cutting to the core of complex emotions and experiences, leaving the reader feeling both moved and enlightened.

Overall, I highly recommend this collection of poems to anyone who enjoys poetry that is both beautiful and thought-provoking. Dmitry Venevitinov's poems are a true work of art, and I can't wait to delve into his work again in the future.

Book Description:
Разносторонне талантливый Веневитинов умер в 21 год от пневмонии. «Душа разрывается,— писал князь Одоевский,— я плачу как ребенок». Пушкин пенял его друзьям: «Как вы допу­стили его умереть?»

Его небольшое, но драгоценное наследие в виде стихов, прозы, пьесы, критики поместилось в один том. В этот проект включены только стихи.

The source book presents the complete works, including prose, drama, and literary criticism of Venevitinov, who died of pneumonia at an age of 21. The best minds grieved passing of a youth of such exceptionally promising gifts. Only his poetry is targeted in this project.

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