Canadian Wonder Tales by Cyrus Macmillan is a delightful collection of folk tales from Canada that will capture the imagination of readers of all ages. The stories are beautifully written and full of magical elements that transport readers to the enchanting world of Canadian folklore.
The characters in these tales are vividly drawn and each story is filled with adventure, humor, and moral lessons. From wise animals to mischievous spirits, Canadian Wonder Tales showcases the diverse and rich cultural heritage of Canada.
Macmillan's writing is engaging and captivating, making it easy for readers to get lost in the stories. The book is a perfect read for those who love fairy tales and folklore, as well as for those who are interested in learning more about Canadian culture and history.
Overall, Canadian Wonder Tales is a charming and delightful collection that will leave readers feeling enchanted and inspired. It is a must-read for anyone looking to experience the magic of Canada through its fascinating folk tales.
Book Description:
This is a collection of folk tales originating in Canada, some from aboriginal oral tradition and others due to early French, Scottish, Irish and British colonists. They are presented as “fables” though many are without obvious moral.