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Ironia Pozorów   By:

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"Ironia Pozorów" by Maciej hr. Łubieński is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human relationships and the masks we wear in society. The author skillfully weaves together multiple storylines, each shedding light on different facets of the characters' lives and the facade they present to the world.

The characters in the novel are richly developed and multidimensional, making them relatable and compelling. The exploration of themes such as identity, authenticity, and disillusionment adds depth to the narrative and prompts readers to reflect on their own lives and relationships.

Łubieński's writing style is elegant and evocative, drawing readers into the world of the characters and keeping them engaged from start to finish. The intricate plot twists and turns keep the reader guessing, while the poignant moments of introspection offer moments of profound insight.

Overall, "Ironia Pozorów" is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of human nature and the masks we wear in our daily lives. It is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that will stay with readers long after they have turned the final page.

First Page:

Etext produced by Michalina Makowska, Szczecin, Poland, Eve Sobol, South Bend, IN, USA, and Julia Jezierska, Stawiszyn, Poland.

Title: "Ironia Pozorów"

Author: Maciej hr. £ubieñski



Leniwo, sennie pierzcha³y mg³y przezrocze, tul±ce siê dot±d w niemej pieszczocie do ¶cian wielkiego grodu i wodnej, p³yn±cej u stóp jego fali.

Wreszcie znik³y...

Na wzgórzu ukaza³o siê miasto. Z wysoka, iglicami katedry, licznymi gmachami i z¿ó³k³± zieleni± ogrodów przejrza³o siê dumnie w nurtach szarych rzeki, a po szybach okien domów jego zamigota³ równocze¶nie pierwszy bladawy promyk chmurnego jesiennego ¶witu.

Na poddaszach krytego ceg³± staromiejskiego domku nieprzes³oniête niczem okno jedno za¶mia³o siê weselej od innych do matowego porannego ¶wiat³a. Ciekawie do wnêtrza facyatki w¶lizn±³ siê brzask smêtny.

W pokoiku, o paru najniezbêdniejszych tylko sprzêtach, na razie nie by³o nikogo.

Po¶ciel nienaruszona bieli³a siê do¶æ schludnie, wszystko woko³o za¶ wskazywa³o wyra¼nie, i¿ w³a¶ciciela siedziby tej od wczoraj ju¿ nie by³o, puls bowiem kie³kuj±cej tu jakiego¶ jednego ¿ycia, zastyg³y w panuj±cym wszêdzie nieporz±dku, wyra¼nie oczekiwaæ siê zdawa³ cierpliwie na swego pana i w³adcê... Continue reading book >>

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