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Pikku haltijoita   By: (1811-1896)

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In "Pikku haltijoita" Harriet Beecher Stowe weaves a magical and heartwarming tale about a group of small fairies living in the forest. The story follows the adventures of these enchanting creatures as they navigate their world and interact with the diverse array of animals that call the forest home.

Stowe's writing is rich and descriptive, allowing the reader to vividly imagine the lush beauty of the forest and the whimsical nature of the fairies. The characters are endearing and each possesses their own unique personality, making them easy to connect with and root for throughout the story.

The themes of friendship, courage, and the importance of protecting the environment are expertly woven into the narrative, making it not only an entertaining read but also a thought-provoking one. Overall, "Pikku haltijoita" is a charming and delightful book that will capture the hearts of readers of all ages.

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

Englannin kielestä suomeksi Saimi Järnefelt

Werner Söderström, Porvoo, 1900.


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Maton tuhotyöt.


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